One of my biggest concerns and a reason that I am running is that too many of our current legislators seem to want to take away the power of the people of South Dakota to have their voices heard through ballot measures. If this is a concern for you as well please note:
Three pieces of legislation attacking the ballot measure process will be in the House State Affairs Committee tomorrow morning at 7:45 a.m.
HJR 1006 would mandate that proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot can only have one subject.
HJR 1007 would put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot to prohibit future constitutional amendments through citizen ballot measures.
HJR 1008 would mandate that the Legislature has to approve any changes to the Constitution passed by voters.
These pieces of legislation would severely limit the right of citizens to utilize the ballot measure process. This, along with several other bills, are part of a coordinated Republican attack the ballot measure process. Instead attacking the rights of citizens to make their voices heard, the Legislature should encourage citizens to engage in our electoral process and listen to the voice of the people when they speak through ballot measures [links added, because Facebook is an imperfect and less informative medium than blogs; Sheryl Johnson, campaign Facebook post, 2018.02.20].
Amen, sister! Johnson tackles lots of issues intelligently and conscientiously on her campaign Facebook page; I’m glad she includes our right to govern ourselves through ballot measures.
Given everything Republican legislators are trying to do to destroy initiative and referendum entirely at their own behest, without any apparent groundswell of popular support, smart candidates like Johnson can get voters to turn out in big numbers to turn these democracy-wreckers out in November, right?
Good luck to Sheryl Johnson. Where is she from?
Sioux Falls… but I don’t know prior!