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Initiative/Referendum Supporters Speak 10:30 a.m. Today in Sioux Falls

However the Republicans’ three initiative-wrecking amendments fare in House State Affairs this morning, a bunch of democracy defenders will hold a press conference in Sioux Falls afterward to discuss the threat the Republican Legislature poses to our right to vote. So says Don’t Silence Us, a project of the BiPartisan Dakotans PAC, in this press release:

Press Conference on SD Initiative and Referendum Rights

WHERE: Sioux Falls Public Library, Meeting Room A
WHEN: Wednesday, February 21, 2018.
TIME: 10:30 am

Our rights as voters in South Dakota are under attack. Join members of statewide organizations as they point out how our legislature is reining in our ability to put measures on the ballot and what people can do about it.

This is a volunteer press conference that is not sponsored by any ballot committee or political action committee. For background and information go to presented by Bipartisan Dakotans Political Action Committee.

Among the organizations and concerned South Dakotans who will be speaking:

  • Chiesman Center for Democracy
  • Dakota Rural Action
  • Darrell Solberg
  • Take It Back
  • South Dakota Farmers Union
  • The South Dakota Democratic Party [Don’t Silence Us, press release, 2018.02.20]

The press release doesn’t specify, but I assume to public library in question is the downtown branch.


  1. leslie

    The Republican three-legged stool to maintain power:
    1. Restricting the middle and lower class vote in every way possible way (including Rapid City gerrymandering and diluting initiative/referendum right of citizens of the state) and destroying the social safety net so Billionaires won’t have to pay their share of taxes.
    2. Obstruct Pres Obama’s every action as President of the United States for eight years (including illegal constitutional violation preventing hearing Obama’s Supreme Court Appointment after Scalia died) and afterward continue to blame Obama for everything.
    3. Created and expanding conservative “Enquirer” type press institution that spins lies 24/7/365 worldwide (likely including treason by Trump, collusion, obstruction of justice, and computer and vote hacking.

    The stools legs are “screw” on replaceable to keep the rest of us guessing and confused.

  2. leslie

    The TREMENDOUS, INCAPACITATING cost of unravelling Republican bullsheit such as the above, year after year is exemplified here today by the list of resistors Cory provides, and this cost produces a chilling effect on the protection of everyone of us.

    GOP MOTTO: “Limited government BUT unlimited assault weapons, ammunition and legal protection of arms manufactures AND WHITE PEOPLE.”

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