The Senate is scheduled to waste its opening minutes today debating Al Novstrup’s “Root-Root for Israel!” resolution (SCR 7) and Neal Tapio’s aggressive-passive “Root Cause of Terror” resolution (SCR 13). I say aggressive-passive on the latter time-waster, since Tapio soaks his Whereases in blood and Islamophobia, only to mushmouth his Resolved with a feeble call to the feds to “identify the root cause of the global war on terrorism” without explicitly saying, “The root cause of terrorism is ____.”
If Senators feel like giving Tapio any more attention than his annual five minutes of crocodile tears and Führer fetish, they may find relevant an arrest last week in Willmar, Minnesota, where some scary locals certainly appeared to be loading up for terrorist activity. Willmar has figured prominently in the hate rallies Tapio has been stoking here in Aberdeen, with local bigots inviting yahoos to talk (counterfactually, of course) about refugees wrecking Willmar. So what Willmarians got busted last week for stocking up on drugs and weapons worthy of a serious terrorist attack?

A search warrant Tuesday led to five arrests and uncovered drugs, nearly four dozen firearms and suspected explosives, including items found in a concrete bunker in the basement.
The items seized from the rural Willmar home included submachine guns, homemade silencers, night vision goggles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
Arrested were Chad Lee Monson, 46, of Willmar, the resident of the property; Kayla Marae Lindstrand, 27, of Willmar; Thomas Walter Quimby, 41, of Willmar; Christine Ewelda Johnson, 37, of Cosmos, Minn.; and John Russell Jacobson, 45, of Lake Lillian, Minn.
…According to the criminal complaint, Monson had told someone that he had the addresses of a judge, a prosecutor and another attorney and intended to use explosives in or near their homes and vehicles.
The five people arrested face a variety of felony and misdemeanor drug and weapons charges [Linda Vanderwerf, “Drugs, Homemade Silencers and a Grenade Launcher Found in Rural Willmar Home; Five Arrested,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, 2018.02.03].
According to his public Facebook postings, Thomas Quimby of Willmar is a pro-Trump Alex Jones believer who promotes White Pride:

![Thomas Quimby, Facebook, 2018.02.04 [vulgarity censored]](

Quimby also considers anti-refugee bigotry courageous:

Addressing his arrest last week, Quimby posts his charges and vehemently denies any involvement in “what the f— they were really there for”:

Excavating business owner Chad Monson digs far fewer holes on his Facebook page, sticking with mostly fun Minions posts:

Christine Ewelda Johnson was just in the papers last November for arrests for fifth-degree drug possession and second-degree DWI refusal-to-test. Her Facebook page doesn’t make clear whether she’d be an anti-refugee Tapio supporter; her profile picture just shows a doormat reading, “Come Back with a Warrant.”

I’ll remind you that when one Muslim guy made a Facebook video outside an anti-Muslim rally in Sioux Falls last April, displayed his firearms, and told white Christians to be afraid, he got charged with terrorism. Monson allegedly made a far more explicit threat to use explosives against a judge, a prosecutor, and another lawyer, and his charges do not yet include any terrorism.
If the South Dakota Senate really feels the need to speak on the global war on terror this afternoon, perhaps they should include in their debate a discussion of the closest thing to violent terrorists arrested near South Dakota so far this year—five grouchy white folks who sound a lot like the “deplorables” Neal Tapio says he will defend.
Update 11:57 CST: Neal Tapio says in a campaign press release that anyone who opposes his resolution is “an enemy of the state.”
Yes Neal Tapio, why aren’t you speaking out about these white Minnesota terrorists? What horrible horrible people.
These kind would definitely support Neal Tapio and the GOP dominant SD Legislature. They should move to SD when they get out of prison.
These are the deplorables Neal Tapio is fighting for.
Better yet, how about we just move Neal to Minnesota?
… and when he moves there, maybe he can deliver dictionaries and style manuals.
Quimby lies when he says pot doesn’t cause your brain to bleed or your ears or mouth. He apparently doesn’t remember when cops and construction workers, at Nixon’s behest, beat the crap out of hippies, blacks and college students/draft dodgers back in the day.
Someone made a political type cartoon showing kids with their bloody heads with a caption that said something like, who says smoking marijuana doesn’t lead to violence.
Haha wow. I appreciate the laugh. I have been in a semi-professional or professional setting for so long that I forget how openly and violently stupid some people are on the internet. How scary is this: these folks are “average” voters. People like this are just as “American” as you and me. These ideas are the ones we protect when we defend the first amendment. These are the lives we defend when our nation is at war. I do my best to see the light in everyone, but some folks are so friggin’ dim they serve as painful reminders that not everyone in this country strives for an educated, progressive, and rational populace. Some people just enjoy being pieces of crap.
On a side note, in response to one of the facebook posts above with the “proud to be white” comment: Why are people proud of things that they had no choice or input in? I don’t mind being caucasian, but I don’t consider myself “proud.” Obviously, I have never been anything other than caucasian, but why would somebody be “proud” to be their race, gender, or any other factor over which they had no control? It seems like being proud to be a human, or proud to have been born on earth, or something like that. Seems dumb. You can be happy about these things, or disappointed about them, or indifferent, but proud? Why? How?
Also, Tapio has the brains of a houseplant. Is he really asking what the “root cause of the global war on terrorism” is? Or did he draft his resolution poorly while attempting to ask what the “root cause of global terrorism” is? I am asking this honestly – does he want to know what the cause is for the war, or for the terrorism? I mean, he’s stupid, sure – but is he so stupid that he doesn’t know the “root cause” of the war on terrorism is attempting to end terrorism? Or does he mean, “Hey American, why are you attempting to end terrorism?”
What a disappointment of a legislator. What an absolute idiot.
“Proud to be ………” came about as a direct result of racism. When whites disparage and say hateful things about a minority their response is to be proud of their race.
The deplorables that use “Proud to be White” use it in an attempt at reverse discrimination.
“Murders by White Supremacists more than doubled in 2017” Huffington Post
“And right wing extremists killed more than twice as many people as Islamist extremists” Huffington Post.
Tapio and Trump have their sights set on the wrong group of extremists.
This morning right before Trump took his ‘executive time’ he held a wasteful law and order round table on MS-13, Trump should be holding a round table on those neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other domestic violence organizations.
But of course he won’t, he’s too busy “loving another government shutdown”.
I don’t think I understand what reverse discrimination is. The google says it is “the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously” but that doesn’t appear to fit the context of Roger’s comment.
It seems more like Roger is suggesting that mean white people use “Proud to be White” as a mean-spirited and ironic twist to the “Proud to be (minority)” response, but again, I’m not sure.
Is a person who is “Proud to be White” being racist by advertising that pride? Although I think people are silly because I don’t understand pride regarding non-accomplishments, does being excited about your unchangeable characteristics create a form of racism or sexism or some-other-ism…?
Crapio is following the Trump playbook. Demagogue, divide and distract. We’ll see if SD voters can be buffaloed in a congressional primary like voters in so many states were in the presidential primaries. I think he’ll have a harder time than Trump because Crapio isn’t a celebrity, he’s not as practiced a prevaricator, and the pushback he gets will be from local opinion leaders we all know.
Ryan, there are a good many times I am ashamed to be an American male when you see how hard wingnuts work at making women and minorities second class citizens.
Then there is the mangled apricot in the WH who makes a majority of Americans cringe in disgust with his actions and executive orders. He does not represent me or most Americans, I’m thinking, just the well off.
waiting for the far right to say these people are Democrats
Tapio, the Trump mini-me. Tin foil hat territory. It’s just a big ole shame that it seems the tin foil hat stores are running out of supplies lately.
Somebody’s campaign for 2020 just released a video calling Democrats treasonous for not applauding the 4 year old in the WH. That should give aid and comfort to white terrorists in America. Drumpf also is looking forward to shutting down the government over immigration. Uniter? Only whitey wingnuts. No wonder they feel so emboldened.
Stace Nelson wants us all in a 3%er SD militia, eh? this is where gun nuts and “free speecher” nuts with-open carry AR15 assault rifles are taking us.
Santa Barbara mass murderer was the first of the ‘alt-right killers’
“concealed carry in the capitol” nuts and “return public land to state goverments where Sheriff is supreme” nuts are alive and well in SD. Liz May is one. Who are these guys hide behind Mt. Rushmore patriotism on their SD website.
Governor Daugaard wanted to take Spearfish Canyon National forest land and turn it into a state run park. Ahhh the solitude (of terror). Cliven Bundy would love Dennis.
Once we realize that BOTH Dakotas (and particularly Wyoming, Montana and Idaho) are for suckers, it will be all good.
The problem is NOT geographical – just ideological.
Allow one’s distaste for social and economic folly to lead towards eventual wisdom.
Mr. Adam, good luck with that.
Seriously, I have only met a few of Dakotans who have an IQ or an EQ at an embraceable quotient.
Cory is one of those guys who made the cut – and, of course, we know that women are nothing in South Dakota – ; so, go ahead and guess who’s my second favorites are.
Ryan, I agree with the point you make that pride in something over which we have no control seems silly. But Roger makes clear how minority racial pride isn’t really a celebration of genetics but a response to racism. For centuries, the oppressor class has scorned blacks, Indians, Chinese, etc. for something over which those minorities have no control (as silly as taking pride in innate characteristics). The racial-pride responses from the oppressed classes aren’t really saying, “I’m proud of my genetics!” but are countering the racist message and saying, “I don’t have to be ashamed of my genetics. I don’t have to take a back seat [literally!] because of my genetics.”
Viewed in that light, “White Pride” thus becomes absurd. “White Pride” is the peevish response of white racists losing their oppressor privilege.
Thus, in our cultural context, a white man shouting “White Pride!” is immoral while a black man shouting “Black Pride!” is not.
And these white defendants in Willmar appear to pose a far greater threat to our immediate public safety than the objects of Tapio’s sick fascist fantasies.
Also more deadly than Muslim refugees in South Dakota: the flu, which has killed 15 South Dakotans so far this season.
Seriously, I have never read a post that includes a critique of other people’s intelligence that does not also contain typographical or grammatical errors.
Those kinds of posts are my favorite. I’ll bet you can’t guess who is my second favorites are.
Cory –
I sure hate to see different rules for one race compared to another, but I won’t drag us down that road right now. I am here just to offer some sarcasm: maybe the phrases should be “Black Contentment” or “Native Contentment” or something like that. Let’s encourage the use of appropriate and specific language in our cultural movements!
I hate to see different rules for different races, too, Ryan. That’s exactly what America’s minorities are saying when they shout their racial-pride slogans. But those different rules are exactly what Trumpists like Thomas Quimby want to preserve when they shout oppressor-class pride.
Delving into your tongue-in-cheekery, I’d suggest that “Contentment” is the wrong branding. Any replacement term for “Pride” must still carry the core sense of “Resistance”.
New findings say ancient Britons were dark skinned, blue eyed with curly hair. Curly hair aside, doesn’t sound like a match for the Queen or many other Brits. I’m guessing you won’t hear much white pride from average Brits.
There ought to be a word for “I’m satisfied with my situation despite your crappy opinions of it.” I bet there’s a German or Japanese word like that; they have words for all the good emotions.
Wingnut running unopposed for Illinois statehouse is a Holocaust denier. Can you say hater, because I can?
It is truly entertaining to watch a clearly white guy stumble around trying to figure out what pride and racism are – almost like he ain’t never lived in America.
Round these parts, racism is still SO CONFUSING to so many people that they should probably just give up trying to understand it. My patience has worn too thin on basic concepts like “why and how a minority should resist against racism” and “why and how a government should exist.”
Thank God somebody still has the patience to break it down for silly people.
Adam’s IQ must be off the charts – he done talked hisself too far above my head with his college words. I ain’t never needed a translator for English before, shucks.
One of the greatest tragedies of this country is that from its conception there have been different rules and different laws for not only groups of people, but for society in general.
It is shameful that a country that hails itself as a freedom loving group of citizens has to have different rules and laws.
In the beginning laws had to be passed to make slavery illegal. Later, in response, to Jim Crowe laws we had to pass a Civil Rights Bill and a Voting Rights Act as well as ongoing legislation respecting the rights of women. Today many minorities are still fighting residual affects of Jim Crowe laws. The LGBTE community still doesn’t have all the rights guaranteed them by the U.S. Constitution and worse yet states like South Dakota want to take away the rights they do have.
For me it is it ‘Native American Pride’ or ‘Indian Pride, that is my response to people that hate me just because I am an Indian. If it ruffles someone’s feathers, so be it.
Trump has opened up so many racial wounds and scars that women, minorities, LGBTE groups must show their resistance to this hateful man anyway they can, even if it just a T-Shirt.
Might I suggest you read my comment on 2018-02-06 at 15:17 where I talk about the murders committed by the now Trump emboldened White supremacist like the KKK and neo-Nazi’s and a president and congressional candidate Tapio refuse to condemn.
Muslims, minorities, gay and the transgender community are all in the sights of AR-15 hate groups.
Roger C –
I read your comment when it was new and I re-read it now. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying or asking. I agree that our country has a lot bigger problem with stupid local people than it does with religious-war-mongering foreigners. I agree that Trump and Tapio appear to have their priorities about as messed up as possible. I do not believe that a person’s religious affiliation should have any impact on his or her rights. I do not believe that a person’s race should have any impact on his or her rights. I do not believe a person’s gender should have any impact on “HizzerHer” rights (this is the new all-gender-inclusive-yet-still-singular word I invented right now).
I was merely asking why a person would be “proud” of something they had no input in or had any effect on. I am probably not being fair in my question, I get that. Adam attempted to call me on it, but I balked. I think the truth is people who go through difficult things together (or if their ancestors went through difficult things) often form special bonds, and have special emotions about the difficult thing they went through. I understand that when somebody says they have “Black Pride” or “Native Pride” that the word is probably being used with an alternate definition that I likely will never know personally because I am what Adam would call a “clearly white guy.”
I think it’s great that people who are part of a group that has survived an atrocity are able to enjoy a special bond of survivorship, community, strength, and perseverance. I get sidetracked easily, apparently.
A large number of white racist types are claiming there is no such thing as races or race, therefore, racism cannot exist………wait for it…..but whites are superior. because.
A friend sent this to me today. I have a sneaking suspicion he might be one of Willmar’s white male Christian terrorists. Read it yourself and see what you think.
Rocket man skis off his Minnesota home’s roof, slams into fence, swears a mean streak
PUBLISHED: February 6, 2018 at 5:24 pm | UPDATED: February 6, 2018 at 10:44 pm
WILLMAR, Minn. — A 40-year-old man is recovering this week after being injured after attempting to jump a homemade rocket bike off of his house roof in Willmar, in west-central Minnesota.
According to a police report, the rocket bike consisted of a pair of skis, a bicycle frame and motorcycle exhaust pipe and was being fueled with Heet, an antifreeze product.
The unidentified man fell approximately 13 feet and apparently hit a fence in the yard during the plunge.
When rescue personnel arrived in the Friday incident, he was on his back on a sled, pushing himself around on the driveway with his feet. He was reportedly swearing and yelling about the pain, according to the report.
Perhaps a better question, Ryan, might be, “why not be proud of something you have no control over”?
Recognizing that pride can often be a dangerous thing doesn’t preempt people for having pride in all sorts of things besides their culture or religion.
People are proud of their families. They are proud of their homes and cars and having the best electronics and other junk that money can buy.
Young Native Americans have to have Indian pride to show that they are not ashamed of who they are. I come from a generation that was on the heels of Jim Crowe laws when whites tried to instill shame on Indians and thus treated us as second-class citizens.
I’m not only proud to be an Indian I’m proud of my tribal affiliations. Tribal cultures have much to offer the world just as my white side of the world where I also come from, has too much good to piss it away because of Tapio’s and Trump’s.
Debbo, that’s hilarious.
mfi, I’ve heard the claims that we are all one race, but oddly none of those making such claims can explain why there is such a long history of racial hatred and inequality.
The same is true of those that deny white privilege is a fact.
I’m always suspect of people that say, “I’m not a racist” or as dear leader says, “I’m the least racist person ever”.
“I’m not a racist”, we’re all one race, or there is no such thing as white privilege usually unmask a racist.
We are all out of Africa, but we have adapted to our environments and changed skin color as we spread across the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, Central Asia, and the rest of the planet. That’s the scientific research, and it’s my opinion too. I know it makes some people uncomfortable, but so be it.
Why don’t conservatives want to round up every Russian and send them back where they came from? I mean ALL of them. If there is one Russian still enjoying our American way of life, maybe that would be one too many.
Trump proposed a Grand Millitary Parade yesterday – to display American pride. Conservatives don’t seem so confused about pride in these regards, but gosh, bring up the idea of being proud of who you are and suddenly people like Ryan don’t understand pride.
And perennial war, as always, is about tribalism, territory and resources. In my opinion, the very movement of people for territory and resources brings about the tribalism and xenophobia, which leads to what we have now in America in our modern day, and our president demanding military parades and exhibits of self-aggrandizement masquerading as national pride.
Again, I struggle to follow Adam’s train of thought, but if somebody is suggesting I am a conservative they are incorrect. As for Trump’s non-stop and ridiculous charade of phony patriotism, I think it is just as silly to be “Proud to be an American” as it is to be “Proud to have the skin color I was born with.” It seems to me that the people born in the U.S. have nothing to be proud about – they just happened to be born to parents who lived here. People who seek out America from wherever they were born and are trying to leave, and must put in some effort into being an American, have more to be proud of than people like me who did nothing whatsoever to be an American. But again, I think I am being misunderstood.
I don’t think it is silly to look at the accomplishments of your ancestors with pride, but that is being proud of them for their actions. I don’t think it is silly to view your own accomplishments with pride, because again, you are proud of what you have actually done or are working toward. I do think it is silly for a white person to be “proud” of being born into a white family. I think it is silly to be “proud” of being born within certain imaginary lines, like the borders of a county. I think it is silly to be “proud” of whichever religion happens to be most trendy in the community in which you were born.
I don’t think it is silly to be “proud” of the achievements of folks who overcame adversity, but I think it is silly to adopt their achievements as your own because you share some characteristic with them that was neither chosen by you nor by them. If somebody is currently struggling with something and they are proud of their persistence despite the adversity, that’s great, but it seems to me more like they are proud of their persistence, or their success in spite of adversity, not proud of the trait that caused the adversity.
I think it might be obvious that I am alone in my thinking. That’s OK with me. I don’t care what race, gender, or religion somebody is, if they say or do dumb things, I think they should be called out for it. People like Neal Tapio and Donald Trump get to where they are in life because not enough people have told them to sit down and shut up. If more of us called out stupidity when we see it, stupid people wouldn’t be able to climb so high up the ladder to pee on the rest of us.
Yeah, why should gay folks be proud of who they are when being gay is not an achievement. Right, Ryan?
Leave it to the morally and cognitively handicapped to fain misunderstanding when it’s really just a feeble attempt at being coy. Ryan is most definitely not alone.
Ryan makes some excellent points. I share the wonderment that some people believe they are superior to others based on an accident of birth. Why aren’t they just as proud to be born into the “human” family? That would make just as much sense.
Demeaning someone just because he was born in Juarez, Mexico instead of El Paso, Texas seems as absurd as demeaning someone because he was born in Beulah, Wyoming, instead of Spearfish, SD. It reminds me of the childish behaviors of high school bullies.
As for gay pride, isn’t a matter of being proud that you are not hiding your innate identity rather than being proud of that innate characteristic (i.e., being born gay).
bcb answered for me regarding the gay pride question. Being your true self openly, in a situation where being yourself is difficult, is pride-worthy. Being attracted to one gender or another, in itself, isn’t pride-worthy. In my opinion, of course.
Ryan, as BCB makes clear, you’re not alone in your thinking. Many of us share your desire for a world in which people are not judged or restricted from opportunities by race, sex, or sexual orientation.
I’ll even agree with your last statement, that whom one wishes to boink is not, in itself, prideworthy. I like ladies. I always have. That impulse warrants neither pride nor shame (but it does warrant moral restraint). Ditto if I liked dudes.
But as you grok from BCB, while homosexuality in itself is not a point of pride, accepting and expressing one’s homosexuality or any other part of one’s identity that others wrongfully deem cause for oppression is a point of pride.
As we said above, “Pride” in X is really Resistance to anti-X.
It is safe to say that the Gay Pride movement came about for the same reason racial pride has come about.
After years of shame, ridicule, and oppression the LGBTE community have finally found their voice and support for their chosen lifestyle. It is also the tool they use to fight for the equal rights and recognition denied them for centuries.
I lend my support for all groups of people that have suffered societal and government oppression.
Indian Pride, Black Pride, or whatever, doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the movement that the Trump/Tapio has set afire to with their attempts to make their hate into pride as demonstrated by groups that display their White Pride.
In the overall scheme of the Universe, none of us, no matter what we think of ourselves, is all that.
We need to get over ourselves and leave others alone in as far as they want to be left alone. They do not need me to adopt their cause to make myself feel good about me. I am what I am and so are you.
Although cryptic, I think I agree with mike from iowa.
Face it, folks, shame (via social pressure) is the ONLY human emotion that ever got anyone to re-evaluate their views. It’s THE thing that gets people into counseling, even when they think they’re morally correct to beat their wife ‘because she asked for it.’
As long as all the total idiot jack-wagons want to step off the farms, ranches and out of their abandoned factory towns to impact my life by voting for incompetent lies like:
1.) Obama has no birth certificate
2.) Mexico will pay for the wall
3.) The Clinton Pedophile Murder Crime ring
4.) Putin might not be such a bad guy
– I will be denigrating their intelligence and basic moral values – until they grow a brain, as, once again, shame is the absolute only thing in this whole world that ever got anyone to re-evaluate their views, even for one moment.
Trumptards click on everything they wish to be true, in their darkest of hearts. We all owe it to our country, and also to the Trumptards, to make it clear that Trumptards are the stupidest and most dishonest people who ever set foot in a U.S. voting booth.
There are not many ways for political progress in America until suburban conservatives begin to divorce themselves from rural culture.
The term Trumptard needs to get traction at the water cooler. It does not disparage the handicapped, only conservatives with cognitive and moral disabilities. I see a lot of name calling in our future.
You ain’t going to shame Drumpf. Can’t be done. He,alone, is blameless, faultless, perfect and smarter than anyone else. There is no conceit in his family- he has it all. Mostly, he pays no attention in public to criticisms. Once he gets back to the sekret Drumpf cave he hits back on Twitter in rapid fire fashion.
Of course, Mike. Trump isn’t so much of a longer term threat to America compared to the degrading mindset and culture of approx. 35% of the American (his) people.
His people are the ones who need the heaviest shame thrusted upon them – or they will keep clicking on the things they wish to be true in their darkest of hearts.
If we got rid of Trump tomorrow, the culture and incompetence of his base remains, and Trump v.2 and 3 are on deck for their shot to commandeer the GOP and this wreck this country to an even greater extent.
Quimby had one pound of meth in his bus. That’s why he cooperated with authorities.. I have it all on audio. And then he robbed my home.. he had recently admitted to authorities he did.. including taking a 53 ft semi trailer. That has been recovered also..