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Women March in Sioux Falls Saturday January 20

Look at the bright side: after a full year of Trumpism, his VP hasn’t forced women into Handmaid’s Tale wimples. Many South Dakota women and folks who like women plan continue their resistance to the angry patriarchy with an anniversary Women’s March in Sioux Falls on Saturday, January 20:
Women's March Sioux Falls 2018

Marchers will take the street at Carnegie Town Hall downtown at 10 a.m. Organizers will hold a pre-march gathering at EmBe at 300 West 11th, starting at 8 a.m., with (perhaps most importantly) voter registration forms for those of you who haven’t yet translated your activism into voting.

3,300 protestors took to Sioux Falls streets last year to protest the advent of the Misogynist Presidency.


  1. Kelly

    She persisted

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