Marty Jackley campaigned for governor in Aberdeen this morning. Addressing about three dozen area residents and a handful of local press, Jackley spent about thirteen…
Day: January 4, 2018
Rep. Steven Haugaard (R-10/Sioux Falls) claimed this morning that the state could save money if the Board of Regents quit paying for condoms and remedial…
When Marty Jackley wants to talk up his leadership skills, whom does he cite? Not the Republican spin blog… Not to pick on Cory, but…
The Legislature’s State-Tribal Relations Committee was going to meet today at Sinte Gleska University in Mission to tour the Todd County Middle School, take public testimony,…
The 2017 Legislature held a whole special session to deal with nonmeandered waters (Rep. Kevin Jensen appears to call them “rogue lakes“—sounds like a job…
In a mostly fluffy WNAX interview, Speaker G. Mark Mickelson (R-13/Sioux Falls) suggests the only problem children in his caucus are legislators who don’t do…
I’ve been e-mail back-and-forthing with a Libertarian who contends taxation is immoral coercion and that we can secure all the liberty we need through free-market…
South Dakota Secretary of State Shantel Krebs had her Kansas counterpart Kris Kobach come endorse and raise money for her in December in an attempt…
Two statewide candidates are visiting Aberdeen in the next few days. The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce is hosting gubernatorial candidate Marty Jackley this morning at…