Last updated on 2017-07-07
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A few links related to the wide range of topics District 22 Democrats and I discussed over lunch today:
- My evidence and explanations of Kristi Noem’s bushwah on health care at her Rapid City town hall.
- Secretary of State Shantel Krebs’s response to the Trump/Kobach election fraud commission’s overreaching data request.
- From March: Thune, Rounds, and Noem voting for big telecom profits over our data privacy.
- President Ronald Reagan’s quote about immigration, 1981: “Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands.”
- Aziz Ansari, Master of None, on religion and bacon.
- My Tuesday post on Speaker Mickelson’s dark money ballot initiative.
- DFP poll showing strong reader support for single-payer health coverage.
- The May 2017 HHS report from which Noem pulls her line that ACA premiums are up 124% and the Washington Post fact check explaining that that HHS report ignores the premium tax credits that result in lower net premiums for lots of policyholders.
- Vanessa Garcia, “Cuba, U.S. Better Off if Their Doors Stay Open,” Miami Herald, 2017.06.14.
- Single-payer saves lives and saves money.
- That chart I mentioned saying premiums would be 30% to 50% higher without the ACA.
And don’t forget: keep this podcast humming by sharing it with your friends and supporting it by ringing the Dakota Free Press Tip Jar!
A Heidelberger speech can make a snowdrift burst into flames. Great people in Huron. Great podcast. Thanks, Cory.
Thanks, Porter! I’m glad you liked the audio. Enthusiasm is how I stay warm in winter. :-D
This was the second time the District 22 Democratic Forum in Huron was fortunate enough to have Cory speak at our noon luncheon. He spoke to a full room and left no questions unanswered. Cory has the ability to see the big picture and to easily break it down for everyone to understand. Well done!