But hey, lest anyone accuse me of being too hard on Al Novstrup, let me give him some equal time. Here, without commentary or redaction, is the District 3 Senator’s most recent Facebook update:
And Novstrup’s three most recent posts from Twitter:
If readers know of other social media channels Senator Novstrup uses to reach out to constituents, do let me know, and I’ll add those updates here to help our Senator keep District 3 informed.
It is difficult to imagine what being “too hard” on Weird Al would consist of. He makes himself hard to parody.
This may not really be pertinent to the discussion but does Novstrup remind anyone else of Ben Stiller as Jack in Tropic Thunder, or maybe Buster Brown? There is just something odd about bangs on a grown man.
Jon, while I resist hairstyle critiques, I will concede that Al has better hair than I… and more. ;-)
His “less is more” approach appears to to work for him fairly consistently. When is the last time he lost an election?
He’s won 8 straight votes. Either that approach works, or an R and business ties override.
Well, the R might help, since the majority of people in the Aberdeen area are Republicans. Business ties? More likely it is community ties; he has lived, worked, and invested in the community since the 80’s. Makes it tough for the new kid in town, who may or may not be seen as carpetbagger, with nowhere near the community ties.
On the plus side to the Novstrup less is more approach, he certainly does not stick his foot in his mouth nearly as much as President Trump.