Get your tickets now for McGovern Day, the South Dakota Democrats annual fundraising dinner, in Sioux Falls. This year’s dinner speaker is our new national party deputy chairman, Congressman Keith Ellison from Minneapolis.
Ellison will speak to Dems to cap a full day of party activities on Saturday, April 29, at the Best Western Ramkota, right off I-29 at the Russell Street exit. Here’s the McGovern Day schedule:
- SDDP Awards Luncheon – 12:00 PM
- #DemResist Activists Panel – 2:00 PM
- Caucuses of College Democrats, High School Democrats, & SD Young Democrats – 4:00 PM
- VIP/Founders Club/Builders Club Reception – 6 PM
- McGovern Day Dinner – 7 PM
$100 gets you in to the evening meal and Ellison’s speech. $250 gets you in to the VIP reception before dinner. The awards luncheon is $35. Students and fixed income attendees can contact the SDDP office for discount tickets at $65.
I’m surprised SDs letting him cross the state line since he’s a Muslim.
I hope all of his paperwork is in order. Will there be a registry by then?
The anti-semitic, amphibious Keith Ellison…great pick Dems!
Represent South Dakota is planning events across the state on the 100th day of the Trump presidency which happens to be April 29. That’s where I will be.
Rather give the money to TYT or Justice Democrats…..true progressives!
And with rednecks like Ryan Deplorable creeping around, I’ll have to caution Rep Ellison to be careful while he’s in SD.
Amphibious? Calling Ellison a frog? That’s a new one on me.
Notice that Ryan doesn’t give a hoot about minority rights until he can find one that supports his Trumpy trolling.
Heidelburger, yes amphibious, one who is suited for adapting to environments when it is beneficial to them, usually a slimy creature. If you cared as much about minority rights as you proclaim you wouldn’t be promoting Ellison on your forum.
Since Deplorable is scared to use his real name, it is probably safe to say that he is anti-Semitic. Most republicans are, you know.
Roger, go take your meds. Your senility is acting up again.
Can we get some facts to back up Roger’s claims. The accusations without sources is out of control. Take control of your forum Heidelburger.
Good for South Dakota Dems and frankly, for all South Dakotan’s. Representative Keith Ellison brings to our table something that has been lacking for some time and that is drive. Republicans, like some here, are busy wetting themselves knowing that their corruption and hate will be exposed to outsiders in the mainstream. Daniel, while you can claim that some need senility meds, you and Ryan need to stock up on Depends, you boys are gonna need them.
Even with my advanced senility (it isn’t fun Daniel) I’m far more intelligent than you and deplorable combined.
Ryan, there are not facts to back up that you are anti-Semitic since you can’t even prove who you are. Quite frankly if I were deplorable I wouldn’t expose myself either.
Representative Ellison is highly respected in Washington, D.C. by Democrats and many republicans.
Drive. I once had it explained to me that one of the biggest reasons Republicans tend to have stronger candidates is in how each party views “public service.” Democrats who lean toward public service tend to get jobs that aligns to that pull: teaching, social work . . .; Republicans who lean toward public service run for public office to fulfill that pull. As such, many good Democratic public servants are drawn away from running for office while Republicans are drawn toward it.
The larger hurdle I see for the next election is to have voters make the distinction between campaigning and governing: especially since there will be an actual record to look at. I will guess that bombastic campaigning will take center stage over accomplishment.
Rep Ellison is very popular in his Minneapolis district. He’s not one of the Hillary soldiers and that is what is needed to break up the DNC insider clique.
He’s different by being the first Muslim representative in DC and thus brings fear to most South Dakotans.
If there was anything wormy about Ellison, trust me, the MPR watch dogs would have found it years ago.
I heard him speak at MLK day in St. Paul a couple years ago. He is a good speaker.
Roger, you didn’t accuse me of being an anti-semite, you accused “most republicans”, surely you have data to back up that statement. Don’t run from your own words. This is what is most frustrating about the liberals and their friends in the mainstream media. They continue to run in circles making claim after claim and slandering the President and conservative values without any evidence. What the hell would I need Depends for? The Dems are paying for an anti-semite to come “lead” them, very contradicting. “Trump and republicans are anti-semites!…*hires Keith Ellison, known anti-semite*” wake up!
Working alongside Tom Perez (backed by Hillary) is what’s needed to break up the DNC insider clique? If he had any spine he would’ve declined that position on the spot. Just another bureaucrat playing the game.
Mr. Dependable, you will keep needing the depends to take care of your pants wetting as if you did not know what you use them for. Yes, Roger is correct regarding republicans and their views of Jews. That rapture thingy is what makes the right want to make the case they are not anti Jewish. Your boy in Washington has not come out against all of the threats and desecration of the Jewish graves either, kind of gives you boys cover that way. Be that all as it may, it is a great day for South Dakota to have Representative Keith Ellison come visit!
This since 2014 http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-News/With-Cantor-departure-Republicans-have-no-Jews-in-Congress-356022
Kind of shows clearly that republicans will not support Jewish candidates for national office. The minute there is a Jewish voice in the republican tent, they get rid of it. Simple as that.
A few days ago it was reported that all 100 U.S. Senators sent a letter to Trump calling on him to provide extra security for the threatened Jewish Community Centers throughout the country, Trump has yet to respond to that request and thus shows how much the republican leader is concerned about American Jews.
Deplorable, you’ll have to excuse me for adopting the strategy of the alt-right in just saying any damn thing and hoping it sticks.
You started this discussion by asserting that Rep. Ellison is anti-Semitic without providing a shred of proof. That seem to fit the category of Fake News, deplorable.
True that Roger, what Mr. Dependable should note is that Bernie Sanders, a Jewish Senator, is the main backer of Representative Ellison.
jerry, my boy in Washington has made his stance clear about the Jewish community threats. He can’t help the fact that mother nature destroys head stones on occasion, and that leftist pundits (Juan M Thompson) go out of their way to threaten the Jewish community.
I think it’s clear which party is pro-Israel.
Like I said, one who changes environments when it benefits them, a slimy creature. Amphibious.
Deplorable- if yer whole case rested on this one flimsy article. you lose-BIGLY. That wasn’t much of an indictment of Ellison, more like a testament to his good character. Bwahahahahahahaha!
What South Dakotan are going to lose if they have someone like Keith E speaking? is it fear of change, fear of hearing a Black Man speaking with intellect ??. be open minded and listen you may learn something or at least you could have an opinion based on facts about what he is going to say.
Keith is an American, Black, African, and Muslim very diverse individual…
Mr. Dependable, I only have to look at congress and count the Jewish or the Muslim members. Lets see now….yep..none. The Democrats, on the other hand, have quite a number of what your party might call, dare I say it?, I dare, deplorable’s. Strap on another layer of Depends son, Representative Ellison is coming! Right here to South Dakota! Damn man, cool that.
Amphibians? Interesting choice from the party of slime. Chameleons change as well and do it dryly without having to brag about it. They do make cute commercials on tv-gotta give them that.
Actually Deplorable, you’d do better minding the white supremacists and outright racist whitey wingnuts in yer own party. You have yer hands full w/o worrying about some one else.
Trump voters equal Jewish haters, check them out Mr. Dependable http://www.salon.com/2017/03/10/trump-supporters-call-for-liberal-genocide-and-deportation-of-jews-at-arizona-rally_partner/
Trump voters now own racism, you trumpers now own anti-semitism, hell, you trumpers even own and condone the ending of Medicare and Social Security as we have known it. Great job now don’t let your Depends wrinkle on you.
jerry, did you just cite an article from a left-winged news outlet, that quoted a 13 year-old saying an anti-Semitic remark? That is hilarious. Maybe it’s the same 13 year old spelling “your” as “yer” a couple of comments above. The anti-Semitic accusations concerning Ellison have been around for a while, and you’re choosing to defend him because he is someone how your beacon of hope in the chaotic DNC. Not worth a $100 ticket.
It’s comical you’re all over Ellison for claiming to be antisemitic when your man Trump is the master for making derogatory statements and alienating women, muslims, blacks and the poor for decades.
The wave of Jewish discrimination and hate crimes is all b/c of Trump being elected and the rednecks getting fired up. That’s your party – own it.
You need to choose your battles more wisely, Ryan.
Do you grab women by the pussy also, Ryan?
I’m certain that the Republicans in SD would be thrilled to have Ellison speak in an open forum with the press in attendance. They’d probably buy his plane ticket. He’s going to be shuttered in a room with no media and only Dems in attendance while in SD. Why are SD democrats such racists and islamophobes? Are they ashamed to be seen in public or in the press with a black, muslim man?