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Kurt Evans Dumps Trump, Votes Castle

Donald Trump isn’t winning longtime Libertarian/Independent Kurt Evans. Our man Evans could have been on the ballot challenging Republican Senator John Thune (Hey! Constitutionists! Do your paperwork early next time!). He settles this Election Day for rejecting the false equivalency between Thune’s guy for President and my party’s gal:

As a traditional pro-liberty Christian, I’ve tried to listen with an open mind to those who say Christ wants me to vote for Donald Trump, but I’m not convinced.

The policies of the Clintons may decrease our happiness, but the words of Donald Trump are decreasing our goodness, and that’s even worse. Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party is a traditional pro-liberty Christian himself, and even a few hundred votes for him will send an important message to South Dakota’s other three political parties [Kurt Evans, letter to the editor, Mitchell Daily Republic, 2016.11.05].

Darrell Castle is a hiccup at best in the polls. Castle and Evans may not be able to win an election, but Evans always speaks from principle. That’s a darn sight more than we can say for John Thune.


  1. Nick Nemec 2016-11-08

    “Trump’s words are decreasing our goodness.” Smart and thoughtful words from an honest man.

  2. Greg 2016-11-08

    Cory,You are entitled to your opinion of John Thune. Today the voters in SD will elect Thune with a 75% margin of victory over Jay Williams.

  3. Darin Larson 2016-11-08

    Greg, you are entitled to your opinion, but I can guarantee you right now that Thune will not have “a 75% margin of victory over Jay Williams.”

  4. mike from iowa 2016-11-08

    Wingnuts have wasted 30 years and untold millions trying to convict HRC of a single credible, indictable crime.

    They could spend the next 30 years trying to find that single credible anything Marlboro Barbie has done for South Dakota. Bwahaha!

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2016-11-08

    “entitled to your opinion” is a vacuous euphemism. Why not just say, “You’re wrong”? I can respect the latter.

    Thune will not win 75% of the vote. Williams will be closer to Thune than Wismer was to Daugaard in 2014. Thune’s lack of principle and his crass, immoral support of Trump will cost him more than 25% of the electorate.

  6. bearcreekbat 2016-11-08

    Good for Kurt! I always learned a lot from his posts and enjoyed his attitude and honesty in blog discussions even though we often disagreed on a variety of issues. Refusing to support Trump is a badge of honor and faith in our people and country. Well done!

  7. Don Coyote 2016-11-08

    @cah: I suppose that when you’re about to get your butt handed to you that one needs to craft a moral victory of some sort. And what better than holding your opponent to under 70% of the vote? I guess setting the bar low(er) is the least you can do for those who drew the short straw. Beats a participation medal.

  8. Spike 2016-11-08

    @Coyote…. Ahh..the Republican party. Speaking of LOW bars. The party running a sexual predator for President.
    You Republicans all have had your butt handed to you by an infomercial huckster(I like that one) whom thinks Thune is a joke and idiot. As I’m sure he privately thinks all SD people are.

  9. Don Coyote 2016-11-08

    @Spike: Speaking of sexual predators, enabler Hillary couldn’t take enough showers to get rid of the stink around her and her husband. And while Slick Willie isn’t running for President, keep in mind the story of Caesar’s wife Pompeia and the idiom “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion”. Of course that would be too high a bar for Clinton Inc to even consider let alone attain.

    And while a Republican, today is the first of 12 presidential elections in my voting life that I didn’t vote for president. Couldn’t vote for Trump, Clinton Inc or “Doofus” Johnson. Constitution Party? Why? They barely cleared 100K in 2012. Oh I forget. those were “principled votes”. Ahh, yet another moral victory.

  10. Loren 2016-11-08

    Interesting that people with a positive view of Congress is somewhere between 10 and 20% of the electorate, yet good ol’ SD’s answer is to keep sending the SAME folks back to DO NOTHING! And that seems to be what we are getting… and deserve.

  11. Don Coyote 2016-11-08

    Well that didn’t take long. Fox just called the Senate race at 8:02. “Short Straw” Williams didn’t put up much of a fight. Participation medal in the mail.

  12. Greg 2016-11-08

    Coyote, would his metal be a Bronze in a two man race?

  13. Don Coyote 2016-11-08

    LOL. He can melt it down for scrap value to help pay his campaign debt. Better be a big one; bronze is only pulling about 75¢@lb.

  14. Kurt Evans 2016-11-11

    Cory writes:

    … Evans always speaks from principle.

    Nick Nemec writes:

    Smart and thoughtful words from an honest man.

    “Bearcreekbat” writes:

    Good for Kurt! I always learned a lot from his posts and enjoyed his attitude and honesty in blog discussions even though we often disagreed on a variety of issues.

    Thanks, guys. Hopefully someday I’ll be as honest and principled as you make me sound.

    “Don Coyote” writes:

    Constitution Party? Why? They barely cleared 100K in 2012. Oh I forget. those were “principled votes”. Ahh, yet another moral victory.

    As my letter to the editor indicates, I believe the votes of more than 4,000 South Dakotans also have pragmatic value as a message to the state’s other three political parties.

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