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Paint Pumpkins to Protest Payday Predators!

Trick or treat? That’s the choice voters have between Amendment U, the payday lenders’ decoy measure to write unlimited interest rates into our constitution, and Initiated Measure 21, the real 36% rate cap on payday loans.

Great Ballot Issue Pumpkin! No on U, Yes on 21!
Great Ballot Issue Pumpkin!—No on U, Yes on 21! Submitted by Cathy Brechtelsbauer, 2016.10.21.

Cathy Brechtelsbauer won’t be tricked—she’s organizing a pumpkin-painting party to educate voters about the two payday-lending ballot measures. Bring pumpkins, paint, and creativity to Caminando Juntos at 617 East 7th Street in Sioux Falls on Tuesday, October 25, from 1:30 to 3:30, and help spread the word to fight usury: No on U, Yes on 21!


  1. Bill Dithmer 2016-10-21

    Dumbest thing on here today.

    The Blindman

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2016-10-21

    Some people paint political messages on pumpkins; others paint them on electrons. I don’t consider either medium dumb. :-)

  3. Rough Rider 2016-10-22

    Bill Ditmer, what is your idea for promoting a Yes Vote on Initiated Measure 21 and a No Vote on Constitutional Amendment U?

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