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First Sioux Empire Wacipi This Weekend in Sioux Falls

Hey! There’s a pow-wow in Sioux Falls this weekend:

The first Sioux Empire Wacipi takes place Friday through Sunday, February 26–28, at the Premier Center. Hundreds of dancers from 500-some tribes from the United States and Canada will gather for competition and celebration. Everyone—red, white, and otherwise—can buy tickets and attend: $29 for a weekend pass, $15 for each dayMitakuya oyasin—we are all related!


  1. MC 2016-02-24 11:21

    Will you be attending?

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2016-02-24 12:45

    Wish I could, MC, but I’m judging debate. If you attend, link us some pix and video!

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