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Best Place for Coffee in South Dakota: Red Rooster in Aberdeen!

Red Rooster AberdeenAfter you visit the final day of the Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society Winter Conference today, you’ll surely want to go relax with your organic friends someplace warm and cozy, someplace that embodies the same community values that undergird the sustainable agriculture movement, at a business that feels like home… and serves muffins and nachos.

Trumpets—that’s Red Rooster, the best coffee house not just in Aberdeen but in South Dakota! So says not just this local partisan (and remember, I don’t even drink coffee ;-) ) but Foursquare, which analyzes its user data and finds that Red Rooster is the top rated coffee dispensary in the Coyote Sunshine State.

Red Rooster co-owner Dan Cleberg on Halloween 2015 as David Bowie... or is he really Harrison Wells, hiding out after the apparent demise of the Reverse Flash?
Red Rooster co-owner and filmmaker Dan Cleberg on Halloween 2015 as David Bowie… or is he really Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, hiding out after the apparent demise of the Reverse Flash? (from Red Rooster Facebook, 2015.10.31)

Interestingly, on its list of the best places for coffee in each state, Foursquare gives Red Rooster an 8.8 rating, which is lower than the rating for the top caffeinery in every state but Alaska, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Not having visited the top coffee shops in the other 45 states, I can’t testify to their superiority and will only speculate that South Dakota’s coffee clientele is too busy hitting Twitter to discuss the South Dakota Legislature to check in on Foursquare.

Whatever you’re Tweeting, go Tweet it over a warm brew at Red Rooster, 202 South Main Street (Main Street! Every truly great coffee shop should be downtown, in the heart of your city!), Aberdeen.

Tangentially Related: Red Rooster does not serve walleye, which Foursquare says is South Dakota’s most disproportionately popular food.

Distantly Related: If you need to put on some miles after the conference before calling it a day, you can cruise down US 12 and I-29 and get a stiffer adult beverage at Monks House of Ale Repute in Sioux Falls, which is Foursquare’s most popular South Dakota bar.


  1. 96Tears 2016-01-23 11:00

    Red Rooster is a wonderful coffee shop. I’ve stopped in several times and was never disappointed.

  2. Rich 2016-01-23 13:26

    The Cleberg’s are very nice people!

  3. Porter Lansing 2016-01-24 02:54

    excellent review

  4. M.K. 2016-01-24 07:09

    I have been there. Nice place.

  5. mike from iowa 2016-01-24 07:16

    Tangentially related-there was a Red Rooster pro Rassler back in the 80s. Part of the Bobby “The Brain” Heenan stable of manly stud rasslers.

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