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Rounds Affirms Commander-in-Chief’s Extension of U.S. Military Presence in Afghanistan

Senator Mike Rounds gets back from junketing around the Middle East and concludes President Obama is managing the military correctly:

While Rounds was travelling the globe, President Barack Obama revealed plans to extend the nation’s military stay in Afghanistan into 2017. With Obama’s decision, 5,500 troops will remain on the ground in Afghanistan as part of a slow withdrawal process.

Rounds said Afghan leaders were grateful for America’s military support [Evan Hendershot, “Rounds Spends October Recess in Middle East,” Mitchell Daily Republic, 2015.10.22].

That certainly beats his bleating about the President’s veto of the politically rigged gimmicks that Rounds and his colleagues think constitutes responsible military budgeting.


  1. Douglas Wiken

    Rounds is like a stopped clock with a monthly dial. He might be right once a month at best.

  2. jerry

    Even though, Marion Rounds still likes to think of himself as being former military, of which he is not, I still commend him for the job he is doing regarding veterans issues. As far as I can see, while he is in the senate temporarily, he is doing a reasonable job with our issues. Regarding the Afghan issue and the mid east in general, the Bush regime got us into this quagmire and it will be forever before we can get ourselves out of it. We broke the mid east with our Iraq war of convenience and now we see the results of that in Syria, Yemen and all of the rest.

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