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Tour de Coop Promotes Food Self-Sufficiency in Sioux Falls Next Saturday

I hate to promote competition for the big South Dakota Blogosphere Democracy and Petition Picnic at my house in Aberdeen next Saturday, but if you don’t feel pedaling 210 miles from Sioux Falls to Aberdeen, you can take your two wheels to another fun, progressive event in Sioux Falls.

TourdeCoop2015Wait—progressive? Is it progress to talk about going back to growing your own chickens? If you’re Homegrown Sioux Falls, you bet it is! Dakota Rural Action’s mighty Sioux Falls chapter is hosting its fourth annual Sioux Falls Tour de Coop next Saturday, September 12, from 1 to 5 p.m. The Tour de Coop will visit six backyard poultry growers in Sioux Falls, starting at 2300 West 33rd Street and working leisurely way north to 716 North Walts Avenue in the Cathedral District (holy cow—holy chickens?). The purpose of the Tour, says Homegrown Sioux Falls, is to “showcase urban chickens and gardens in new innovative ways to inspire the ‘Yard to Table’ approach of creating healthy, fresh, and sustainable local food production back into our yards, homes, lives, and community.”

Folks interested in learning more about urban agriculture and food self-sufficiency can join other cyclists to pedal the entire six-mile route, but Homegrown Sioux Falls will not discriminate against those who chose alternate methods of transportation. Check out the map here! Cyclists are invited to affix this chicken cut-out to their helmets to celebrate the event.

The tour, including ten-minute presentations and Q&A with poultry growers and gardeners along the route, is free for everyone, although Homegrown Sioux Falls won’t turn away donations. Homegrown Sioux Falls will also be selling Tour de Coop t-shirts for $20 and Homegrown SF memberships (which include a t-shirt!) for $35.

Don’t balk at this opportunity to learn about getting sustenance from your backyard. Tour de Coop 2015, next Saturday, Sioux Falls!


  1. Deb Geelsdottir

    Hahahahaha! “Tour de Coop!” Clever. I hope they have a good turn out. Cory, I hope you have an excellent turn out too.

  2. (Hilarious, John! Like saying the Met is three hours east of Scranton.)

  3. jerry

    If food self-sufficiency is not achieved, we could all see Syria as the backdrop of our future. The facts are stubborn things for sure, but to continue to deny ways of feeding ourselves, we do at our own risk.
    This year, we are seeing incredible change that has come to the west of us in Washington and the North of us in Canada, with extreme wild fires and smoke that has come here in a fog like condition. I say that folks in Sioux Falls as well as everywhere else, better learn how to garden and can. Climate change is real and it is here, take a look at the situation in Europe to see what has happened there.

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