I ask to sign a petition, and this petition circulator not only refuses to let me sign but threatens to call the cops. Here’s my encounter with…
Month: September 2015
NASA announces the strongest evidence yet for liquid water on Mars, and conservatives suffer an allergic reaction to science. Rush Limbaugh baselessly asserts that a corrupt NASA will…
Yesterday I reported that Mitchell school superintendent Joseph Graves pocketed $157,500 administering a federal history-teaching grant funneled through the accountability-challenged Mid-Central Educational Cooperative. Today Superintendent Graves takes…
With shady circulators asking for South Dakotans signatures on street corners and college campuses, it is more important than ever that we voters ask petition circulators to verify their…
The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Teachers and Students holds its penultimate meeting tomorrow in Pierre at the View 34 golf-course restaurant. The focus of this…
What is it about Planned Parenthood that causes conservatives to label as fact things that aren’t fact? An eager reader submits this photo of a…
The powers that be are having a hard time spinning the controversy involving Mid-Central Educational Cooperative’s handling of millions of dollars of federal GEAR UP grant money…
After forgoing two years worth of health benefits and economic stimulus for South Dakota, Governor Dennis Daugaard may finally be surrendering the permanence and logic of the Affordable Care…
Add Dr. Joseph Graves of Mitchell to the list of establishment cronies (Melmer, Phelps,…) who made good money off grants flowing through the audit-flagged Mid-Central Educational…
Chad Peterson e-mails from Vermillion to report a suspicious petition circulator on the University of South Dakota campus. Peterson says he encountered the circulator yesterday in…