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Trumpistan Extends Travel Ban to Pregnant Women

How does Donald Trump demonstrate his commitment to defending the unborn? By denying visas to pregnant women:

Under the new policy, consular officers are being directed to assume that if someone is seeking a tourist visa and is likely to give birth in the US, they are “seeking a visa for the primary purpose of obtaining US citizenship for the child.” Pregnant people applying for visas may have to submit extra documentation showing this isn’t the case.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement Thursday that the policy is “necessary to enhance public safety, national security, and the integrity of our immigration system,” asserting that the birth tourism industry strains hospital resources and invites criminal activity.

“Closing this glaring immigration loophole will combat these endemic abuses and ultimately protect the United States from the national security risks created by this practice,” she said. “It will also defend American taxpayers from having their hard-earned dollars siphoned away to finance the direct and downstream costs associated with birth tourism” [Anna North, Nicole Narea, and Alex Ward, “The Trump Administration’s New ‘Birth Tourism’ Policy, Explained,” Vox, 2020.01.24].

We love babies, but we brand pregnant women a national security risk. Right.

Watch out: if the Trump-Taliban are willing to block pregnant women from entering the country on false claims of threats to national security, they may decide the next big security risk is the prospect of America’s fertile women fleeing the country to find equality and real family values.


  1. Debbo 2020-01-25 15:03

    I. Just. Can’t.

  2. Donald Pay 2020-01-25 16:18

    I’m sure any pregnant Aryan women who agree to urinate on Trump while he’s holding a pregnancy test by his mouth get a free pass for themselves and their litter.

    Really, how Nazi-like can our policies get? Will the consulate now have ob-gyns doing exams, just to make sure no preggos slip by?

    Anyone else thinking about a Plan B? We’ve been talking about leaving the country. I prefer to stand and fight, but I’m a pacifist, so arming myself for the upcoming conflagration is a tough sell to me.

    It’s too much like 1933 Germany with Trump in power. The Republican Party, particularly the Senators, have shown themselves to be as cowardly as the conservative politicians in the Reichstag. Just in case you didn’t have the history in school, the conservatives thought they could co-opt Hitler. That didn’t end well for them, as they either ended up being co-opted by Hitler, exiled or sent to prison.

    It’s hard to tell whether the role of Hitler in modern times is being played by Trump or Putin. Trump doesn’t have the smarts, so Putin does the thinking. But Trump has the corner on the same mental illnesses and impulsivity that Hitler had. Put these two together and you’ve got one evil dude.

  3. Porter Lansing 2020-01-25 18:04

    I guess that’s one way to keep your immigrant wife’s cousins from coming to visit when they’re pregnant.

  4. T 2020-01-25 20:27

    I was at Grammys when M.I.A. (Very political) sang in 2009 (good friends in industry was very lucky).
    She was political controversially and I believe had visa problems but was able 5o come to LA and perform while pregnant. Couple days later she had a boy, if i recall in the USA. Point being does this law apply everyone or just st the ones “we” don’t like
    There are social problems and health risks with this law….
    Did I miss the statistics how many births there actually are and is there actually a financial burden other than the fake costs claimed by rhetoric? Just wondering

  5. jerry 2020-01-26 00:01

    A B2 tourist waiver is 6 months and then you can extend it. More jibberish from the Adderall mind of Chubby.

  6. Eve Fisher 2020-01-26 09:21

    This is Stephen Miller at his “finest” – and he apparently writes most of the President’s speeches and ALL of the executive orders any more. Certainly, Himself doesn’t write them. All in favor of them, but doesn’t write them.

  7. jerry 2020-01-26 09:29

    Just more women hate from the Nazi Miller whispered in the ear of an eager beaver hater called Chubby.

  8. Francis Schaffer 2020-01-26 09:54

    I thought the party of Trump believes life begins at conception. I cannot get an answer on when life begins from my local religious authority so I am still asking the question when a life begins. So it seems to me the President should be defending women who come to the U.S. and become pregnant here, as that falls within his professed parameter of life.

  9. Loren 2020-01-26 11:15

    Would you like an ultrasound with that metal screening? No extra charge! !@#%^&*

  10. Debbo 2020-01-26 18:00

    Stephen Goebbels Miller was Jeff Sessions’ chief aide prior to his AG stint. Sessions and another GOP are competing for The Biggest Bigot in Aladamnbama so they can run against Doug Jones for the Senate. They’re trying to make George Wallace and Jessie Helms look like hippies.

    They are/were all as misogynist as racist. Vile little boys.

  11. mike from iowa 2020-01-26 19:19

    Helms was a North Carolina pos. Shelby is a Aladamnbama genuine wingnut Senator who was once, a normal functioning human being and then switched parties so he could ride with the klan or whatever they do.

  12. Debbo 2020-02-24 16:06

    True. Pregnancy and birth is riskier than abortion.

  13. Robin Friday 2020-02-24 16:24

    I only remember that when I was in high school (a looooong time ago) we had a married teacher, rumor was she was pregnant and was going to have to quit. Sure enough, it was scandalous to be pregnant in front of a roomful of teenagers and she had to quit soon after the semester began.

    How far we have come.

    And how far we have to go.

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