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Maher Plays Sioux Falls Sunday: Great Chance to Get Petition SIgnatures!

Surely boosting the general passerby IQ on Main Avenue by 7 points....
Surely boosting the general passerby IQ on Main Avenue by 7 points….

I suspect Bill Maher has no idea what ballot question petitions are circulating here in South Dakota. His standup routine at the Washington Pavilion Sunday night probably will probably stick with predictable national-level material and not bite into pressing South Dakota matters like the Legislature’s war on initiative and referendum (which South Dakota invented!).

But the South Dakotans coming to see Maher Sunday at 7 p.m. will surely include some of our more politically aware neighbors, the kinds of folks who, if approached with a petition to protect their democratic rights, will sign in a heartbeat and tell their friends to do the same.

Petitioners, go where the circulating is best: hang out before and after Bill Maher’s show Sunday at the Washington Pavilion, get the early comers on the way in, get the chatters and strollers on the way out. And if you see Bill Maher, get his signature—on your own notebook, not on a petition!—and ask him if he’d like to support direct democracy in South Dakota by contributing to SD Voice. Only South Dakotans can sign our petitions… but anybody can contribute to South Dakota campaigns, thanks to the First Amendment and its intrepid defenders.

One Comment

  1. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-13 23:56

    If anybody gets Bill Maher’s ear, ask him if he can help us flip South Dakota.

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