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White Supremacy Thrives on Empty Souls

Anonymous Aberdeen cowards sponsored another dreary crypto-Klan meeting yesterday, giving two out-of-state conspiracy kooks who were kicked off the Sioux Falls History Club calendar an excuse to swing through South Dakota anyway and fleece the willing dupes of our ugly modern Red Scare (or Red Green Scare, as anti-Muslim/Marxist hyperbolist James Sampson leads us to call it, with unintended hilarity).

Why would people waste a good Sunday afternoon wallowing in their fears? Brady Mallory finds an explanation from psychologist Susan Eleeson, who discusses how otherwise decent people like Sioux Falls LGBTQ activist Boots Parker could fall into white supremacist groups:

“Someone who is emotionally starving, they’re not going to turn away being accepted and having a place to land. A starving person isn’t going to turn away a meal,” Eleeson said.

Eleeson says many groups have historically banked on this fact.

“They’re looking for people who do feel lonely or feel isolated and then they manipulate that need to be accepted or cared about and then they will have somebody who will follow whatever they want,” Eleeson said.

Parker says that was true.

“Pretty much name-calling and intimidation. You get into a big group of people and you start throwing salutes and start marching down the street with a Nazi flag and you feel pretty big and powerful,” Parker said [Brady Mallory, “Boots on the Ground: A Journey from White Supremacy to Equality,” KELO-TV, 2017.11.05].

Out-of-state con men and con women are preying on a small minority of our neighbors, to the detriment of our state’s reputation and economic development prospects. That even this minority of Aberdonians and other South Dakotans find comfort and solace in rabid speeches demonizing their neighbors suggests an emptiness in their souls that our communities must find healthy ways to remedy. We must find ways to help everyone feel like they belong in our community without stoking a rage that says some people don’t belong.


  1. Ken 2017-11-06 20:07

    Yeah, they’ll feel big and powerful until good people start kicking their Nazi asses. Letting these cretins march is a recipe for one huge riot. I don’t give a damn if they have the right to do so or not. Good people DO NOT have to tolerate hateful people OR their hate speech, racism and bigotry.

    The ONLY good Nazi is a DEAD Nazi. America already fought a war over this. Now this pestilence is back again. I say it’s time to exterminate these parasites PERMANENTLY by any means necessary.

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-11-06 20:26

    Ken, that goes too far. We do not shoot or kill these Nazis. We out them. We shame them. We make them realize they are betraying their country and beg them to come back to the fold of decent, brave Americans who, far from trembling at the thought of new people joining our Great Experiment, embrace it.

    The only ass-kicking I plan to do is the verbal form, here on the blog, in letters to the editor, and in any public forum made available. We win with love, intelligence, evidence, and true fearless patriotism. Our America is great, and we will keep it that way.

  3. jerry 2017-11-07 06:29

    What is Cory’s thinking on Disraeli?


    Disraeli depicted a vast and secret power of Jews, bent on dominating the world. His noble Jewish character, Sidonia, describes race as a supremely important determinant (“all is race; there is no other truth”).

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-11-08 06:06

    Haven’t read up on Disraeli. How does his history fit into this discussion of the emptiness of souls turning to fearmongering and hate groups?

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