In 2010, the South Dakota Legislature voted to create a prescription drug monitoring program, basically a central database in which doctors and pharmacists can enter the…
Tag: state legislature
Flaccid tax receipts have not deterred members of the Legislature from seeking to spend more money. Among the measures arising from the Interim study of nursing home and assisted living…
The Legislative Research Council didn’t beat Christmas, but they did manage to post the first fifteen bills of the 2017 Session before New Year’s! The first bill in the…
Legislature, help me out. Every time I post about the Deep Borehole Field Test—you know, that nice little engineering project to try drilling perfectly straight three-mile…
Rep. Don Haggar and Senator-Elect Jim Bolin repeat for that Sioux Falls paper the threat they made to AP back in November: they want to kill initiative…
Hey, Dakota Access protestors! If you heed Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archmbault’s advice and come home from the Oceti Sakowin camp (estimates of how…
While Democratic leadership has put Senator-Elect Reynold Nesiba on a “leave of absence” from the Senate Democratic caucus (was that what Brian Gosch called it when he…
Don’t count on recounts changing the Election Day results. Today’s case in point: South Dakota’s District 25 House race. In one of the few non-losing results for…
Ah, South Dakota, land of Trumpism writ large. We want to build a wall… New security barriers are in the works for the state’s Capitol…