Governor Kristi Noem says we “should” think innovatively and entrepreneurially; I’m happy to oblige. The Republican-controlled Senate is having trouble getting its poop in a…
Tag: health care
Science says that South Dakota is putting pregnant women and infants at greater risk of death by refusing to expand Medicaid. The 2020 Legislature has…
We may note with relief that Senator Jim Stalzer yesterday withdrew Senate Bill 109, the ill-advised “conscience” bill that would have allowed health care professionals…
Republicans are still trying to kill the Affordable Care Act, even though it’s working reasonably well. But if the Republicans really want to make health…
While Pete Buttigieg and other Democrats make mostly political arguments against Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to save money and save lives by covering everyone with Medicare,…
When South Dakota legislators discuss transgender issues, they tend to ignore facts and experts. For instance, chiropractic Rep. Fred Deutsch (R-4/Florence) is so bent out…
A federal judge yesterday threw out the Trump Administration’s proposed Health and Human Services rule that would have let doctors and other health care workers…
“You don’t get what you don’t fight for,” says Senator Elizabeth Warren in her 9,300-word, 165-hyperlink proposal to extend Medicare to all Americans. Those 165…
Representative Fred Deutsch (R-4/Florence) may be keeping the Legislature off of the football field, but he may push the Legislature further into the medical field…