The United States has a population of 327,000,000. It has 3,142 counties (or parishes, independent cities, or other equivalents). That’s a nationwide average of 104,000…
Tag: budget
When Senator John Thune, Senator Marion Michael Rounds, and Representative Dusty (a funny name to have right now) Johnson get done touring the storm and…
In another failure to support the troops, Donald Trump is pulling money from schools and daycare centers for military families and other useful military projects…
Please don’t tell me that talk of “recession” is just Democrats and the “liberal media” hoping for an economic downturn to fuel their own political…
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Scyller Borglum is offering something her primary opponent, incumbent Senator Marion Michael Rounds, has failed to produce in his five…
The South Dakota Council of Economic Advisors has no good news for our state revenue projections. According to Secretary of Revenue Jim Terwilliger, predictions of…
The Legislature’s Government Operations and Audit Committee meets this Thursday. Among the documents on their agenda is the 2019 report of the Obligation Recovery Center,…
The Legislative Research Council issued last week the first monthly report on general fund receipts under the first Kristi Noem fiscal year. In good news—if…
KELO-TV offers a great graphic that shows you what happens to your municipal budget when you elect Republican golden boys to run your city: Nothing…
Thune and Rounds Begging Other Republicans to Help Cover Their Slavish Trumpism and Liberal Spending
Congressman Dusty Johnson had the luxury of voting against the Pelosi-Trump debt-ceiling deal; both parties had votes to spare in passing the plan to take…