Last updated on 2024-01-15
Once again, education breaks against most Republicans. SDSU’s South Dakota Polling Project reports that Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Vivek Ramaswamy all get colder reactions from college graduates in South Dakota than from voters with no degree:

Note that the education gap is greatest for the two Republican candidates with the least experience in public service and winning elections. (Trump’s four years occupying the White House don’t really count as public service, because, come on, all he did was Tweet!…well, and insurrect, and that’s the greatest public disservice ever committed by an elected official.) Poll chief and professor David Wiltse says DeSantis’s gap is not statistically significant.
Only Nikki Haley (the only one of the four capable of handling the top job without wrecking the country) gets warmer vibes from college educated South Dakota voters than non-degree holders. Degree-holding South Dakota voters feel a little warmer toward Haley and DeSantis than they do toward Trump… which only goes to show that a majority of even college-educated voters in South Dakota aren’t really thinking about the kind of person Republicans have made their frontrunner and how thoroughly unpleasant it would be to spend time with that brute.
Related: Haley, DeSantis, and Trump have qualified for the televised debate CNN is hosting next week on January 10. Ramaswamy is sinking back toward Noem territory in the polls and can’t afford TV ads in Iowa.
Really Related: Trump really doesn’t like educated people. He’s afraid they might ask him questions that would reveal his inferiority. Good Christian Dordt University in Sioux Center wanted to host an event with Trump Friday but moved the event off campus when Trump refused to allow student questions to be part of the forum. Haley, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy each took one written student question at a forum on faith in politics at Dordt last month.
Will any South Dakota restaurant soon offer a better choice in pizzas?
I hope so, Bob. I do hope so.
How about a breakdown of those that graduated from Trump University?…
Kidding aside, I am not surprised that Haley has more grads than not. However, I am surprised the gaps between grad vs not are as small as they are.
Lots of university degreed baby boomers want Trump, and South Dakota is not alone here.
Making my point from another thread, uneducated Republicans polling largely favor Trump, a stupid, stupid person and choice, who have both accepted his lies, and since 2015 he has never, NEVER told a truth in public. Even educated Republicans fail, choosing DeSantis, as bad a governor as we have ever seen, over Trump.
A high price indeed, to pay, to “own the libs!” And of 900,000 South Dakotans, made up mostly of uneducated Republicans, led mostly by uneducated Republican politicians (until corrected), what an utter failure of a state!!
South Dakota is moving into “failed state ” territory. A failed state with great rodeos.
Falls perfectly in tune with the fearless whistleblower CO who sings of the complete and utter failure of Noem’s Wasko and the SD State Penitentiary. What an inhumane heap. Another reason SD should be occupied for our transgressions against Nature’s laws. The people who can fake a smile while choking on stench are the truest representation of voters for the R party candidates above.
Ms. Mammal, you remain grudznick’s favorite, deepest thinking in-state frequenter of this here out-of-state name-caller blog. I appreciate you, ma’am.
Mr. G-then why did you stand me up on my birthday at Cheers, where you said they needed peace-disrupting patrons? I had to ask every gravy-dripping man there if he was Mr. G. A total of one. But still:D you even used Mr. Newland as bait. Everyone who knows I went there thinks I’m a regular KKK member now. A total of two. But still. Just joshing. ..
I will make this argument: college-educated people are more accepting of women in leadership roles than their less-educated counterparts. I argue this polling reveals that the MAGA wing of the GOP has an acute “woman problem” in that it only supports male candidates. Looking at MAGA policies defiantly shows where women rank in the cisgender hierarchy.
College is rapidly becoming a joke.
From Ivy League racism and plagiarism to lawsuit magnet Augustana, the so called enlightenment from these institutions is nothing but political indoctrination.
Case in point, the stupidity of the above comments.
Especially Les-lie. Do you drink as much as Kurtz smokes before you post a comment?
Earth haters driven by Donald Trump and his christianic followers are sending election workers, public health officials and even scientists into the shadows.
There’s an old Vulcan proverb. “Only the daughter of a war criminal could save American democracy.”
According to SmartAsset Missoula is America’s most fun city for young adults between 20 and 29 in a state where Democrats are otherwise losing power. Congressional titans like Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf have been displaced by idiots Steve Daines, Ryan Zinke and Trump loving Matt Rosendale who should be disqualified from holding federal office for his role in the attack on the US Capitol. Senator Jon Tester might even be turned out even though he is one of America’s most popular politicians.
With a bust of Senator Mansfield sitting on a nearby table before a full house of 1,100 mostly progressive attendees Republican former Montana Governor Marc Racicot posed questions to Republican former Wyoming US Representative Liz Cheney at the 40th Anniversary of the Mansfield Dialogues at the University of Montana’s Dennison Theater.
After students of color holding tickets were denied entry to a September event sponsored by an extreme white wing group Rapid City Central graduate and Republican former intern for then-US Representative Kristi Noem, Tomi Lahren was driven from the University of New Mexico Student Union Building’s Ballroom B.
Lahren is a white supremacist who was booked to speak on the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month at a predominantly Hispanic-serving institution in a state where the hate group New Mexico Civil Guard abandoned lawful protest and started shooting protesters.
Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA makes money by going from one college campus to the next telling whomever will listen that liberals are bad and Earth haters are good. In April 2019 sleepy Vermillion became ground zero for Donald Trump’s war on America in my home state of South Dakota by hosting Kirk.
UNM schedulers expected protests but booked Lahren and Kirk anyway even knowing the decision would be seen as normalizing hate speech.
I remember retired USD Government Professor Mike Card objecting to the content of the Lahren, Kirk presentation at USD. He did defend their right to speak as I would have, had I been in his position. Card has experience working in the Republican system and is certainly a sane moderate. I believe her started out as an Intern to Judy Meierhenry during one of the Janklow administrations.
Robert Pape, of the Chicago Project on Security and Threats, updates our knowledge of the Jan 6th rioters. The lazy media editors and reporters crafted a false narrative of who the Jan 6th clowns were. Many of us still believe their faux narrative. Too many, most, of the rioters were business and professional men.
The interviewer, Walter Isaacson, like Pape, appear ‘surprised’ that the US has political violence. They arrogantly ignore the was founded on political violence. The US had to use political violence to renew its charter from the confederates. Groups in the US had to use political violence at every turn for suffrage, labor protections, civil rights, etc., Clearly the Jan 6th frustration and violence was partially misplaced. Certainly we ought to angegry with do-nothing congresses (except invest in the stock market), government incompetencies, and stagnant wages for 50 years while the trumps get richer.
Isaacson, in a separate news show, has his own US Constitutional denial baggage – pretending that Sec 3 of the 14th Amendment does not apply.
It’s as if Joe Kirby read my dissertation.
Here’s Joe Kirby in 2015. Sound familiar?
The Universities in South Dakota were all established before the adoption of the automobile. Northern, Black Hills, and what’s now Dakota State (bring back General Beadle), along with Southern were established to allow regional students to attend “teacher institutes” and become qualified to teach in, predominantly, Grade 1 through 8 country schools. We’re a populist state, and everyone got to have “their” college. Nothing wrong with that. It happened in just about all the Midwestern rural states. The question is if this arrangement is economically feasible in today’s economy.
It’s completely and unequivocally unsurprising that voters with post-secondary education realize Trump’s a career criminal who’s rallied a gang to break America.
Thank you for proving my point again and again,Kurtz.
Cowardice is meter without rhythm.
And you proved my point again.
Good morning, Mrs. J! It’s humbling you’ve taken such a keen interest in my work!
Today’s mood.