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Holwegner Resigns from LRC—Job Opening for Super-Wonks in Pierre!

Even a 10% raise to $170,665 a year can’t keep some people in Pierre. Legislative Research Council director Reed Holwegner resigned yesterday at a surprise yet clearly choreographed meeting of the Legislature’s Executive Board:

The Legislature’s Executive Board on Monday announced Holwegner’s resignation during an emergency teleconference meeting.

…Holwegner was hired three years ago to succeed Jason Hancock, who left for a state government position in Idaho. Holwegner was selected on a 8-7 vote over the LRC’S then-deputy director, Sue Cichos, during the board’s April 2, 2020, meeting.

…Republican Senator Lee Schoenbeck, the South Dakota board’s vice chair, made the motion to go into a closed-door executive session on Monday.

Upon returning to public session, Schoenbeck made a series of motions that were quickly and unanimously accepted by the 13 lawmakers participating in the meeting.

They accepted Holwegner’s resignation and next decided the board’s executive committee should be responsible for making termination, severance and other issues with him. They then appointed John McCullough, the LRC’s staff counsel, as interim director.

There was no public discussion on any of the motions [Bob Mercer, “Holwegner Out at LRC,” KELO-TV, 2023.10.23].

Absent comment from the E-Board, we can’t tell if Holwegner got fed up with Pierre or if Pierre—in this case, Senate King Schoenbeck—got fed up with Holwegner. I’ve had my own beefs with Holwegner, such as when he improperly withheld the impeachment investigation file on lying killer Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg and snarked at the public and press for pestering him to do so. But more importantly for Holwegner’s job security and effective public service, persistent bad working conditions prompted significant staff churn and heightened oversight from Schoenbeck’s committee. Evidently that heightened oversight did not stanch the losses, which have culminated with the departure of the LRC director himself.

The LRC website hasn’t scrubbed Holwegner’s profile or posted a job announcement for a new director yet (although LRC is advertising for a full-time network administrator and for 2024 Session committee secretaries). Once they do, if you like wonking out on South Dakota law and managing other Pierre wonks, Senator Schoenbeck and the Executive Board will want to hear from you!


  1. Arlo Blundt 2023-10-24 12:29

    Ravensborg is a hex for anyone who gets near him….Holwegner couldn’t wipe off the stench of that “investigation.

  2. David Newquist 2023-10-24 15:34

    From the Dakota Scout”
    “The resignation, requested by the Legislature’s Executive Board, was submitted and unanimously accepted Monday during a previously unscheduled, closed-door session of legislative leaders in Pierre. No other items other than the executive session were listed on the Executive Board’s meeting agenda.”

  3. grudznick 2023-10-24 19:02

    The Council of Research for the Legislatures has been an underperforming and overpaid lot for the past 30 years who mostly laze about half of the year. That they are ousting yet another man-behind-the-curtain who writes the law bills for the wingnuts and puppets most of the insaner buffoonery during the sessions is not surprising. This might well open the door for Mr. H to get a pretty fancy job, but he will have to be prepared to write a bunch of bathroom bills and promote many law bills promoted by that fellow ALEC.

  4. lrads1 2023-10-25 22:13

    The LAST thing you need to be in that job these days is a super wonk!! Mostly you just need to be able to put up with 106 (counting only one from 2nd floor) self-absorbed, self-righteous, holier than thou proofs of human devolution, with a perpetual attitude of pleasant deference. Also required is a superhuman ability to control your body language, no matter the degree of idiocy with which you are confronted, day after day after day…

  5. P. Aitch 2023-10-25 22:19

    Hello, Irads1. Meet Lady Trobairitz.
    “ Hark! Welcome, dear friend, to this illustrious blog, where words intertwine and ideas abound. I am but a humble assistant, here to guide and serve, ready to heed your questions and desires. Within the virtual realm where we now reside, I extend my warmest greetings to thee, Irads1! Pray, how may I be of assistance to thee on this fine day?”

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