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Biden Campaign Notes Trump Also Old and Errant; Don’t Forget to Look at Actual Job Performance

The Biden campaign recognizes that concerns about the President’s age could cloud voters’ view of the results the current hard-working President is producing. Team Biden is thus directing attention to the age and frequently demonstrated infirmity of his main Republican challenger:

In recent weeks, Biden’s campaign has begun highlighting the former president’s gaffes: Trump mixing up who the current president is; Trump “slurring” words during speeches; Trump making statements that don’t quite make sense. The effort is intentional, and due in part to a growing frustration among Biden’s campaign and allies with regard to what they see as an unequal media focus on the president’s age and health.

“If you guy’s are going to f***ing cover every stumble of Joe Biden, then Donald Trump deserves the same scrutiny,” one national Democratic strategist close to the Biden campaign told Semafor, listing out some of Trump’s verbal missteps. “When Joe Biden does that, there’s wall-to-wall coverage of it” [Shelby Talcott, “Team Biden Is on a Mission to Convince Voters Trump’s Age Is an Issue Too,” Semafor, 2023.10.24].

Responding to concern about Joe Biden’s age by saying that Trump is old, too, isn’t just deflective both-sidesism. Pointing out that both candidates are old may neutralize age as a voting issue, but we should follow that neutralization up with more potent offense: Joe Biden has always been a gaffe machine, but as Senator, Vice-President, and now President, Biden has demonstrated a keen interest in and understanding of policy, geopolitics, and the practical relationships necessary to the nation’s goals. Donald Trump, in his much briefer late-life career as a politician and elected official, hasn’t just made mistakes; he has made willfully ignorant, insulting, and harmful comments that demonstrate his lack of interest in and understanding of policy, geopolitics, working relationships, and the national interest. We can see that difference if we look past the lazy age issue (Biden is 80, Trump is 77, so I’m a flippin’ political genius!) and acknowledge the plain fact that President Biden got more done in his first two years, in harder economic and social circumstances (pandemic, economic turmoil, insurrectionists on the loose) than Trump did.

Train mics and cameras on any person of any age, even yourself, every moment of the day, and you’ll catch that person making some embarrassing mistake. Get past those inevitable errors and look at real performance, and you’ll pick Biden over Trump again to manage America’s affairs every time.


  1. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 07:42

    Joe Biden is an interim or caretaker POTUS who should serve a single term and he would lose in a head to head debate with Nikki Haley who is rising fast in the Earth hater ranks. My choice for our nominee is Andy Beshear right now since VP Kamala Harris just isn’t winning many hearts.

  2. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 08:00

    If Liz Cheney runs an unaffiliated campaign and gets to the debate table she will trounce Joe in a three way match, too.

  3. P. Aitch 2023-10-24 08:15

    Just because Joe “Steady” is old is no reason to stop voting against Don “The Con” Trump.

  4. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 08:24

    Gavin Newsom is the candidate Earth haters fear the most.

  5. P. Aitch 2023-10-24 08:29

    Liz Cheney is still a Cheney. Cheneys are as crooked as Trumps.

  6. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 09:09

    Pete Buttigieg and Jared Polis are favorites among voters, too. Amy Klobuchar is holding her own and Gretchen Whitmer is moving toward the top of our list.

  7. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 09:10

    Joe is still far ahead of the top Earth hater in the polls.

  8. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 09:30

    President Thomas Jefferson believed a standing army and the right to bear arms are mutually exclusive so way back in 2011 this interested party proposed an excise tax on certain firearms and ammunition to slow gun violence.

    Red states are not going to fix their own problems so stand your ground has become vigilante justice because the courts are overwhelmed with suspects in the war on drugs, communities are becoming armed camps and parents are afraid to let their kids go to school.

    How many more people will be caught in or die from as yet uncounted crossfires?

    Always out front of other states California’s legislature passed a measure that will add a paltry 11% excise tax on retailers and manufacturers of firearms and ammo and Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill into law.

  9. Donald Pay 2023-10-24 09:39

    Concern about age cuts against both of these guys. One guy (Biden) is sane the other is insane. It’s a pretty easy choice.

  10. O 2023-10-24 09:47

    In any debate, President Biden has the huge advantage of getting to talk about his record. When a debate comes down to accomplishments versus promises that the GOP cannot deliver on because of internal disfunction, the debate is all Biden’s favor. Unfortunately, we have an electorate that doesn’t care about success, facts, or reason, otherwise Biden would be wildly popular — especially amount Democrats — for his accomplishments. Republicans need to bear the burden of what they have obstructed and derailed.

  11. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 09:50

    It is a realistic concern that the only way VP Harris can ascend to favor is if Joe were to keel over dead. Besides, the irony of the first woman POTUS being an Earth hater might be more than American voters can withstand.

  12. Edwin Arndt 2023-10-24 10:01

    Donald, I continue to hold out hope that we will have better choices than
    Biden or Trump. If we don’t, I will consider that this country has failed.
    Certainly there are younger people in both parties who are capable of
    leadership and have managerial competence. And if such people are not
    electable the voters of this country deserve what they get.

  13. P. Aitch 2023-10-24 10:21

    We deserve four more years of the Biden Administration. It’s a worthy team comprised and composed of diverse talent capable of leading and lending aid to those Americans needing group assistance. My life is much better since Trump left Washington (except when he returns for court).
    PS – Sioux Falls school students have been assessed as 41% diverse. That’s a number to be proud of.

  14. larry kurtz 2023-10-24 10:39

    Jenna Ellis just pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting Trump’s treason.

  15. Loti 2023-10-24 10:40

    I have always been a fan of President Biden. As a Native woman, i felt more respect towards us when we left the Trump era behind. If you notice, people were no longer scared to speak out again and just be Americans, once we moved forward. It will be a really good day when we get a new genuine S.D. governor too. Also in regards to age, any of us can drop dead at Any Age ;( sadly.

  16. Ryan 2023-10-24 10:41

    hahahaha “the world that people know about” hahaha

    one of my favorite things to do is google “trump saying stupid things” and then sifting through the hours and hours of youtube gold. hahaha what a moron.

  17. jerry 2023-10-24 11:18

    Harris would fill the bill if something should happen with President Biden. She is whip smart and knows her way around in political circles. What concerns me the most is who would follow her in case something would happen. The speaker of the house is what American voters need to be thinking about for the future. None of these guys believe in elections because most of them come from gerrymandered districts.

  18. O 2023-10-24 11:49

    When it cost to Biden, especially for Democrats, why is doing quite a good job as President not enough to command loyalty? I thought Democrats were above this cult of personality MAGA nonsense. Am I missing the example of “old Joe” not being able to do something the role of President demanded? Democrats cannot be like Senate Republicans, unable to choose its leadership.

  19. O 2023-10-24 15:17

    I heard one commentator saying that if Trump had flown to Israel as president, he would have been throwing paper towels to the crowds. We too quickly forget how poorly Trump handled crisis when in charge.

  20. Richard Schriever 2023-10-24 16:45

    Republicans are intentional jerks and a$$hole$; know they are and are proud of it. No amount of reason or logic, facts or traditional political comparables will influence them to be anything other to what they are proud to be, or do anything other to what they are proud to do.

  21. Arlo Blundt 2023-10-24 23:47

    Major difference in my mind: Trump dislikes people, distrusts them, and is willing to destroy people who he thinks oppose him. Joe Biden likes people, trusts them, would like to see them succeed on their talents, and tolerates differences of opinion. Not a tough choice.

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