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Rounds Has No Problem Filling Staff Vacancies with South Dakota Talent

Four months ago, Governor Kristi Noem’s fifth chief of staff, Mark Miller, went back to Florida. Noem still hasn’t found a replacement.

The chief of staff workforce shortage hasn’t hurt Senator M. Michael Rounds’s office. His chief of staff Kyle Chase headed for the private sector this month, and Rounds has managed to fill the spot immediately with an internal promotion of a South Dakota native:

U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced that Dezmond Ward will serve as Rounds’ Chief of Staff. Ward, who has worked in Rounds’ office since 2018, most recently served as the Communications Director for Rounds.

“Dezmond has been a trusted member of my team for almost six years,” said Rounds. “No matter the role, Dezmond has proven to have a strong work ethic and knowledge of issues both in South Dakota and in D.C. I am excited to have him lead my team and see his impact in this new role.”

…Originally from Milbank, Ward is a graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. Ward interned in Rounds’ office before joining full time as a Legislative Correspondent/Staff Assistant. He also served as a Field Representative until becoming Rounds’ Communications Director [Senator M. Michael Rounds, press release, 2023.10.16].

It’s good to know South Dakota’s junior Senator has cultivated a deep pool of local talent who can step up to new duties quickly and help the Senator maintain continuity in services for South Dakotans.


  1. Arlo Blundt 2023-10-18 14:28

    Good. South Dakotans working in Washington for South Dakota’s Congressional Delegation is just the way it should be. It’s unfortunate there are no talented South Dakotans in Governor Noem’s circle.

  2. Mark B 2023-10-18 16:09

    Does she even have any friends in South Dakota? 6+ years on the road takes its toll. Seriously. Will any state legislator be sad to see her term end?

  3. e platypus onion 2023-10-18 16:55

    Cardboard Mike must be South Duhkota’s resident “groomer”.

  4. grudznick 2023-10-18 16:56

    One fellow does not a deep pool make, but I am sure this young gentleman will be up to the task. Mr. Senator Rounds has mostly used homegrown South Dakota talent, not out-of-staters, name-calling or otherwise.

  5. Rick 2023-10-19 09:48

    Who would want to work for nasty Noem?! People like Ian Fury. I saw a former South Dakota US Senate staffer at a SDSU football game a few weeks ago. The individual once worked for one of our senators. I asked if they would ever work for Noem and they responded with an emphatic no. Noem has a reputation for being a nasty boss which isn’t shocking. And has anyone tried to tour the second floor of the state Capitol? Her section of the floor has usually one security officer and they must have been told to be initimidating and menacing because they stare at visitors until they return to the first floor. we weren’t there to visit Noem, it was about the building and its beauty.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2023-10-19 09:53

    Rick, as your next governor, I promise to open the Capitol back up to all South Dakotans and make all people feel welcome in their temple of democracy.

    I will also hire lots of talented South Dakotans for my administration, and they will enjoy a demanding but fair workplace where they can work hard and make a difference for the people, not their boss.

  7. Rick 2023-10-20 09:10

    Cory, that sounds great!

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