QAnon followers met in Rapid City June 2 and 3. The fact we didn’t hear about it until now just goes to show you that any crazy hogwash you want to believe is true.
Hosting the “Open the Heavens: Let God Arise” (wait: heavens are above, so if we open them and summon a deity, doesn’t the deity come down?) event was Meri Crouley, who hosts all sorts of QAnon-freakery online—the Clintons killed Kobe Bryant, covid vaccines cause HIV… and now, from her visit to South Dakota, Republican Representative Joe Donnell’s claim that Mount Rushmore is a Masonic altar to demonic communist witchcraft:
“If you go back and do some search history on Mount Rushmore, it actually is a Freemason shrine,” Donnell said. “It was set up to enshrine democracy or the Declaration of Independence. … How do we worship the great thing we did with our government? So that was the idea behind it.”
“What the Lord revealed to me is that Mount Rushmore has a direct ley line to Washington, D.C.,” he added. “And he said, basically, that as we continue to work in prayer and do the work of the ministry, that God was going to break that connection. Because in order to understand the spiritual realm of what we’re facing, we have to realize that in order for the enemy to do anything, he needs the agreement of human beings. In order to be empowered to do more damage, he needs the agreement of human beings, and oftentimes that comes in the form of an altar, an active altar that acts as a portal for demonic things.”
“And so that’s what we’re dealing with,” Donnell declared. “I just know that God is doing something. Even Donald Trump’s landing in the Black Hills at Mount Rushmore on July 4, when the governor Kristi Noem put the message out that fireworks are returning to South Dakota, that was a prophetic word. And God spoke to me said, ‘When Donald Trump steps foot on this territory, there’s something that’s going to be done as far as the Constitution being upheld. It’s gonna bring a breakthrough with the Constitution.’ And I kinda got the feeling that what we’re really dealing with in that portal was communism. That witchcraft altar and those things that are happening in the Black Hills; what we’re really dealing with is communism; it’s the ideology and all the demonic entities and spirits behind that” [Kyle Mantyla, “South Dakota State Rep. Joe Donnell Claims Mount Rushmore Is a Demonci Portal Spreading Communism Across the Nation,” Right Wing Watch, 2023.06.26].
In the video, Representative Donnell says the Crazy Horse Monument is also a Mason shrine. He says he found metal engineering stakes with the “Evil Eye” on them around Mount Rushmore.
Life is too short to refute so much bonkerism. But let me address one bit of new-to-me crazy, this ley line nonsense, in which humans wishing for patterns where there are none (very QAnon-y) imagine that certain important sites line up and signal some cosmic significance. The Mount Rushmore memorial points more toward Graceland than the nation’s capital, so if Donnell’s ley line is anything more than a figment of his imagination, it signals that Elvis is the one true King.
And Joe thinks God is speaking to him. Not just speaking to him, but telling him really nutty a-Scriptural stuff.

Governor Kristi Noem has thumped her patriotic chest numerous times to say she won’t let any desecration of Mount Rushmore happen on her watch. But now a legislator from her own party, a man she called her long-time friend when she endorsed him in his failed primary bid against Senator Michael Rohl in June 2022, is claiming that Mount Rushmore is actually a demonic altar. That sounds like desecration of Mount Rushmore, with a side of Christian blasphemy to boot.
Whether he’s crazy or just telling whoppers to impress Crouley and the QAnon crowd, Representative Donnell is completely full of crap. But such full-of-crappedness gets Kristi Noem’s endorsement and friendship. Hmmm… I wonder what sort of ley lines run between Kristi’s house and Joe’s house….
Maybe big statutes just really give Mr. Donnell the quivers. He should start pulling the evil eye stakes he finds in the woods.
Grudz, you all over this? Seems like if there was a satanic portal in the Black Hills all this time you’d have a story or two about it.
I worked their a couple summers in the 80’s and even got a tour up to the top of the heads (ladder is behind Lincolns ear) saw the hall of records, pretty much just a dugout. Didn’t see any alters. I think Donnell must have mixed up the National Treasure movie where there was a river inside the hall. Nicolas Cage.. Jesus.. I see the resemblence.. hmmm
I’m only aware of a couple of Satanic portals in the Black Hills, and neither of them is by Rushmore. But you’re right, grudznick is very much all about Satanic portals so if there’s a new one I don’t know about I’d love to learn more.
Why can’t normal people run for the legislatures?
C’mon, man! That’s retired Naval Criminal Investigative Service special agent Stace Nelson.
Why mince words? These folks are f***ing NUTS! A UFO should whisk them all away to fantasy land – oh, that’s right, they already live there.
If Donnel is a good friend, what kind of religious nonsense has set up shop in the Governor’s brain. Why her fixation with Mt. Rushmore. Demons?? She’s on it.
It is time to recognize severe mental disorders as disqualifications for public office.
P, the resemblance between Joe and Stace is striking.
Anne, if I were the SDGOP House leadership, I would seriously consider Donnell’s comments as cause to call him and encourage him to resign. Donnell’s allegation of satanic influence at Mount Rushmore is either Santos-level lying or Jim Jones-level cultism, neither of which reflect well on the party or the Legislature.
I think that I can explain….
Blotter Acid.
Large amounts of Blotter Acid.
Joe and Kristi are madder than a bag of cut snakes, but they’re precisely the “leadership” South Duhkoduh Reptilians vote for and deserve; the image of a groping Donnell and Noem makes me wonder what hellish drug they’re sharing.
They’d be unbeatable election wise if they three-wayed with MTG.
lmao. How do these nuts get elected? Is the whole public whack?
sx123: your question has been answered clearly in about the last twenty election cycles.
Totally agree with Joe Donnell. 100%. Rushmore is nothing more than a monument to white right, genocidal madness against the native population, slaveholding and capitalist greed. Communism no. Satanism sure. The only thing to do is destroy it completely. I would be proud to stand with Joe and Kristy and light the first stick of dynamite. BOOM!
I know how these nuts get elected. and by whom, sx123. The voters are the Hot Springs business owner who publicly says Barack Obama married a man named Michael Robinson, and they bought their daughters Malia and Sasha in Africa. One of my neighbors insists Melania Trump (Melanija Knavs) graduated college in Paris and has a Masters in “social working.” An former employee of a local resort (a sheep ranch and RV park) that swears Rush Limbaugh is still alive.
The 6 Grandfathers need to be returned to the Great Sioux Nation to stop the hate and fear of these simpletons.
When someone says, “The Lord revealed to me….” you know what comes next ain’t gonna be from a sane person. That makes it probably the next bad marketing idea from the Noem administration. “Mt. Rushmore—an altar, an active altar that acts as a portal for demonic things.”
Bonnie, please let me know the name of the business whose owner claims “Barack Obama married a man named Michael Robinson, and they bought their daughters Malia and Sasha in Africa.” I want to be sure I don’t drop any money there.
Just another delusional fool, republicans love ’em ! But, as a lawmaker,it’s really a problem.
Melanoma claimed to have a degree in architecture from a Uni she spentless than one year in and was granted an Einstein visa into America.
Arizona’s Kari Flake is regurgitating the whole Obama birth certificate farce. Magats are all bat-spit crazy.
Mr. Donnell is exactly the brand of Republican Mrs. Noem is recruiting to turn South Dakota into Idaho: open carry, eliminating all the wildlife, tiling every wetland, strip mining the Black Hills, plowing up the native prairie, running Indigenous onto reservations, inserting state government into every bedroom and clinic, replacing the US Constitution with christianic religionism and canceling history.
The good news? The SDGOP is coming apart at the memes.
Speaking of scum, I hope you can check this out. All of those confinement bombs, could be eliminated…with duckweed to get the holy grail, rubisco.
“Instead of eggs and butter, Kuhlman says, each one was prepared with rubisco. They look moist and delectable. I bite into one, and then another. After savoring all of them, I search my palate for something missing. I can’t find it. The experience of each bite replicates the rich, soft springiness of the best baked goods. Wapo 27/6/23
RubisCO!!! Love it. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase is, of course, what drives carbon fixation in plants. I have a fondness for RubisCO.
What we know and don’t know about Mr. Donnel is somewhat incomplete. What we do know if if you are hearing voices directing your actions, you cannot pass a psychiatric exam.
Everyone hears voices directing you to do things. “Wait…wait….wait…” I hear that all the time sauntering downtown for breakfast. Voices call out “grudznick, your shower is ready” throughout the Flying J, and I don’t even shower there.
But this demonic portal that Mr. B (Mark) has seen but isn’t allowed to talk about, that could really be something we’d all like to see. Even Mr. Howie might get a kick out of that.
Speaking of some shifty politicians dropping really unbecoming comments, this one from AG Jackley is up there:
“A single murder case involving a child is too many,” said Attorney General Jackley. “A child is precious enough for parents and those entrusted to care for children to be aware of the surroundings and fragile conditions of children as well as educational assistance available for child care.”
Huh? I wish he made it more clear what that last part means.
5 child murder case investigations going on right now in SD is on all of us as South Dakotans. How the hell does that feel? I know I can’t stand it. The hell are we doing about it? Our AG is drowning in murders of babies under the age of 3 years old! Where is the outrage and special legislative session to appoint a task force or something? We need to help our kids and end this. The AG could use the FBI’s assistance. No matter what they say, the FBI knows how to handle child homicides. With their help, maybe our AG could focus on intervention. Ionno man.
So what is this guy think about the giant statue of the native woman along I90 by chamberlain. Is this some kind of satanic symbol or is this just a racist thing? Just wondering what he’s thinking is
If I thought like Rep. Donnell, I’d point out that we can draw a ley line from Mount Rushmore through the Dignity sculpture in Chamberlain straight to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, indicating that Dignity was created to break the sovereignty imposed by the Founding Fathers and surrender America back to the heathen socialism of the Indigenous peoples of the continent.
Very thoughtful assertion, Cory. Let’s mentally wander.
Ah, my dear Mr. Heidelberger, you have posed quite the intricate and thought-provoking suggestion! Let us, then, embark upon this intellectual journey, traversing the paths of speculation and analysis, while channeling the spirit of the celebrated author SAMUEL CLEMONS.
Now, a ley line, as some proponents argue, represents a mystical alignment connecting significant landmarks or sacred sites. So, the proposition before us suggests a ley line stretching from Mount Rushmore, coursing through the Dignity sculpture in Chamberlain, South Dakota, and culminating at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. From this alignment, it asserts that the sculpture known as Dignity became an emblematic symbol for demolishing the foundation laid by the Founding Fathers and returning America to the indigenous peoples who supposedly embrace a form of pure socialism.
Firstly, my friend, it is essential to grasp the intent and context behind the magnificent sculpture of Dignity. As a piece created by South Dakota artist, Laurence “Bud” Sosin, Dignity represents not a call for revolution against the very principles that gave birth to this great nation, but rather a tribute to the Lakota and Dakota Sioux tribes, evoking the themes of strength, resilience, and unity. Its placement overlooking the Missouri River symbolizes the significant historical and cultural contributions of Native Americans to the region.
To assert that Dignity signifies breaking the sovereignty established by the revered Founding Fathers would be a rather audacious interpretation. The Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, laid the foundations of a democratic republic, hoping to establish a system that would protect individual liberties while fostering societal progress. The idea of surrendering this sovereignty back to indigenous peoples, assuming they universally embrace pure socialism, is an oversimplification and generalization. Indigenous cultures across the continent encompass diverse beliefs, social structures, and governance systems, which may not firmly align with such a sweeping assertion.
Additionally, the concept of pure socialism is subject to various interpretations and historical contexts. To presume that indigenous peoples embody a singular, homogeneous ideology or socioeconomic system would be an oversimplification, disregarding the intricacies of their cultures, traditions, and histories. Indigenous peoples, like any other community, have a diverse range of political, economic, and social perspectives.
Therefore, my friend, while the notion of a ley line stretching from Mount Rushmore through the Dignity sculpture to the Liberty Bell may ignite imaginative possibilities, suggesting that Dignity symbolizes a call to reestablish an alleged indigenous socialism, might be a fanciful stretch. Appreciating the beauty and significance of Dignity lies in recognizing the rich heritage of Native American tribes and their critical contributions to the tapestry of American history. So let us cherish the wonders of art, history, and culture, while acknowledging the complexities that lie within them.
Now, adieu, my esteemed Mr. Heidelberger and may your intellectual quests continue to inspire the flames of inquiry and enlightenment!
Crazy is just Crazy.
What’s next – burning witches at the stake every Sunday?
Considering that it is a racist concept from a racist, that has been carved into one of the sacred sites, within our stolen holy land…I agree that it is demonic. The rest is just amusing fodder…maybe Donnell can do us all a favor and just blow the whole thing up.
My first suspicion was mushrooms 🍄 however a friend suggested LSD or Meth to be more likely involved! Jeff. Young America Mn.