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Kovach Considers Running for U.S. House in 2024

Zach Kovach, formerly of Brookings and Aberdeen, more recently agitating in Maryland and Iowa, is thinking out loud about running for South Dakota’s lone U.S. House Seat in 2024:

Today, Zach Kovach announced the launch of an exploratory campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives seat in South Dakota. With a strong belief that every South Dakotan deserves a voice and a choice in this election, Zach aims to be a strong voice that fights for working people and champions the interests of the state.

The exploratory campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives seat in South Dakota focuses on actively engaging with the people. Zach is committed to hearing directly from residents about their most important issues, listening to their stories, challenges, and aspirations. This approach allows Zach to understand the unique needs of South Dakotans and shape a platform that truly represents their interests. South Dakota deserves a representative who listens to the concerns and priorities of its residents. In the past two election cycles, there hasn’t been a Democratic challenger for this seat, leaving many South Dakotans without a genuine choice in representation. Zach aims to change that by offering a fresh perspective and progressive solutions that prioritize working people, small farms, and the overall economy.

Progressive policies offer a clear advantage for South Dakota’s agriculture, workers, and economy. Fair wages, strong labor protections, and renewable energy will provide economic growth, small business stability, and a thriving agricultural sector.. Through affordable healthcare, access to quality education, and a commitment to combating climate change, Zach envisions a future where every South Dakotan has the opportunity to succeed and prosper [Zach Kovach, press release, posted to campaign FB 2023.06.10].

Kovach has run for public office once before, an unsuccessful Democratic bid for District 7 (Brookings) House in 2018.

Since he’s just exploring a candidacy, Kovach does not yet have to file papers with the Federal Election Commission. But he still has to keep track of the money he raises and spends while testing the waters; if he dives fully in to a campaign, he has to report any campaign cash raised or spent now and apply those amounts toward FEC donation limits. However, on his CrowdPAC fundraising webpage, Kovach says he’s only taking pledges and will only charge supporters’ cards if he runs.


  1. Arlo Blundt 2023-06-11

    At least there’s ONE ambitious Democrat out there.

  2. Richard Schriever 2023-06-12

    Well, as I’ve been traveling around SD for the past decade or so for 6 months during the Summers, I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a small farm in SD anymore. I am not counting hobby farmers, vegetable gardeners or vineyards, of course, only those folks who earn all their living from the land.

  3. Richard Schriever 2023-06-12

    Last ag census data numbers available (2017 – should be new ones soon) put the average farm size in SD as 1440 acres. That’s just larger to the acres I helped farm when feeding 500 head of cattle. 2 full-time workers and 3-4 seasonal workers helpers. I guess maybe “small” is a relative term.

  4. larry kurtz 2023-06-13

    As the self-appointed savior of my home state and in lieu of a primary I hereby nominate and request Nick Tilsen to run as the Democratic Party’s choice for South Dakota’s At-large US Representative.

  5. grudznick 2023-06-13

    Lar, that’s a wonderful idea!

  6. larry kurtz 2023-06-13

    Mr. Sanborn, if you run as an unaffiliated candidate for the US House in 2024 I will send you some money.

  7. grudznick 2023-06-13

    How much money would you send, Lar?

  8. larry kurtz 2023-06-13

    Send me your PayPal link, Mike and after you get enough signatures and get certified on the general election ballot you can have how ever much you want.

  9. grudznick 2023-06-13

    You know what they say, Lar:

    Sid Spelts Photography. Mr. Spelts has one of the best resumes in the region for product photography, including many years as a Better Homes & Gardens product photographer, personality photography for companies like Maytag (Remember Mr. Lonely?).

  10. P. Aitch 2023-06-13

    Jay Roman???

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