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Bud May Sounds a Lot Like Trump, According to Victim Alleging Rape

Failed Republican House candidate Bud May showed his busted-up smirking face in court yesterday to face a charge of second-degree rape. According to the state, May raped a woman in a bar after expressing a Trump-like theory of consensual sex:

The alleged victim said May decided to force himself on the victim in a bathroom stall at a bar and says May said to her at the bar: “I am 6′8″, white, it is all consensual.” According to the police report, he fled the area, and upon being detained he claimed he had no involvement at first, then claimed: “it was simply a hug.”

His bond was set today at $7,500 with a no-contact order regarding the victim. His preliminary hearing is set for November 30 at 11:30 a.m. [Humberto Giles-Sanchez, “‘It Was Simply a Hug’, Says Defeated SD House Candidate Accused of Rape,” KOTA-TV, 2022.11.15].

May evidently got more than one “hug” at the bar Saturday night:

…Referencing law enforcement reports, Magistrate Judge Scott Bogue said the woman was hiding behind a bar counter with dirt, blood and an abrasion on her face when law enforcement arrived. She said May raped her in multiple ways.

The woman told law enforcement the blood on her was May’s, who had been in an altercation before the alleged incident. May’s mugshot clearly shows a bloody wound on his left eye, which had settled into a dark purple by the time he appeared in court Tuesday morning via video conference from the Pennington County Jail [Shalom Bear Gee, “State’s Attorney: Failed SD House Candidate Allegedly Raped Woman in Bar Bathroom,” Rapid City Journal, 2022.11.15].

That’s funny: back in 2014, Bud May didn’t think being big and strong implied any sort of consent for taking what one wants, at least not when it comes to things he controls:

The Oglala Sioux and Lakota Sioux of the reservation have been told by the Federal Government that the National Parks Service will be taking land that comprises the South Unit of the Badlands National Park as a new ‘Tribal National Park’, only the wording in the bill clearly indicates that it will be a federally managed national park under the Department of Interior, giving mere lip service to its tribal title. The Congressional bill has already been written, and if passed through Congress, both tribal members and non tribal members will be stripped of their deeded land – at a price set by the federal government. If owners do not accept Washington’s offer (expected to be a meager one), the land can be acquired at no cost because the measure has waived all appraisal rights and stipulates that Washington can simply take Indian land by force under ‘eminent domain’.

…Tribal member and local cattle rancher Bud May believes the issue is not confined to Pine Ridge.

May states, “There is a feeling of common cause between attached parties on this issue – namely tribes and other reservations. The bottom line is we’ll all be under dictatorial control if something is not done quick” Patrick Henningsen, “Washington’s Militarized Land-Grabs: Targeting the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota,” Global Research, 2014.06.25].

Maybe Avery should have done a better job of explaining to his son BUd that sexual consent comes from the voice of the woman, not the height of the man. Photo of Avery and Bud May, c. 2014, from right-wing anti-government propaganda by Patrick Henningsen, "Washington's Militarized Land-Grabs: Targeting the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota," Global Research, 2014.06.25.
Maybe Avery should have done a better job of explaining to his son Bud that sexual consent comes from the voice of the woman, not the height of the man. Photo of Avery and Bud May, c. 2014, from right-wing anti-government propaganda by Patrick Henningsen, “Washington’s Militarized Land-Grabs: Targeting the Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota,” Global Research, 2014.06.25.

Neither Bud nor his mom, Representative Elizabeth May, have publicly commented on the rape charge.


  1. Bud May is a feature; not a bug.

    To this day reservation border towns are influenced by the Klan, John Birch Society, the TEA movement and now by the extreme white wing of the Republican Party. The Trump Organization was simply the latest obstacle to public education because it hates people of color and social equity, too. Add it all up: Rupert Murdoch, a a not-so-closeted racist himself, the Kochs, JBS, the Council for National Policy, the National Rifle Association, Fox News, Tucker Carlson, their attacks on public education and their fear of the “Great Replacement.”

  2. Eve Fisher

    A lot of cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork this election season – Mr. May, Mr. Koskan – who’s next, GOP?

  3. Jake

    Mark, add to that comment “smaller brain”; reptilian perhaps?

  4. Francis Schaffer

    What troubles me about this article is; it does sound like Bud has done this before. I cannot imagine anyone in the bar will stand up to him this time because no one has since he was a child. The alcohol is not allowed as a defense.

  5. grudznick

    Has anybody out in the media contact young Mr. Bud May’s uncle, Mr. Sam Marty, for a comment? That might be interesting.

  6. Bill Janklow, Denny Sanford, Scott Munsterman, Gary Cammack, Bud May, Joel Koskan, Ted Klaudt: who’s next? Jon Hansen? Pat Powers?

  7. P. Aitch

    We’re left to assume this HayBilly raped a Native woman or he wouldn’t brag about being a whitey. There’s a Native Group in the Graybar, over the stenchyard in SooFoo, that might have a l’il indoctrination party for Avery Jr., should justice be served. Although, as BCB would point out, he’s innocent until proven guilty. And, in SD courts women are considered liars until proven otherwise. Especially Native women.

  8. grudznick

    Interesting that he also claims to be a Tribal Member, eh, Ms. P.h? I find it curious about his whitey comment, too. Perhaps Mr. Marty May is a race denier, plus a racist, plus a rapist. A racist race denying rapist.

    Ms. May and Mr. Marty must be so besmirched.

  9. Francis and P. Aitch both make keen observations on Bud Mays language. The statement suggests Bud May thinks he is entitled to have sex with women, just as Trump thinks his wealth entitles him to grope women. That entitlement mindset suggests he’s used to behaving this way. Invoking his whiteness suggests he was asserting some perceived white racist privilege over a Native woman.

    Just like Joel Koskan, Bud May’s misbehavior casts strong light on the SD Republican mindset with respect to women—or should I say deep disrespect?

  10. P. Aitch

    Right as rain, Cory. In the minds of SD Republicans last week’s election showed them they’re beyond criticism. To the winners go the spoils and what group in SD is more spoiled?
    – Also, it’s interesting that Dan Lederman has a weed growing license. All that dirty money he makes off parents whose kids get set up with a couple grams of weed (at SDSU) and have to mortgage their homes, to make bail, went to set up Danny Led into the legal marijuana biz, himself.
    – Not commenting on his religion and its stereotypes, though. No, sir.

  11. Scott P

    Bud’s hatred for women stems from his anger towards his mother. I can tell he’s a very spoiled and repressed child. He will never be safe around women, it will always end badly. The only way he will obtain liberation is to acknowledge his repressed homosexuality. Only then will he have fruitfall relationships.

  12. South Dakota’s most Pugnacious Porker is urging his fellow Republicants to go blind on Trump then sh!t hoping Ron DeSanctus can fertilize their dying political party.

  13. BobJ

    It looks to me, Bud May has watched too many episodes of Yellowstone.

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