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Haugaard Wants to Replace Rhoden on Noem Ticket—Now That’s a Riot!

Steven Haugaard, who lost handily to Kristi Noem in this month’s gubernatorial primary, is asking the SDGOP convention to nominate him to replace Larry Rhoden as Noem’s running mate.

Why, Steve? Seriously, why would you want to serve as lieutenant governor with a Governor who fails to live up to your professed conservative purity?

Even Haugaard’s fellow radical right-winger (I’d say righter and radical-er) Sam Kephart says Haugaard’s bid is nothing but sour grapes:

Samuel R. Kephart, comment submitted but to not published on Dakota War College, 2022.06.24; submitted to DFP 2022.06.25.
Samuel R. Kephart, comment submitted but to not published on Dakota War College, 2022.06.24; submitted to DFP 2022.06.25.

Kephart further states that “Everyone involved in this scheme should be ashamed—it’s like having a mini-riot in the local High School parking lot because your choice for Prom Queen didn’t win. Asinine and immature behavior….”

Of course, staging a riot when your guy doesn’t win is right up the alley of the Republicans Kristi and her party love. Maybe that’s Haugaard’s game: demonstrating to Noem his real Republican credentials by making a huge fuss over losing.


  1. larry kurtz 2022-06-25

    Sam Kephart is the Steve Haugaard of John Dales. How Hamsters can parachute into South Dakota and have the temerity to think they’re anything other than biker trash remains a mystery.

  2. Donald Pay 2022-06-25

    I don’t like Kephart’s politics, but I do like his turn of phrase: “Everyone involved in this scheme should be ashamed—it’s like having a mini-riot in the local High School parking lot because your choice for Prom Queen didn’t win. Asinine and immature behavior…”

    Haugaard’s loss to Noem was yuuuuge, and he should just slink off into the sunset. Kephart rightly considers Noem a Prom Queen, because she sure as hell ain’t no Governor.

  3. Jake 2022-06-25

    J don’t mind this scenario at all; competition offered by even incompetence is still ok. Rhoden has pretty much been “All Hat and No Cattle” pretty much all these years, but typical GOP for sure. Showed his true colors by setting off the fire alarm the last night of legislature; big joke, eh?

  4. 96Tears 2022-06-25

    Note to Haugaard: Wah.

  5. Jenny 2022-06-25

    Typical narcissist behavior. Also, the chauvinist in him can’t get over the fact he lost to a woman. He’ll be in denial for awhile, folks.

  6. Samuel R. Kephart 2022-06-25

    I’m not sure what Mr. Kurtz Is babbling about??

    I’m not a Hamster nor ever have been. I’ve never even owned a motorcycle nor have driven any, unless driving a moped around Bermuda on Spring Break in 1968 counts😳

    I moved to Spearfish in 2004 to raise my then young daughters in a family-friendly environment.

    Since my former wife was born and raised in Mitchell, my daughters, I believe, are either 4th or 5th generation South Dakotans.

    I did not “parachute” into the Black Hills; that’s both an uninformed and asinine comment to make.

    John Dale and I do know each other, but we don’t “hangout.”

    We see each other and briefly chat on occasion at Chamber Mixers.

    What is Mr. Kurtz’ basis for his ignorant comments?

    I simply loathe those who “chip-shot” gratuitous comments when they are clueless…

  7. grudznick 2022-06-25

    The Rhoden Rhangers are strategically placed throughout the convention room, prepared to laugh Mr. Haugaard off the podium.

  8. Mark 2022-06-25

    Please call grudznick to get him to write a guest column and explain what happened and what almost happened in Watertown this afternoon. A party convention is s different environment, but in semi-predictable SD, this was stunning.

  9. Bonnie B Fairbank 2022-06-25

    I’m the most politically naive person in this country and state, so I cannot fathom why anyone would want to work for or associate with Kristi Lynn. (Unless they’re relatives making $400,000 annually.)
    She is not unduly overburdened with brains or morals, has no clue about what this “governing” thing is all about, could not demonstrate leadership to a house cat, is famous for being a Reptilian party girl, and is a lying grifter about her family’s ranch subsidies.

  10. mike from iowa 2022-06-25

    In other Noem Nothing news, Noem told Greta Van (horrible facelift) Sustern she has always referred to herself as the nation’s most pro-life guv. Then she said she might need special session to update trigger law triggers.

  11. JO 2022-06-25

    Bonnie just recognizing that Kristi Lynne “is not unduly overburdened with brains or morals, has no clue about what this “governing” thing is all about, could not demonstrate leadership to a house cat, is famous for being a Reptilian party girl, and is a lying grifter about her family’s ranch subsidies.
    This means you are not politically naive.
    I really enjoyed your post.

  12. Kurt Evans 2022-06-25

    When I was teaching high school math and science, I’d occasionally deadpan this joke to my students:

    Last night I dreamed I was eating the world’s biggest marshmallow.
    (students laughing already)
    When I woke up, my pillow was gone.

    The joke never failed to land, and I eventually posted it to one of my social media accounts. Since then Lee Schoenbeck has responded to at least two anonymous comments at with this:

    And then you woke up and you were eating your pillow …

    Lee apparently thought I’d posted the comments to which he was responding, but I hadn’t.

    This evening at, an anonymous commenter wrote:

    What [Marty Jackley’s failure to crack 53 percent against David Natvig] tells me is that Jason would have trounced Marty.

    At 7:20 p.m., Jake Schoenbeck replied:

    And then you woke up eating your pillow?

    Jake apparently thought I’d posted the comment to which he was responding, but I hadn’t.

    The Sam Kephart comment Cory reproduces above was probably filtered to moderation because of the D-word.

    The authoritarian wing of the state GOP continues to double and quadruple down on its own arrogance.

  13. grudznick 2022-06-26

    Mr. Evans, this morning at the Conservatives with Common Sense Breakfast the opening rants will focus on how Mr. Ravnsborg’s utter failure to resign were a failed attempt by those insaner than most to damage the Republican party. Then, we will spend zero time discussing him any more, for he is banished and may no longer hold office. The funny looking former attorney general can attempt to trounce no one ever again.

  14. Kurt Evans 2022-06-26

    I wrote in my previous comment above:

    Jake [Schoenbeck] apparently thought I’d posted the [SDWC] comment to which he was responding, but I hadn’t.

    On the day Roe v. Wade was overturned, Jake had tweeted:

    Looks like a special session is going to happen for the #sdleg. With the current trigger law in SD, only the mothers life protection clause exists. Our legislature needs to add the incest and rape protection clauses. I imagine there will be a lot more discussion to come.

    Then he’d tweeted:

    South Dakota is well above the national average for sexual assault in the US. This is especially true in SD’s Native American population, per the 2019 SD Dept of Health report:

    America was founded on the principle that we’re all endowed by our Creator with the right to life. I’m wondering whether Jake accepts that principle and whether he’d say it includes a person conceived through sexual assault.

    An exception for a child conceived through incest or rape destroys the logical basis for defending the right to life at all. Neither of those things is ever the child’s fault.

    Sam Kephart rants:

    Everyone involved in this scheme [Steve Haugaard’s run for lieutenant governor] should be ashamed—it’s like having a mini-riot in the local High School parking lot because your choice for Prom Queen didn’t win.

    That seems like a very bad analogy.

  15. grudznick 2022-06-26

    Mr. Evans, did you awake today to find you had eaten your pillow? Also, have you stayed at or been the guest of Mr. Haugaard in Sioux Falls, or has he put you up in a motel here in Rapid? I suspect you have not, so I am working to arrange that.

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