The Secretary of State’s candidate website has a handy feature allowing users to sort certified primary candidates by their petition filing date. Click once, and you can see that the first candidates to submit petitions were Republicans seeking precinct committeeperson spots, which will give them votes in the bloody battle that will take place at the SDGOP convention in Watertown June 23–25 between Marty Jackley and Jason Ravnsborg.
Perhaps interestingly, three of those ten early birds have since withdrawn their once-eager petitions. Gary Schuster and Kelly Brack of Lincoln County Sioux Falls Precinct 1-11 filed for precinct committee seats on January 3. Manny and Barbara Steel filed to compete for those spots on January 12; Schuster and Brack withdrew their petitions on January 24. Then yesterday, James and Sarah Barnett filed to challenge to Steeles, and this morning, Secretary Barnett certified Hayley Halverson for that Lincoln SF 1-11 contest.
The other early filer to withdraw is Robert Thomason of Selby. He withdrew his petition for Walworth Precinct 03 committeeman yesterday. While there are two candidates for Walworth 03’s GOP committeewoman (Vivian Witlock filed on Valentine’s Day; Kathy K. Walker filed March 17), no one else filed for the committeeman spot Thomason abandoned. Thomason does remain on the ballot for Walworth County Commissioner in District 3, challenging incumbent Scott “Stubby” Schilling (that’s how Stubby wants his name on the ballot).
Click the petition filing date column again, and you can see the most recently filed petitions. Secretary Barnett is marking some petitions (like Hayley Halverson’s above) as filed today, March 30, although the deadline for filing partisan petitions was 5 p.m. yesterday, March 29. Perhaps Secretary Barnett is referring to the date that he received and filed them as certified. So far today we have new petitions for three GOP precinct committeepeople, one Republican delegate to convention (Trish Murphy, Lincoln County, Sioux Falls… and Trish! Who’s your pick for Attorney General?, one independent for county treasurer (Colleen Rae Meier in Dewey), and one Republican for South Dakota House District 26A, one Marshal Tinant.
Perhaps Tinant’s petition came in late because it takes mail longer to get to Pierre from Nebraska. Tinant lists his mailing address as 26650 299th Street, Crookston, Nebraska, 69212-7014.
Boy, I know the Legislature really did a number on the district map last November, but I didn’t know they managed to gerrymander the northern strip of Nebraska’s Cherry County into District 26A.
Crookston is a patch of not-much about eleven miles west of Valentine, five miles south of the border, 25 miles southeast of Rosebud, South Dakota, where his Democratic opponent Eric Emery lives, and 74 miles southwest of Winner, South Dakota, where his other Democratic opponent Alexandra Frederic lives. Google says Tinant prepares taxes in Valentine, Nebraska, but the Environmental Working Group says Tinant was the 26th biggest federal farm subsidy collector in Todd County, South Dakota, in 2020.
Tinant has been a Todd County Commissioner for years, so I’m sure his residency is all in order. A guy can certainly get his mail in one state but makes his bed in another. But South Dakota Republicans should be careful about letting folks with Nebraska addresses run for South Dakota office. You never what sort of radicals might sneak onto the ballot….
Well, when I was growing up there were a number of Stubs and Stubbys around, also plenty of Shorty’s and Stretchs. There were at least four women named Babe as well as a couple of male Babes. In a small town, just about everybody had a nickname, it wasn’t remarkable, just one way to keep all the John Johnsons, John Andersons and John Petersons separate and identified.
Candidate Tinant is one of the good old, privileged white settlers on the reservation. The inept inbred Republican machinery from Pierre showed up while the County Commissioners were conducting business to get their privileged white guy to sign on the petition dotted line then headed over to the ass wipe family to secure enough republican signatures, then back to Pierre. Smooth. Determine. Oh oh.
The 3 Nebraska Zip Codes situated on the Rosebud Reservation should be investigated, as the boundaries look like a gerrymandering job done back in the day with Todd County was unorganized, with Tripp County handling county business for Todd County. Fishy, Questionable. Racist. The zip code boundaries, one wonders, might have been constructed to let the white privileged settlers, like Tinant, send their kids to Nebraska schools so they did not have to intermix with Indian students in the public school in Mission.
Do they pay property taxes in SD or NE? Maybe Commissioner Tinant needs to look into that situation.
The Rosebud Casino is on the Rosebud Reservation, has a Nebraska address. Employees living near the casino and working at the casino file a NE nonresident state income tax return. Did Nebraska somehow appropriate the southern portion of the reservation? Are tribal members living in Valentine, Crookston, or Kilgore, Nebraska according to the zip codes on the reservation?
Maybe tribal leaders and people should be marching in Mission, as well as Rapid City. Racism and racist behavior are right dab in the middle of the reservation. The privileged white guys like candidate Tinant exploits it for their kind to get into the Dumb Doom in Pierre to chip away at Indian’s rights, as well as Tribal Governments’ rights and jurisdictions throughout the state. Dang, Janklow reincarnated; back to the ’70s. Did tribal members and tribal governments learn anything after the Kneip decision robbed the tribe of 2 million acres of jurisdictional lands? Hope we did. Maybe not. Time to take action. Or not.
The lack of any deviation from one single social and political school of thought is a bull horn abashing our overall IQ as a state, thus demonstrating South Dakota’s status of higher education, and quite frankly, unworthiness of another dime from our countrymen that does not go directly towards teachers and students and health for all.
“How unsica!” the candidates must exclaim when they see the ballot with no spice; just bland ol pale, stale, and male. Its so heavy on one side only, its like the equivalent of an inbred jug head. I urge the ol grand wizards running this sht show to quit seeing their bank roll swell while floating down a river of gold like Proud Mary. And please realize we are all in this together. When the levy breaks, there will be no sandbags around your mansion. And Turkish rugs don’t float. Neither will trump’s toupee.
Has anyone considered what could happen if we pulled the classic Star Belly Sneetch switcheroo? Everyone register as an (R) so they can’t tell who is exclusive or not anymore. Then they will not know not to listen to our ideas because we’ll all be the same sneetches having weenie roasts on beaches.
South Dakota’s election ballot looks like a family tree consisting of one solid tap root. That can’t be healthy or intelligent.
We should start our own Capitol! Ft. Pierre or Huron.
Everyone center left, hey we re not gonna hold our breath for 50 years watching the Democrats screw up and Republicans take away our freedoms! No.
Elections once a week, First Amendment nonprofit assemblies. We do what we do better than the Rs that don’t do.
Imagine Chris Rock does a Bruce Lee and avoids will Smith’s angry hands! ‘Be like water…”. Fluid.
Not like a stony corrupt Republican lag-islature.
Do you really like elections every 2 years?
To make the electorate docile, bored, purged and not able to vote?
Time for the new!
Democrats= wait, maybe much later.
Democracy is now.
Addresses are dumb. I say that as somebody who likes addressing and GIS-work, who 911s to addresses and who made a digital functional version of the ambulance service’s 911 address map here in Todd/Mellette County.
The post offices in Todd County have this odd fear of rural delivery. It doesn’t happen. But when post office coverage is determined, county lines and state lines are hardly taken in to consideration. The USPS doesn’t care if the Rosebud Casino is on land inside SD boundary, it’s closer to Valentine by a good distance, therefore it gets serviced by the Valentine address. See also Sicangu Village. Kilgore, Crookston, and Valentine all dabble in RST, as does Winner. Tinant’s address and subsequent residency are well within the boundary of Todd County.
That being said, he got 9 signatures to get on the ballot and needed 9, so he better hope everything is perfect because he left himself no margin for error.