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Noem Speaks to Michigan Republican Confab Saturday Morning

Part-time Governor Kristi Noem takes her Presidential campaign to Michigan this weekend. She is the first confirmed speaker listed on the website of the Michigan Republican Party’s 34th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference.

34th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, website screen cap, 2021.09.24.
34th Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, website screen cap, 2021.09.24.

Now I can’t imagine Noem is going there in person. I mean, the big Buffalo Roundup is happening in Custer State Park this weekend. There’s no way Kristi would miss the chance for this photo opp and the chance to pose for another portrait of herself playing cowgirl that she can auction off to her adoring fans!

Noem could just be Zooming in to the Mackinac meeting. But she could make it in person to both events. The actual roundup starts this morning at 9:30 a.m. Mountain Time, with buffalo handling this afternoon. Kristi could gallop around the park on her horse all day today and even stay for the Kirkhams and the Wilt Brothers country music show this evening and ride the hot air balloons at 7 p.m. Then she could hop on her plane at 8 p.m., be on Mackinac Island by 1 a.m. Eastern, zonk out, and be made up and crack the dawn at MRLC at her scheduled Saturday 8 a.m. speaking slot.

Joining Noem on the Trumpist-heavy Mackinac stage are Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Lindsay Graham, South Carolina Congresswoman and quisling Nancy Mace, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, Sean Spicer, Betsy DeVos. Cruz gets the prime Friday night speaking spot; Ricketts and Graham get the Saturday night spot.


  1. Mark Anderson 2021-09-24

    Geez a regular lies quest of speakers, it will be fun to hear the alternate universe again. I could use some humor. Wheres DeSantis? He’s got his handpicked Surgeon General so he should have some spare time from all the killing. Will they wear masks?

  2. Prairie Rose 2021-09-24

    There’s no motorized traffic on Mackinac Island. One has to take a ferry (1/2 hour) ride from Mackinac City. Transportation on the Island is either bicycle, walking or horse carriage.

  3. Loren 2021-09-24

    Speaker?? How about a person that stands behind a mic and recites GQP talking points? When was the last time Kristi had an original thought?

  4. mike from iowa 2021-09-24

    Noem exagerates/baffles with BS to Michigan Republican Confab Saturday Morning

    I fixed it for you.

  5. cathy 2021-09-24

    Oh darn, she’s going to miss the fireworks in Yankton over a genuine fake Mount Rushmore.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-09-24

    Fireworks in Yankton? I thought President Biden took away all of our fireworks.

  7. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-09-24

    Loren, I will agree that the lack of originality of Noem’s speeches is matched by her lack of enthusiasm and charisma. She’s not the kind of speaker you slate for an opening slot to wake an audience up.

  8. ArloBlundt 2021-09-24

    Well…goodness!!!! Mackinac Island is an extremely historic place and if she’s appearing at the Grand Hotel, it is one of the last remaining resorts of the Gilded Age of the Robber Barons. I’m sure the Republicans will be quite comfortable. No cars are allowed on the island and transportation is by carriage, though perhaps now they have made allowances for golf carts. The island is the site of an ancient American Indian settlement and a large British and later American fort and trading post. I’m not sure if there is an airport on the island. The Governor may have to take a ferry over from St. Ignace. Its not exactly an easy place to get to. Michigan is home to the militia movement and northern Michigan is full of obscene signs regarding Biden and Harris and graffiti where the “Pure Michigan” highway signs have been altered to say “Michigan’s Governor is an Idiot.” Michigan is racked by Covid and the Republican Party is in turmoil. I doubt that Mrs. Noem will be equal to the task assigned to “Kick Off” speakers at such events.

  9. Donald Pay 2021-09-24

    I notice they didn’t have a confab in 2020. Apparently they believed the science and canceled. Good for them. The idiot Governor from South Dakota, who went on with her Mt. Rushmore stupidity that same year, will probably preach to them about FREEDOM and not mention the death that she brought on. Clearly these Michiganders are the sort of squish Republicans that Noem probably can’t reach. They appear to have double digit IQs, and Noem pitches her tent with the single digit crowd. But, I’m sure they will be talking about “stolen elections,” Trump being re-installed in August, …er October, and what critical race theory isn’t. There will probably be nothing about the concerns of regular Americans.

  10. John 2021-09-24

    Let’s anticipate the GQPers discuss the plot to kidnap and likely murder the Michigan governor.

  11. Porter Lansing 2021-09-24

    Ted Cruz vs Kristi Noem?

    Won’t be the last time.

    She better phone it in.

  12. Donald Pay 2021-09-24

    Yeah, you’re right, Cory. Biennial. It even says it in the lede graph of your post. That was dumb.

  13. grudznick 2021-09-25

    They do have horsies on that island, and Governor Noem likes horsies.

  14. mike from iowa 2021-09-25

    Does Mackinac Island have emergency vehicles?

    Getting around the island means walking, bicycling, on horseback, or by horse and carriage, and in winter by snowmobile, as no motor vehicles are allowed. The only ones on the island are for emergency services: three fire trucks, three police vehicles and one ambulance.Feb 23, 2021

    Noem likely spent beaucoup state bucks to commission someone to carve a princess carriage out of punkins just for her stately visit.

  15. Porter Lansing 2021-09-25

    Mack Land is in the UP (upper peninsula).
    -It’s known for raising the hillbillies of the North, much like the haybillies of South Dakota.
    -grudz would fit right in.
    -They don’t like outsiders; don’t educate their kids well, and have a lingo all their own.
    -Called “yoopers” by the civilized people of Michigan, they’re as embarrassing and behind modern times as the SDGOP.
    -Noem’s bullsh*t is perfect for simple folk that believe anything they agree with.

  16. DaveFN 2021-09-25

    Why is it termed a “leadership” conference?

    Never mind, I see it’s qualified as a “Republican” leadership conference.

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