While President Joe Biden patches up our global relations so he can turn to the last guy’s pal Putin with the confidence of the world’s democracies on our side him, new research from Pew shows President Biden is making good on his promise to restore America’s reputation overseas:

In each of the 16 publics surveyed, more than six-in-ten say they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. Looking at 12 nations surveyed both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year.
…This year, U.S. favorability is up again: Whereas a median of just 34% across 12 nations had a favorable overall opinion of the U.S. last year, a median of 62% now hold this view.
In France, for example, just 31% expressed a positive opinion of the U.S. last year, matching the poor ratings from March 2003, at the height of U.S.-France tensions over the Iraq War. This year, 65% see the U.S. positively, approaching the high ratings that characterized the Obama era. Improvements of 25 percentage points or more are also found in Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands and Canada Richard Wike, Jacob Pousheter, Laura Silver, Janell Fetterolf, and Mara Mordecai, “America’s Image Abroad Rebounds with Transition from Trump to Biden,” Pew Research Center, 2021.06.10].
That’s how we make America great—by electing great leaders, not clowns.
Related Restoration: President Biden joined his fellow G-7 leaders today in announcing a compact to donate one billion doses of coronavirus vaccine to countries that need help fighting the pandemic. The United States will provide half of those doses.
This comes as no surprise. Biden is a rational actor, Trump was a temperamental crazy man at the wheel.
Look, i’m not the type of guy to defend donald trump… but… i would find it difficult to be rational and set a good global example if i had to waddle around with three liters of piss in my diaper all day, too.
I think that we should definitely set US policy based on what other countries think we should do.
That’s how you win, I think .. in fact, why don’t we do what China wants and raze The Black Hills and put it on a boat to Beijing.
John – what does “win” mean to you when it comes to the longevity and peacefulness of the global human experience?
You seem like the kind of guy who wants to run around and yell things like AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE and whatnot, ignoring the reality of our crumbling international relations and the fact that a hundred million people in this country live in conditions similar to a third world country. I encourage you to watch this clip from the show Newsroom, as it was written as a response to people with the incorrect assumption that our country is a global leader in anything other than misery and memes:
Mr. Dale, I believe the Chinese have their own mountains. You should look up one of the greatest landscape paintings by Fan Kuan, Travelers by Mountains and Streams. This is from about the year 1000. The Chinese had man’s place in the universe down, even then. They unfortunately haven’t had a government worth anything except on Taiwan where this painting resides.
Mr Dale projects his own perpetual state of jealousy and envy of others’ successes onto the world.
Mr. Dale and Ryan show ‘ignorance incarnate’ in their blather! Per Ryan, any man who moves slowly and talks with forethought because he over-came stuttering earlier in life is walking in a ‘pissful diaper’ is talking with s#it in his mouth and like Ryan, has the same for brains!
Jezz Jake wrong side of the bed and it’ Saturday too.
It used to be that liberals were tolerant of views other than
their own. Apparently not on this blog, though.
Other views tolerated by Libs came from the real world and contained modicum of truth, not made up stuff and outright, easily debunkable lies. The other side used to spend a are minimum of time thinking flor themselves. Now Fake Noize gives them their indefensible talking points.
Don’t forget it was Frank Luntz who came up with death tax in place of estate tax and see all the havoc that one small change has created.
Edwin. What are your credentials to consider yourself an expert on liberals?
All you do is observe, filter it through your German contrary conservatism and voila. You’re an expert?
Ah, Porter, I tolerate your opinions, why can’t you tolerate mine?
Well Mike, Thomas Jefferson’s greatest achievement in his letters to Adam’s was his death tax in Virginia to prevent the establishment of aristocracy. So it goes, I’m sure kristi has never read those letters.
Oh, Edwin?
-What you generalized about several hundred million Americans was just your opinion?
– OK.
– Do you post your opinions here because you don’t want them criticized?
jake – read my comment again and then go hit yourself. I was making fun of donald trump wearing diapers and pissing his pants in public.
Ryan, somehow I still don’t see your reference to trump there-I based my comment on your seeming to back him and HIS referring to Biden as ‘”Sleepy Joe”…
Jake – I don’t know what you are reading or talking about. I said:
“Look, i’m not the type of guy to defend donald trump… but… i would find it difficult to be rational and set a good global example if i had to waddle around with three liters of piss in my diaper all day, too.”
Let me break the cardinal rule of comedy and explain this hilarious joke to you. I think trump is the worst president of my lifetime, so I start the sentence with a ruse, to bait my audience. The ellipses in the middle of the sentence is the first hint to my dear, constant reader that perhaps there is more to this sentence than they originally thought. Then BOOM, I pull a fast one. I switch from faux-serious to obvious blue comedy with an insult about trump’s pee pants.
You see, Cory’s article is all about how trump made our country look terrible in the eyes of the world and how biden is helping the US to regain some credibility. I consider my insult here to be somewhat dry, sure, but also quite powerful. Recently, trump was photographed at some event with what appeared to be a large pillow smuggled down the front of his slacks. Most of the people who saw it, myself included, assumed (correctly, I’m sure) that the pillow was instead a diaper full of urine. So – my comment was (jokingly) suggesting that donald trump should be given some slack for his absolutely disgraceful, but thankfully complete, stint as president because he was performing his duties while wearing a piss-filled diaper. Alas, I do not actually think that he should be given any slack because being the president is important and if you sign up for the job you should actually do it, diaper or no diaper. As for your comment about sleepy joe – I don’t know what you are talking about.
McCTurtlefartface is telling the world he will block any Biden Scotus nominee in 2024 if magats take senate. He will block it anyway, whether they have the majority or not. Dems, magats won’t play with you. Drop the filibuster and get on with saving America from magats.