Last updated on 2021-03-06
Eleven years ago, Kevin LaWayne Brown, Jr., killed a man in Wichita who his girlfriend said had raped her two years before. Brown now resides in the Jameson Annex of the South Dakota Penitentiary. Five years ago, Brown’s sister Kayla was killed in a fracas over a parking spot; his sister’s killer initially got off on a “Stand Your Ground” defense, but the Kansas Court of Appeals and the Kansas Supreme Court threw that defense out.
Brown’s experience with the criminal justice system, part of his 33 years of living as a black man in America, leads him to write this report on social injustice in America:

Cory, the title of this article is so obvious that it’s been embedded in the Republican playbook my entire lifetime. Of course they just see it as a way too win and since they no longer have any principles under his twitterness it’s not going away.