Last updated on 2020-12-24
Another Christmas gift! Gregory County cartoonist Jo Johnson sends us this depiction of the things Kristi Noem values most this merry Yuletide:

Correction 2020.12.24 13:56 CST: Johnson has corrected the cartoon to reflect an accurate coronavirus death count in South Dakota. We regret the original error… and regret that we have to report any four-digit death toll that our state could have prevented.
What’s up with the Jason Ravnsborg investigation? I thought the investigation was going to be done before Christmas? Anyone know what is holding this up? Why don’t they finish the dang thing? How utterly rude of them to lag this long when Joe Boever’s family would like this to get moving. A disgrace, but typical for SD.
Kristi Noem and Jason Ravnsborg can go home to their families for Christmas. The Boever family will have their beloved son and brother gone and an investigation up in the air because to SD it is not of utmost importance to get this investigation finished. Sending their embarassing AG as an elector for their orange blimp man is more important. Go figure.
Well kristi got South Dakota deaths past Oregon today. Oregon hasn’t reported yet so it might be short lived but I’m sure she can do it. North Dakota took awhile too.
COVID Kristi comes clean! Just like Pontius Pilate did with this public hand washing to create the impression there’s no blood on her hands. “I share South Dakotans’ frustration about the amount of time that has taken,” she said in a statement to the Argus Leader. “To have more than 100 days go by without resolution on this is a disservice to the victim’s family.”
So, where has she been these last “more than 100 days?”
I think GNOem is gonna challenge Vladimir Thune and is laying the track for her train. Might work too by tossing the killer Ravnsborg under those tracks.
It’s hard to say who’s playing hardball with Jason Ravnsborg as the ball. He bears a resemblance to Jason Gant in that nobody really cares whether he ends up with jail time or the loss of his lawyer card. Oh, and in competence level, too.
Not many vehicular homicide cases have taken three months to present a decision as to what charges, if any, will be filed. Those which have taken that long, if any, will almost certainly include a highly-placed elected official, along with a slew of elected and appointed creatures who can see opportunity in the death of an inconsequential small-town guy and the discomfort of a no-clue weasel like Ravnsborg.
Put the ball in my sweet spot. I’ll knock it outa the park. Some kid in an alley out beyond the stadium can gather up the tattered remnants of the political baseball that used to be Jason Ravnsborg, itinerant clueless incompetent.
Well something is going on behind the scenes, lord knows what when it comes to the way SD works.
I’m sure they know by now the family is going to file a civil law suit. Maybe the state got the letter this week from the family lawyer. Waiting this long for an investigation to get finished is all the more justification for a civil suit.
Three freaking months and no answers yet. Are they at a disagreement ? Noem knows exactly what is going on, she is so easy to read. Gotta go out and play the distressed game.
Noem feigns her dissatisfaction.
With all of the law enforcement and investigators involved, it will take a lot of under the table deals to get everyone on the same “accidents happen” page.
The 56 mostly rural counties that host meat packing plants had Covid-19 at up to 10 times the national rate. noem, reynolds, ricketts lack of leadership fostered the spread of the virus for data shows that mask mandates and contact tracing significantly reduced the virus spread.
Where’s her flame thrower? Trump was exceedingly good at undermining every process or institution that didn’t produce his desired result on his timeline. He attacked without proof of corruption. His polarized base eagerly believed him and it destabilized the country. We should keep our expectations high, be watchful, but must not assume every institution is going to fail us, or for that reason, they will.
The Boever alleged accident was mishandled from the start.
Many things in South Dakota are mishandled, but that doesn’t mean criminal intent. As much as I dislike the ignorance in our state and Kristi Noem’s arrogance, it’s worth noting she agreed in today’s papers the delay in the Boever investigation is a disservice to their family. A disservice is still not corruption or a coverup. The results of a multi-state investigation were given back to the assistant State’s Attorney of Hyde County weeks ago. Assistant, Assistant, who sought the help of three other state attorneys. The dynamics in this case may be much different than what is being assumed.
The 15% annual increase in deaths in the US is the largest since 1919.
The hypocrisy of the faux right to life party is deadly.
Noem paid Boever family lip service. Doesn’t make Ravnsborg any less guilty.
Sounds like another presidential pardon to me! Here it comes.
Ravnborg and Boever both deserve justice. The case was given back to Emily Sovell of Hyde County to decide how to proceed. There must be tremendous pressure on her shoulders. Maybe someone at such a low level should not be burdened to make the right decision, but we also saw election officials across the country do the right thing.