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Biden Leads Trump in Support from Aisle-Crossing Former Governors

Eight former Republican governors have endorsed Joe Biden over their own party’s incumbent to lead the United States of America:

…Joe Biden has been endorsed by eight former Republican governors, including John Kasich of Ohio, Rick Snyder of Michigan and Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania. They haven’t minced words in deploring Trump, describing him variously as a “bully,” “reprehensible” and “dangerous.”

“If a Republican President is incapable of condemning white supremacists, then the party of Lincoln has expired,” Ridge tweeted last week, following the first Trump-Biden debate.

The other former governors who’ve endorsed Biden are Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey, Marc Racicot of Montana, Jim Edgar of Illinois, Arne Carlson of Minnesota and William Weld of Massachusetts. They are all part of a sizable group of former Republican officials who have come out for Biden, including former Cabinet secretaries, defense and foreign policy officials and two former chairs of the Republican National Committee [Alan Greenblatt, “A Group of Retired Republican Governors Comes out for Biden,” Governing, 2020.10.08].

The only prominent Democratic former governor known to back Trump is felon and fellow con-man Rod Blagojevich, whose 14-year corruption sentence Trump commuted in February.


  1. cibvet 2020-10-09 11:51

    Still some republicans who haven’t had a lobotomy performed.

  2. Jenny 2020-10-09 12:52

    My prediction – Biden wins by taking the Rust Belt except for Ohio (doesn’t even need Ohio to win). Please Democrats, watch those voting places everywhere to make sure Democrats and minorities are not turned away!! Trump will do everything he can to steal this election, I am dead serious. Please Please please Democrats, we have to do our part to make sure minorities are not turned away. Voter Suppression is VERY real. Let’s keep it from happening. I will be watching very closely in my precinct all day long on election day.

  3. Jason 2020-10-09 13:25

    Rick Snyder knowingly poisoned residents of Flint, Michigan.

    I guess all these Republican endorsements make sense when you consider that Biden has governed like a moderate Republican for 40 years. It will be interesting to see how many Republicans are appointed to his administration. Do you ever notice how Republicans seldom do that? But Democratic presidents just love to appoint Republicans.

  4. Mike Livingston 2020-10-09 22:45

    Taking a stand when your out of office is not quite as admirable as doing the deed before your golden parachute opens! It is not rocket science to explain why career politicians will not take a stand when they have nothing to lose and are guaranteed a cushy soft landing no matter what they have or have not accomplished.

    They will reap the benefits of the Cadillac health care plan and a premium pension. I believe most of them have convinced themselves that they earned it, and that their constituents could achieve a similar result if they just tried a little harder.

    In my opinion if the haves had any clue what the difference is between the indigenous, the black, the brown, and perhaps most importantly the impoverished and themselves.

    Just maybe they might have an epiphany and realize that they are members of an unjustly entitled group and the rest of us are no less and no more than equal to them. That’s my view for better or worse. Don’t be afraid to express your opinion and no matter what you do VOTE!

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