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South Dakota Far from Exemplary Among Small States in Preventing Coronavirus

South Dakota is an example to the nation of how to respond to a pandemic, chirps Governor Kristi Noem from her perch in Pierre.

KELO-TV produces one graph that shows how bad our example is:

Rae Yost, "How Do South Dakota's Covid-19 Numbers Compare to Other Small States?" KELO-TV, 2020.10.06.
Rae Yost, “How Do South Dakota’s Covid-19 Numbers Compare to Other Small States?” KELO-TV, 2020.10.06.

Of the seven states with less than one million people, South Dakota has the highest number of coronavirus cases. Rhode Island has just over a million people and is far more densely populated, with far more daily interaction with New York City and Boston, and 2.4% of its people have contracted coronavirus. South Dakota’s infection rate is 2.8%. Rhode Island right now is seeing 142 new cases a day. South Dakota is seeing 409 new cases a day.

South Dakota’s case and death count have risen to record highs since Kristi Noem started gallivanting around the country to campaign for Trump:

New York Times, graphs of daily coronavirus cases and deaths in South Dakota, retrieved 2020.10.07.
New York Times, graphs of daily coronavirus cases and deaths in South Dakota, retrieved 2020.10.07.

Rhode Island’s cases and deaths spiked early and now are far lower:

New York Times, Rhode Island coronavirus cases and deaths, retrieved 2020.10.07.
New York Times, Rhode Island coronavirus cases and deaths, retrieved 2020.10.07.

Among other things, the Rhode Island Department of Health prominently urges its people to wear masks:

The South Dakota Department of Health coronavirus homepage continues to downplay the need for masks.

South Dakota is an example to the nation, all right—an example of how not to prevent coronavirus.


  1. ds


    Verily WE chosen by the ALMIGHTY to lead you say to you follow us without delay. Cast down your fears of this virus and walk lockstep behind us. Believe not the false prophets called scientist who propagate lies. AS we march closer and closer to the precipice edge of the cliff, gather tight to us. Cast off your worthless mask and breathe deeply the cloud of our voices. Fear not the dark visions of evil speakers, those that profess knowledge are liars and demons. At the edge of the cliff you will spread your God given wings and fly like angels immune from danger. You will be rejuvenated and pumped up to wondrous power and become 20 years younger with our Holy medicines.
    And as you plummet to the rocks below know well that your fall from grace is written in your lack of faith and only those CHOSEN by the Almighty will survive.

  2. jerry

    GNOem actually gets uglier each time I see her mug, she is possessed by evil.

  3. jerry

    Yes leslie, GNOem doesn’t want to wear a mask because she is under the false pretense that it will diminish her looks, when on the contrary, it would improve them.

  4. james

    Another strange reporting day for the SD Dept. of Health. 562 new cases reported. But the positive rate may be low because somehow they managed to test 6,385 people to come to that result. Hopefully someone in the media will ask for an explanation. I have not yet seen one.

    Deaths are up 10 today. Hospitalizations are up 23.

    Awful numbers. But Governor Noem is out bragging about it. And Trump is congratulating Kristi on her handling of this.

  5. jerry

    GNOem must be on the same drugs as chubby trumpy, both are delusional with their chatter of nonsense.

  6. mike from iowa

    drumpf’s body count is back on a faster track….

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    4% fatality rate.

  7. james

    562 cases in South Dakota today.

    If the rest of the country were doing as fantabulous as Kristi Noem in fighting the Coronavirus, what would things look like nationally?

    Well. Instead of 40,000 cases a day, the US would have about… 200,000… a day.

  8. grudznick

    Mr. james, I heard on the TV they change what they count now. We will see huge numbers, and soon the numbers of the herd will swell.

  9. Observer

    The New England Journal of Medicine:

    “The federal government has largely abandoned disease control to the states,” the editorial read. “Governors have varied in their responses, not so much by party as by competence.”

    “For example, masks work. Social distancing works. Quarantine and isolation work. They’re not opinions. Deciding not to use them is maybe a political decision but trying to suggest that they’re not real is imaginary and dangerous.”

    “When it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent,”

  10. Debbo

    Whoa! The NEJM couldn’t be more crystal clear. “Governors have varied in their responses, not so much by party as by competence.”
    (Thanks, Observer.)

    It couldn’t be more crystal clear that Kruel Kristi is among the leaders of that incompetent club. Mad Moron heaps praise on them while people suffer, some die, some have lifelong debilities and some recover eventually.

    What a morally bankrupt club of cruelty.

  11. The editorial Observer quotes is here. Put that editorial side-by-side with Trump’s declaration that getting coronavirus is a “blessing from God,” and you have a powerful argument for voting the bums out and electing new leaders on every line of your ballot. Biden, Ahlers, every new candidate for Legislature—America needs total regime change right now.

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