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Republicans Fundraise with Reënactment of Butina/Erickson Hunt in Red October

The South Dakota Republican Party is inviting folks to pay $2,000 a pop to walk around cornfields with shotguns and  California capital manager Dan Genter as part of their annual party pheasant hunt. That’s $2,000 to go out with Dan in the morning, another $2,000 to go again in the afternoon.

SDGOP hunt 2020
Sure, looks like a typical South Dakota hunter to me… screen cap from GOP fundraising site WinRed, 2020.10.25.

South Dakota Republicans will conduct their hunt for dollars at Maria Butina and Paul Erickson’s favorite hunting spot, the Missouri River Outdoors Lodge near Elk Point.

Maria Butina, Paul Erickson, and the "Stickney Grp", Missouri River Outdoors, Facebook photo, posted 2014.11.09.
Maria Butina, Paul Erickson, and the “Stickney Grp”, Missouri River Outdoors, Facebook photo, posted 2014.11.09.

Maria is back in Russia doing television, while poor Paul can’t handle guns for a while. But our favorite international man and woman of mystery will surely be in our Republican friends’ hearts as they bang away in Elk Point on the 25th.

One Comment

  1. leslie

    How are our own intelligence agencies viewing Trump’s debate performance?

    As Sanger reports, they see his behavior as deliberate, and his statements (possibly) as an intentional signal to Putin to amplify Russian disinformation efforts directed against American citizens. According to Sanger (who chooses his words carefully here), U.S. intelligence distinctly sees a coded conduit of communication between this president and Russian intelligence, specifically raising concerns in the intelligence community “that Mr. Trump’s rant about a fraudulent vote may have been intended for more than just a domestic audience.”

    They have been worried for some time that his warnings are a signal to outside powers — chiefly the Russians — for their disinformation campaign, which has seized on his baseless theme that the mail-in ballots are ridden with fraud. But what concerns them the most is that over the next 34 days, the country may begin to see disruptive cyberoperations, especially ransomware, intended to create just enough chaos to prove the president’s point.…es?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=Sendible&utm_campaign=RSS

    Russian operative Maria Butina’s connection to Dusty and Putin are unaccountable, like that of Rounds and Daugaard’s cover for Joop Bolen, the Platte murders, arson and fraud involving SDDOE and the tribal scapegoat; and of course AGs Ravensborg and Janklow’s running down ordinary citizens and visitors. Noem is no model driver either-several dozen speeding citations on SD. Her Great Wall of China antics and Thune’s suck ups to Russia and Moscow Mitch leave our delegation wanting.

    Finally Noem’s nepotism and super speader covid events with Thune, Rounds, and sole masked Johnson at Trump’s fire/perchlorate campaign rally at Mt Rushmore, the Sturgis Rally, and her national campaigning for super spreader Trump rallies serve Putin’s pandemic chaos and her own delusions of grandeur.

    But the real question isn’t so much whether Joe Biden should agree again to debate Donald Trump. The more serious question is whether Trump should be included at all, or whether Biden should be debating Vladimir Putin instead. David Sanger, nyt

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