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Biden Can Tackle Coronavirus with Obvious Policy Action; Trump Will Not

Last night’s “Presidential” “debate” didn’t give voters the chance to learn about real plans, because the candidate offering real plans, Joe Biden, kept getting interrupted by the lies, insults, and non sequiturs the other candidate, Donald Trump, kept throwing to distract everyone from his failure to make any plans.

You can slog through the debate transcript if you like, but if you’d like to learn about a real plan for addressing the most pressing crisis requiring real Presidential action, the coronavirus pandemic, read German Lopez’s Vox article on what Biden could do as President to fix Trump’s pandemic mess. German notes that the policies that would fight coronavirus is already pretty obvious:

Experts say these problems are fixable, but fixing them will largely come down to political will. The policy solutions are things that we’ve all heard about throughout the pandemic: aggressive testing and tracing to contain new outbreaks. Mask-wearing to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Economic support for those affected by the epidemic, at once providing financial support and making social distancing more feasible.

“It’s not rocket science. It’s not that we need some new thing that hasn’t been thought of before,” Jen Kates, director of global health and HIV policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told me. “There are things that have been done in some cases, or can be done. But if there was a stronger, coordinated federal role … that could really make a difference. It’s happened in other countries” [German Lopez, “What Biden Can Do to Fix Trump’s Covid-19 Mess,” Vox, 2020.09.29].

German notes the obvious: Biden has expressed his willingness to use the power of the Presidency and the federal government to solve this problem and serve the public, while Trump has abdicated the role of Presidential leadership to focus on building his bankrupt brand:

Biden, for his part, has vowed to do much of this. His website promises to adopt a masking mandate and boost testing and tracing. His campaign has vowed to “listen to science” and “restore trust, transparency, common purpose, and accountability to our government.” And he’s promised to “plan for the effective, equitable distribution of treatments and vaccines.”

Trump could do all of this, too. But there’s very little faith among experts that Trump will change his current approach to the pandemic, especially if he wins reelection. Instead, he’ll likely continue doing what he’s done: deliberately downplaying the pandemic, demanding states reopen far too quickly, punting testing and tracing to local and state governments with more limited resources, mocking masking, and continuing to try to politicize the CDC and FDA [Lopez, 2020.09.29].

If you want reality-TV insults and spats, you watch Fox News and vote for Trump. If you want real government and real action to solve real problems, you read Lopez’s article vote for Biden.


  1. cibvet 2020-09-30 06:36

    It was a pathetic, made for TV, reality sh**show. I expected trump’s performance to be some of what it was, however, my expectations were set way to low. Hopefully none of this so called debate will be shown in other countries. It was shameful and I as an American am ashamed of the current president and even my country for electing this arrogant fool.He is the “ugly american” when other countries refer to the US.

  2. ds 2020-09-30 08:34

    Don’t matter how ugly it was, DJTrump the bully will still be president for at least 4 more years, so get used to it. He knows how to manipulate his believers with his lies and whip them into a frenzy, convincing them that the election is a fraud. He even gets away with telling them to vote twice. Now he has his crony running the DOJ, Mitch and John in the Senate, and a hand selected SCOTUS to back him up when he refuses to leave the white house..and any public outcry will be quickly terminated by his rouge white supremacist and proud boys.

  3. Donald Pay 2020-09-30 09:25

    I don’t think I’ll watch the next one. My blood pressure skyrocketed and I had a difficult time sleeping last night. It looked like America collapsing to me. Apparently there will be carnage when Trump is ushered out. He called on his thugs to commit illegal acts to intimidate voters and all but declared the beginning of a civil war. He should be tried for treason.

    I voted already for Biden, so I’ve done my duty. Now I have to stay alive until Nov. 3 so my vote will count. That means keeping the blood pressure in check, and that means I turn off Trump.

  4. mike from iowa 2020-09-30 12:50

    Hope Biden hurries…

    drumpf body count
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-09-30 19:06

    Indeed, DS, Trump has somehow convince a lot of voters (not yet a majority, but he won coming in second last time) that in the midst of a crisis that has killed a war’s worth of Americans, made millions more sick (and, absent the ACA, uninsurable), and cost millions of Americans their jobs, what we really need are cheap insults and barroom bully behavior.

    But can Trump really fool an Electoral College’s worth of voters a second time?

  6. Debbo 2020-09-30 22:38

    What cibvet said.

    538 said focus groups said they feel negatively about Bloviating Bigot after the “debate.” 538 also said polls in the next week will tell more about whether his behavior paid off. They give Biden a 78% chance of winning.

  7. leslie 2020-10-01 08:59

    Neal Degrass Tyson brings vaccine progress and process discussion to an understandable and even fun level with expert Dr Paul Offit. Very frank prognosis of where we are headed this next 12 months. Not the kind of “fun” our flunkie in chief means and not the denial those declaring their freedom to unmask, or freedom to run a stop sign, exhibit. “ Twenty year oldinvincibles” too, will make it harder. Star Talk podcast, September 28, 2020.

  8. leslie 2020-10-01 09:06

    50 minutes.

    It is a very humerous attempt to cut through the Republican Bullsheit (c) IMO. Sorry snowflakes, if I am impatient with this administration’s base. Deplorable clowns! :)

  9. mike from iowa 2020-10-01 15:06

    drumpf body count surpasses 212k while Zero, and his less than zero wingnut guvs, ignore the pandemic and just let people die or they speed up the process.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  10. leslie 2020-10-01 20:46

    Mfi, it seems that plus 12,000 infections since the alarming milepost of 200,000 (9.19.20) was reached mere days ago, is climbing more rapidly. Is this exponential growth?

    The idea of doubling a grain of rice on successive chess squares gives you one grain on square 1; doubling each square results ultimately on square 64 in 9 followed by 18 zeros plus.

    “And the amount of rice you’d need to cover the entire board — from squares 1 to 64 — would be 18.4 quintillion grains.

    That’s 923 times the entire estimated global production of rice this financial year.”

    The human brain is not evolved to think exponentially, i guess.

    Could be “north of the measles” when this is all said and done with the myriad of national factors ultimately exposed. I have famously said this here. Yikes. That’s as far as i deign to push the frontal cortex!

    Will i make it another 22 mos? If not I’m suing Trump’s GOP ass!

  11. leslie 2020-10-01 20:56

    Norms, Don (sigh)

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