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Coronavirus Depresses Floral Deliveries

Florists are also taking a hit in the coronavirus recession. Rapid City flower powerer Diana Holloway tells the Interim Joint Commerce and Energy Committee that, even though more South Dakotans need condolences and bright pick-em-ups nowadays, her business has slowed to a trickle (see page 2 of public comment submitted for the September 21 meeting):

Diana Hollway, e-mail to Interim Joint Commerce and Energy Committee, South Dakota Legislature, 2020.09.18.
Diana Hollway, e-mail to Interim Joint Commerce and Energy Committee, South Dakota Legislature, 2020.09.18.

Now, now, Diana. Governor Kristi Noem just told us our economy continues to grow and is “quickly getting back to normal.” Put on your positive pants!


  1. jerry

    Cory, it’s hard to put a happy face on the fact we’re broke and have little if any money to be spent on anything but food.

    “WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment aid rose slightly last week to 870,000, a historically high figure that shows that the viral pandemic is still squeezing restaurants, airlines, hotels and many other businesses six months after it first erupted.

    The figure coincides with evidence that some newly laid-off Americans are facing delays in receiving unemployment benefits as state agencies intensify efforts to combat fraudulent applications and clear their pipelines of a backlog of jobless claims.” Yahoo finance 9.24.20

    Now several auto companies are suing trump and his lackey’s over the tariff’s they imposed. Don’t pay attention to the false feeling of success at the Dow, pay attention to what your buying power is or lack of. We are in a deep hole and we just keep digging. Putting Biden and his team in Washington will be the start of filing in this grave trump and his republican senate have put us in

  2. Jake

    Adding floral shops to a list of ‘needy’ business is just another excuse to throw more federal $$$$ out to private business. “Line up at the trough, little piggies, and we the GOP of SD will fill your empty bellies!! In 6 months they will be looking for more. Indeed, they seem more ‘needy’ than our struggling education system and low-paid workers and those with healthcare problems and no insurance, and if GOP have their way, no previous health condition coverage. Go for it, vote Trump, and you’re voting for the end of democracy in the USA.

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