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Rushmore Fireworks Can Prompt Conversation About American Democracy

Donald Trump’s impending ego trip to Mount Rushmore reminds us of the angst over blasting white faces into the Black Hills:

“Mount Rushmore is a symbol of white supremacy, of structural racism that’s still alive and well in society today,” said Nick Tilsen, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and the president of a local activist organization called NDN Collective. “It’s an injustice to actively steal Indigenous people’s land then carve the white faces of the conquerors who committed genocide.”

While some activists, like Tilsen, want to see the monument removed altogether and the Black Hills returned to the Lakota, others have called for a share in the economic benefits from the region and the tourists it attracts [Stephen Groves, “‘Faces of the Conquerors’—Trump Trip to Rushmore Draws Fire,” AP, 2020.06.24].

Trump could at least have given all 7,500 tickets to his fireworks make-out session with Governor Kristi Noem to local tribal members. What a nice opportunity that would have been to relaunch reconciliation….

But hey, democracy isn’t about fireworks and adulation of elected Führers. Democracy is about conversation about hard issues. When better to have such conversations than on the anniversary of our great paradoxical nation’s founding, and where better than at a great paradoxical monument conceived as a tourist trap and sculpted by a guy who joined the Klan just to get their money?

The monument has long been a “Rorschach test,” said John Taliaferro, author of “Great White Fathers,” a history of the monument. “All sorts of people can go there and see it in different ways.”

The monument often starts conversations on the paradox of American democracy — that a republic that promoted the ideals of freedom, determination and innovation also enslaved people and drove others from their land, he said.

“If we’re having this discussion today about what American democracy is, Mount Rushmore is really serving its purpose because that conversation goes on there,” he said. “Is it fragile? Is it permanent? Is it cracking somewhat?”

The monument was conceived in the 1920s as a tourist draw for the new fad in vacationing called the road trip. South Dakota historian Doane Robinson recruited Borglum, one of the preeminent sculptors at the time, to abandon his work creating the Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial in Georgia, which was to feature Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson.

Borglum was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, according to Mount Rushmore historian and writer Tom Griffith. Borglum joined the Klan to raise money for the Confederate memorial, and Griffith argues his allegiance was more practical than ideological. He left that project and instead spent years in South Dakota completing Mount Rushmore [Groves, 2020.06.24].

I love Mount Rushmore and the opportunity to gather with people from around the world amd consider our place in history, in the Black Hills, and in the grand moral scheme of the liberation of humanity. I won’t be the one waiting for when Kristi Noem isn’t watching to launch my rockets at Honest Abe and the gang (hey, Kristi and Donald are already doing that). But I’d live for Donald and Kristi and the rest of the July 3 Rushmore attendees to pause in their revels and talk with some people not like themselves about what Mount Rushmore and America mean for all Americans, and all humanity, and not just campaigners cheapening our heritage with their expensive photo opps.

And hey, maybe it will be easier to hear those conversations if we just cancel the big firecrackers. Fire crews are already busy fighting a wildfire six miles south of Mount Rushmore. I’d hate to have to pull those fire crews away from their urgent duties just to stage extra bucket brigades around Donald and Kristi just to keep rockets from lighting their hair on fire.


  1. Donald Pay 2020-06-25 11:06

    I lean more toward the Nick Tilsen’s explication of Mt. Rushmore. A lot of monumental art is egoistic dick wagging by some big mucky mucks more than showing some fealty to values, code or creed. Even the beautiful and massive cathedrals in Europe, which you might think are there to glorify God, were more about who could build the grander edifice and draw the most pilgrims (and their money). Still, I don’t think Mount Rushmore is a symbol of much more than a tribute to some flawed leaders of a flawed country.

    I know that a lot of Indians think Mt. Rushmore is a statement of white supremacy. Maybe. I think it is more a statement of white stupidity. Most blacks and Indians couldn’t vote for or against any of those leaders, and all, even Lincoln, would be considered racists today. Blacks and Indians understand this. Whites are oblivious, and stupid, about this. Mt. Rushmore is a monument to white stupidity, and stupidty reigns supreme in the USA, as we can all see in our current regime.

    I know there is some reaction against revisionist look backs at history, but would we really, today, want to build Mt. Rushmore? I think not. I think we would build something more along the lines of Crazy Horse, if we were going to build a monument. I think, though, we might just want the real mountain that Crazy Horse may have climbed, so we could experience it like he did. And the best monument of all would be to figure out how to stop the dick wagging, the mineral extraction, and the taking of resources beyond the environment’s ability to sustain it. And we might think about honoring the treaties that white Presidents made with various tribes.

  2. Ray Tysdal 2020-06-25 11:26

    There is an active wildfire about 10 miles south of Mt. Rushmore right now (6/25/2020). I wonder if the little light in Kristi’s (pea) brain is flickering now. Will she finally get it right? Will she shut down the fireworks? If she does will Punkin’ Head show up? Will the testicles of Rounds and Thune finally descend? I agree with Don.

  3. mike from iowa 2020-06-25 12:07

    Would not put it past drumpf to conjure up his own monument to be sculpted in stone and positioned where he could be seen giving the majority of Americans and immigrants his orange middle finger.

    Noem Nothing would roast her friends alive to appease drumpf, imho.

  4. chris 2020-06-25 12:15

    Has Kristi remembered to rake those forests?

  5. Buckobear 2020-06-25 12:19

    Here’s hopin’ Mother Nature conjures up one of our monster thunderstorms on 3 July to show her own fireworks.

  6. mike from iowa 2020-06-25 13:11

    Speaking of Democracy, the Dixie Chicks are Dixie no longer. They dropped the front part of their moniker in deference to George Floyd death.

    I say good for them.

  7. Eve Fisher 2020-06-25 14:47

    Let’s see: dozens of Secret Service agents told to self-quarantine after Tulsa.

    We’re currently at over 122,000 deaths, over 2.4 million confirmed cases

    CDC is saying that there may be as many as 20 million COVID-19 cases, to wear masks, and to stay away from crowds.

    You know, I think Chthulhu would be an easier god to serve that Orange Himself. Fewer human sacrifices.

  8. jerry 2020-06-25 15:06

    Mr. Tysdal, both EB5 Short Rounds and Thune are eunuchs. They lost their’s long ago, tossed on the branding fire of the gwaad of money.

  9. Disk key 2020-06-25 17:28

    It’s all a stick in the eye to the liberals, the Obama lovers, the scientists, the city dwellers! All this administration is intent on is stripping the earth for everything to line the oligarchs pockets. Noem’ s statement about controlled burns and the expert’s from the NFS…we all know science has been gutted from this administration! I believe it really is true cruelty is the point.

  10. grudznick 2020-06-25 17:46

    Calm down, everyone. The fire is contained. All is well. There will be many more fires this year, just like every year.

    Mr. Pay, Nicholas Black Elk did not climb that peak to have his vision. As a boy he had a dream that he climbed that peak. He did not, in person, set foot on the summit until he was an old man.

  11. Ray Tysdal 2020-06-25 20:18

    Actually a major thunderstorm had front-end loaders scooping up hail in Custer…maybe that will happen on a July 3. Not a large storm in area but it was intense. Rest of the Hills remains dry.

  12. grudznick 2020-06-25 20:44

    The famous Mr. Howie would tell you, Mr. Tysdal, that it was his “god” that dumped the hail on the smoldering embers. And Mr. Howie, the overgodder he is, would also tell you that his “god” will be on watch on July 3rd and you have nothing to fear. Other than the Canyon Lake fireworks, that could burn down a bunch of houses.

  13. Tim 2020-06-25 20:50

    Maybe we will get some much needed rain next weekend, keep the orange idiot in DC, or the golf course, or where ever he decides to hide.

  14. Donald Pay 2020-06-25 21:46

    Grudz, Yes, I know. Black Elk had his first vision, if I remember the book correctly, as a young boy. He had the same vision over a number of years that added detail, or allowed him to better remember detail.

  15. Curt 2020-06-25 21:50

    As is frequently the case, Don Pay’s analysis hits exactly the correct note. Of course we would not see a project like Rushmore initiated today – and probably not Crazy Horse either.
    Meanwhile, Grudz assures us that Nature will intervene on behalf of our Governess to keep the forest from fully igniting.
    I plan to hide in the cellar – at least there’s wine there.

  16. Debbo 2020-06-25 21:59

    It would be great if the weather put the kibosh to Demented Donny’s play time.

    Per Axios AM, he has little play time left.

    “N.Y. Times/Siena swing-state polls out this morning show a slaughter:

    “Joe Biden beats President Trump by 11 points in Michigan … 11 points in Wisconsin … 10 points in Pennsylvania … 9 points in N.C. … 7 points in Arizona … 6 points in Florida.
    Why it matters: Trump won all six of those states in 2016.”

    But remember folks, the GOP will cheat, Cheat, CHEAT! No numbers are safe till the election is over and Liar-in-Chief is out. In addition, we need a Democratic Senate to save the country and begin the recovery process.

  17. leslie 2020-06-26 05:48

    If ever there was a more dangerous time, and SD Republican pawns and puppets are WELCOMING Trump to Mt Rushmore for an Independence Day campaign rally. The storm quenched burning public forests because he says he is the “chosen one”. There must be somewhere out of here. Melania’s jacket said: I don’t really care. Do you? She has her pre-nup. Can it be worth anything when he is eventually in prison? And Dusty stands up and shouts “protect the faces”.

  18. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-06-26 06:12

    Interesting to note that “we” are not carving Crazy Horse; that remains one family’s private project, supported tenuously by the free market, and still fraught with its own historical and cultural tensions.

    Donald Pay refers to the figures depicted on Mount Rushmore as flawed leaders of a flawed country. Could we say the same of Crazy Horse? Was he also a flawed leader of a flawed people? How about that statue of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—another flawed leader? As we view statues, how do we tell the difference between phallic aggrandizement and worthy historical honor?

  19. mike from iowa 2020-06-26 08:16

    Thanks for the Chicks link, Jerry. Always spot on.

  20. Donald Pay 2020-06-26 09:05

    Cory, of course you’re right. Everyone and every culture/country has flaws. Just thinking about myself, I don’t respond well to “praise,” which is why sort of cringe at Curt’s comment above, and appreciate your taking me down a peg or two on my comment. I think I much prefer people to tell me where I’m off-base. That way I can spend my time thinking about what might be flaws in my argument and my character, rather than patting myself on the back. One of my flaws is that I do a lot of patting myself on the back. I think the people who grow out of some of their flaws and the prejudices of their time to make life more tolerable for others do deserve recognition. No one is going to meet the test of being perfect.

  21. jerry 2020-06-26 10:53

    Good points Cory. Of course, that is why the Constitution was written to try to control men’s flaws, but of course, we are losing that very quickly. The common denominator of the Mount Rushmore is the blatant racism that each of these characters had. Whatever flaws they also may have had, racisms was very prevalent for all four.

    Crazy Horse and Dr. King also were not flawless, but their common denominator was being assassinated by the White Man’s government, under that very Constitution of being equal.

  22. Curt 2020-06-26 11:22

    I apologize for making you cringe, Don … no offense intended.

  23. Donald Pay 2020-06-26 12:47

    Curt, I have no problem if you want to heap praise on me. Just know my tendency is to think I don’t deserve it. However, when I heap praise on myself, everyone better agree.

  24. M 2020-06-26 13:27

    Is anyone aware of protests planned for the fireworks at Rushmore/Trump’s visit? Would like to join.

  25. jerry 2020-06-26 15:17

    trumps new nickname for Joe Biden according to the Wall Street Journal
    “Even the reliably conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board concluded that Trump needs a new nickname for Biden: “How does President-elect sound?” Booyah! A boot right in the old whatdoyoucallems.

    I hope that the night is clear and that trump and the rest of the losers have their speech’s to work up the crowd, while thousands more sicken and die from their gross mishandling of the Covid. I hope that in those speeches people get to hear what failures they support and then they can go home to spread the virus even further.

  26. mike from iowa 2020-06-26 15:20

    a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.

    Trump’s approval rating sits at just 40% overall, while a record 58% disapprove.

    What’s more, a whopping 49% of voters “strongly disapprove” of the job Trump is doing. That kind of intensity of disapproval is a record never before seen for this president or any past one.

    One term as appointed czarina, one term of life w/o parole.

    Just to get this in, there was an East Texas US attorney pushed out for investigating Wal Mart’s role in opioid crisis and the DOJ in DC has been pushing back and finally closed the investigation down. Barr interferes again. Needs to be impeached alongside drumpf’s second and hopefully final impeachment.

  27. Debbo 2020-06-26 15:46

    Good one Mike, “One term as appointed czarina, one term of life w/o parole.”

    I read that poll too and I like it. I’m eager for Sack o’ Slime to hit the 30s% in approval.

  28. jerry 2020-06-26 21:37

    trump cancels Rushmore visit, says he can do without the loud fireworks to take his mind off a quarter pounder. This is the kind of monument that trump will protect at all costs. Will do speech at the drive up window. Pence and Mother will be there slathering up the fries. GNOem has a sad.

    “RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA TV) – A giant McDonald’s Quarter Pounder statue is unveiled with Rapid City Council Member Darla Drew Wednesday. Although you can’t really bite into it, this big bronze burger statue is taller than anyone there and the sesame seeds on the bun are bigger than anyone’s eyes.”,are%20bigger%20than%20anyone’s%20eyes.

    Heart warming to chubby trump that’s for sure.

  29. jerry 2020-06-27 19:21

    Mississippi Senate just voted to approve riding itself of the confederate emblem on their state flag. The governor has already said he would sign the bill once he gets it in front of him. Good for them, to show that democracy has a chance once we begin to rid ourselves of our racist past so we can move forward.

    “The Mississippi Senate passed a resolution that would allow lawmakers to change the state flag.

    Lawmakers voted 36-14 meaning the resolution surpassed the necessary two-thirds majority. This clearly paves the way for the flag to come down in Mississippi.

    Lawmakers in both the House and Senate are now expected to pass a bill that removes the current flag and establishes a path forward to getting new one. Gov. Tate Reeves has already said he would sign whatever flag bill the Legislature decides on.”

    Cool name for a paper.

  30. John 2020-06-27 23:02

    So Mississippi is about to enter the 21st Century! How about the Gettysburg, SD PD, mayor, and city council?!

  31. grudznick 2020-06-28 08:08

    grudznick, despite disliking Mr. Trump as much as the next fellow, does not wish sickening and dying on anyone. grudznick is about love and tolerance, not hate and intolerance.

  32. mike from iowa 2020-06-28 08:41

    Ledger is only a twisted mind from being lecher, Jerry.

  33. John 2020-06-28 12:06

    Mt. Rushmore. Reflect on the wisdom of James Baldwin and Ken Burns.
    ‘Our monuments are representations of myth, not fact. It’s our duty to remember the history behind them . . . and where and how far we fall short.’

    Mt. Rushmore was connived using federal tax dollars to inflate South Dakota tourism, wrapped in a faux shroud of patriotism. The fact of Mt. Rushmore is South Dakota socialism at its finest.

    The Forest Service opposed it – and the Forest Service receives virtually no ‘visitation credit’ for its visitations. Forest Service metrics, ill-designed as they are, pretend that only 650,000 to 750,000 people visit the Black Hills National Forest annually. Amazing when that many visit a motorcycle rally in a week and millions visit Mt. Rushmore and a state park annually. The metrics matter because the Forest Service ties them to funding managing programs. Excuse this diversion from Baldwin’s & Burn’s point – rest assured that not all worship South Dakota’s ‘gray calf.’

  34. jerry 2020-06-28 15:44

    500 cases in Pennington County…that we know of.

    “In the hours before President Trump’s controversial rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma last week, his campaign directed workers to remove thousands of “Do Not Sit Here, Please!” stickers from seats, which were put in place by the venue to encourage social distancing, the Washington Post reported.

    According to video and photos obtained by the Post and a person familiar with the matter, staff at the BOK Center in downtown Tulsa had already placed nearly 12,000 distancing stickers on every other seat in the arena when the Trump campaign put a stop to the effort. Trump campaign staffers then reportedly started removing the stickers from the chairs themselves.”

    What could go wrong?

  35. grudznick 2020-07-02 08:08

    Mr. mike, that lady is naught but a whiner for whining sake and she is not reading the science or updated facts. There are more perchlorates in a drop of Iowa pig mud running into your creek than in all the modern fireworks to be blasted into the sky at the Rushmore statue tomorrow night. grudznick is not concerned that the environment will suffer, and in fact with far fewer visitors there tomorrow than on a normal 3 July the environment may be able to take a much needed breather on that day and rebuild a little bit.

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