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Iowa Cancels State Fair… So Head to South Dakota for Summer Fun?

Iowa is following North Dakota and Minnesota in canceling its 2020 state fair for coronavirus:

After months of review and discussion, the Iowa State Fair Board voted by secret ballot 11-2 in favor of canceling this year’s event amid continuing concerns about the coronavirus pandemic and the financial impracticality of a socially distant fair.

The board also voted to allow fair staff to explore scheduling 4-H and FFA livestock shows in August. The Iowa State Fair had been scheduled for Aug. 13-23.

…Considering the limited occupancy on the ground recommended by medical professionals and the considerable drop in attendance suggested by the survey results, the 2020 fair would have been a “shadow” of the fair we know and love, he said.

Not only that, but the numbers didn’t work to make moving forward with the fair financially beneficial, [Iowa State Fair CEO Gary] Slater said [Courtney Crowder, “Iowa State Fair Canceled for the First Time Since World War II,” Des Moines Register, 2020.06.10].

Fair managers and Des Moines economic developers claim the cancellation of the fair will cost Des Moines over $100 million in business. But as any good pro-life politician will tell you, people are more important than profits. Entertainment can wait while we work on a vaccine for covid-19.

Of course, if South Dakota cares to further loosen its commitment to its pro-life slogans, it could now position itself in the summer travel marketplace as one of the last bastions of summer fun. Fireworks at Mount Rushmore, motorcycles at Sturgis, moo-moos at Huron—you’ve got nothing else to do, so come spend your money in South Dakota like there is no tomorrow!


  1. Nix

    Hey State Fair Junkies!!!
    Come to South Dakota , eat a Steer.
    The Covid stays in Huron and the money goes to Pierre!!

  2. leslie

    Dr Jha, incoming Brown Univ Public Health Dean (leaving as Dir of Harvard Global Health) has predicted 200k deaths by September. 400k by next spring.

    Trump has made a bargain with the devil to accept 400k unnecessary deaths to “reopen” the economy. Kristi has been swept away with both her own and his incompetence. Republicans exist to enable these two staggering power drunk elected leaders.

  3. Debbo

    Kruel Kristi seems to have the health of South Dakotans at the bottom of her priorities list. 😥

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