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KOTA Restores Criticism of Rounds Resolution in Updated MCOOL Article

KOTA TV has reposted Chiu-Yi Lin’s original reporting on rancher dissatisfaction with Senator Marion Michael Rounds’s toothless mandatory country-of-origin labeling resolution. Last week KOTA pulled critical statements from ranchers and replaced it with a gentler story more complimentary to the incumbent, with statements from Senator Rounds and South Dakota Stockgrowers exec James Halverson.

Liz May, who is appeared in the original Lin report and is running for Congress against Dusty Johnson, shouted “FAKE NEWS”, alleged that Senator Rounds had pressured KOTA to can the criticism and urged her followers to call KOTA and ask how much campaign advertising Team Rounds was buying to influence KOTA’s news coverage.

Yesterday, KOTA posted a new version of the MCOOL story, essentially merging the content from Lin’s original report with the pro-Rounds puff piece. The story still leads with the pro-Rounds bushwah. It presents the ranchers’ complaints in full in the second half, but it gives Rounds the final word with his silly claim that his resolution will get Donald Trump’s attention and force negotiators to make MCOOL happen.



  1. leslie

    So grdz, when is yer buddy Rounds gonna attack Borglum as the out-of-stater? I suppose your misogyny will cloud truth.

    The entire state cowtows to the Idiot-in-chief. Sanford still tiptoes up to the public trough and foists medical malpractice protecting abuse of hydrox. State full of Republican cowards!

  2. grudznick

    What?!?! You’re saying that pretty young woman is not a true South Dakota gal?

  3. Loren

    I know plenty of “true SD gals” that don’t flaunt the law with speeding tickets, that don’t hand out public money to their children, that don’t need a political party to tell them what to say, and look “pretty” without layered makeup. True SD gal? Matter of opinion.

  4. Debbo

    I won’t say “good for KOTA,” but I’ll give them credit for a minor improvement. Unrestricted reporting would be best.

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