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Your Lungs Have Enough to Worry About; Don’t Do Doobage

Happy April 20, everyone! Now don’t smoke pot:

If you’re smoking weed to ease your stress during the coronavirus pandemic, experts say it’s time to think twice.

Smoking marijuana, even occasionally, can increase your risk for more severe complications from Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

“What happens to your airways when you smoke cannabis is that it causes some degree of inflammation, very similar to bronchitis, very similar to the type of inflammation that cigarette smoking can cause,” said pulmonologist Dr. Albert Rizzo, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association. “Now you have some airway inflammation and you get an infection on top of it. So, yes, your chance of getting more complications is there” [Sandee LaMotte, “Smoking Weed and Coronavirus: Even Occasional Use Raises Risk of Covid-19 Complications,” CNN, 2020.04.10].


  1. Richard Schriever 2020-04-20 07:53

    Yeah – one toke every couple weeks or so is not gonna do lung damage to the extent of making you more susceptible. But having it in your possession (toking or not) might land you in a petri dish jail cell, here in SD anyhow.

  2. Bob Newland 2020-04-20 07:58

    I’ll bet right now is about the safest (from the risk of jail standpoint) time since 1970 to carry weed on the street.

  3. Nix 2020-04-20 08:09

    If you think that it’s risky to fire up a left hander during the COVID19 virus
    alert, wait until you see what the Dope Queen of Delusion and Ravnsborg come up with to keep those damn Indians from infecting the rest of the good Christian Conservatives of South Dakota with the demon weed from the Pine Ridge.
    Those two are more of a risk to me than the virus.

  4. Owen 2020-04-20 09:13

    Plus you’ll gain more weight

  5. Lisa Byer 2020-04-20 13:18

    Few years ago, I began to do a lot of research and came across HERBAL HEALTHPOINT (w w w. herbalhealthpoint. c o m) and their COPD HERBAL TREATMENT. After seeing positive reviews from other patients, I quickly started on the treatment, i experienced significant recovery from symptoms, including the shortness of breath. Its been over 2 years since treatment, i live symptom free

  6. Robin Friday 2020-04-20 15:45

    Exactly what I’ve said all along, Cory. Solidly in favor of medical marijuana for pain and seizure relief. But the thought of teenagers and twenty-somethings ruining their lungs with everyday recreational use gives me nightmares.

  7. Debbo 2020-04-20 18:13


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