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Boris Johnson Gets Covid-19

Boris Johnson gets it—er, I mean, the British Prime Minister gets that coronavirus is a real problem, especially since he has gotten covid-19:

Stay at home, protect the national health system, and save lives. That’s exactly what we need to hear from our leaders, and exactly what we need to do.

Hmm… in the midst of a public health crisis, is “national clap” really the best term to use for a public expression of support for healthcare workers?


  1. jerry 2020-03-27 12:47

    I could wish this virus on many, but I would only hope that maybe they will open their eyes to the suffering around this country and around the world and actually do something. Their selfishness is a stain.

  2. Francis Schaffer 2020-03-27 15:18

    This is not the problem. The problem is how many got Covid-19 from Boris Johnson.

  3. Debbo 2020-03-27 18:09

    Francis is right.

  4. Tim 2020-03-29 12:47

    “Stay at home, protect the national health system, and save lives. That’s exactly what we need to hear from our leaders, and exactly what we need to do.”

    Our wanna be Trump Governor won’t let this happen. I hope living in a red state doesn’t get me or my family killed.

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