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Pompeo: Be Wary of Authoritarian Regimes

For your contemplation, a warning from United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the comments in an address in Ethiopia on the final day of an Africa visit largely aimed at countering China’s influence on the continent of more than 1.2 billion people.

“Be wary of authoritarian regimes and their empty promises,” he said, without naming names. “They breed corruption, dependency and instability” [“U.S. Warns South Africa on Land Reform,” Zimbabwe Mail, 2020.02.19].

Good advice, and good bumper sticker for South Dakotans and all Americans seeking to restore American democracy in 2020.


  1. o

    And, on que, President Trump unilaterally takes away the voices of workers:

    Why if we have a great, booming, perfect economy would the government (management) not want to have its workers – those who MAKE this economy great, boom, perfect – enjoy the spoils of that economy? It also seem convenient that Government is pushing for reduced benefits when their employees’voice is being dismissed.

  2. Pay no attention to their words. Watch what they do. Actions speak louder than words.

  3. mike from iowa

    Why was drumpf so unhappy that intel briefed House Intel Committee that Russia was working tom re-elect drumpf. He was so mad he fired the guy who did his job and briefed congress. Does that qualify as authoritarian?

    O, I read today China’s robust economy has slowed by a percent and a half to 4%. Meanwhile, drumpf’s booming economy grew at a paltry 2% last quarter and is considerably less than 5-6 % growth he said he could easily achieve. I’m thinking he is an authoritarian pathological liar.

  4. o

    “Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.”

    Bobby Kennedy

    More and more, this is the context in which I see our national politics. Our politics has become lawlessness – and low and behold, a criminal rises to the top to lead.

  5. Eve Fisher

    Meanwhile, the GOP argument of late has been, the economy is good, no, great, and we have a strong leader, so who needs democracy? Just keep what we’ve got. Which is exactly the argument China’s been making to the rest of the world for the last 50 years. But if you point that out to them…

  6. Porter Lansing

    S.O.S. Pompous was projecting. What his subconscious was thinking was, ““Be wary of American authoritarian regimes and their empty promises. American intervention breeds corruption, dependency and instability.”

  7. Debbo

    These are the authoritarians of the USA:

    “Adelson is reportedly donating $100 million to Donald Trump and Republicans this year alone. Along with Robert and Rebekah Mercer and Charles Koch, Adelson and his billionaire counterparts essentially own the Republican Party at every level. They finance Republicans from your local city council all the way to the White House, and they do it because it benefits them financially. Republican policies, which are often written and directed by the aforementioned, directly benefit these billionaires.”

  8. mike from iowa


  9. Debbo


    I got the pre- “nevermind” email notification.

  10. Debbo

    Cartoonists are sometimes the best answers to authoritarians.

  11. jerry

    As long as workers can still get food from food pantry’s around the country, we will be living in third world status. Work hard and then go begging for food. Authoritarians like Pompous and Chubby, only see the dollars come to their coffers on the very backs of workers.

    “Corin Kealoha and Shaun Karagory both work full time – but cannot afford food without the help of a food bank.

    “We can’t even live off our wages,” says Corin, 46, who works as a hotel receptionist. “That’s why we come here.”

    The couple are at St Vincent’s Food Pantry, in Reno, Nevada, where they have picked up cardboard boxes containing cereals, bread, milk, peanut butter, and some meat.

    And their story offers a glimpse into the complicated reality behind the economic recovery lauded by President Donald Trump.

    In his January State of the Union, President Trump hailed the “great American comeback”, stating: “Jobs are booming. Incomes are soaring. Poverty is plummeting… the years of economic decay are over.””

    The great “American comeback” for workers, is to come back next week so you can eat.

  12. leslie

    Wow Debbo! Frightening. Is that a good link?

  13. John

    Coronavirus, Covid-19.
    Ha, ha, ha, — the authoritarians told us for months that we couldn’t trust the information from the Peoples Republic of China, . . . and now to learn the local authoritarians kept us in the dark to ‘prevent a panic’.

    From ‘no worry’ to “Katie bar the door’ in less than 1 week:

    Seems it’s messing with trump’s economy for the 1%ers and his reelection.

  14. Debbo

    Leslie, the link about GOP owners is from National Memo. It’s safe and reliable. NM loans left, but reports facts.

    The cartoonists one is safe as well. It’s from The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, written by an uppity Texas woman who takes no prisoners.

  15. Debbo

    Sheila Kennedy writes about the dire necessity for “Vote BLUE, no matter who,” and why the chances for a win for the USA are better if that “who” is not Sanders.

  16. mike from iowa

    JJ’s first cartoon is similar to what I envision Grudzilla would look like. Thanks, Debbo.

  17. Debbo


  18. Debbo

    “Psychology recognizes three dark personality traits in total; the remaining two being narcissism and psychopathy. Unlike the others, a Machiavellian mind advertises cunning and control; an achievement-oriented individual disciplined enough to masquerade their impulsivity as charisma.

    “It’s important to remember that cunning and intelligence are very different attributes, as are force and strength. Machiavellians may climb the ladder quicker than their well-meaning counterparts, but they also forfeit horizons for ceilings. As noted by the authors, exploiting others for personal gain has a way of diluting the allure of success.”

    Stephen Goebbels Miller?

  19. leslie

    Debbo, the shortened link is not in blue but i will paste it. Thx

    In other news: On Friday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s injunction against the system, officially called the Migrant Protection Protocols, finding that the policy “is invalid in its entirety.” The scheme has forced more than 60,000 people, mostly from Central America, to return to Mexican border cities after asking for asylum at the US-Mexico border and remain there as their cases move through immigration court in the United States.

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