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FEMA Says Burke Tornado, Other August Disasters Not Worth Federal Aid

Remember that tornado that tore up a lot of Billie Sutton’s hometown of Burke back in August? It was big enough to make CNN, but not big enough for Donald Trump to send money. Burke was just one of six locales where Trump’s FEMA says August storm damage was within the locals ability to pay:

The Department of Public Safety has announced that FEMA denied the state’s appeal for a presidential disaster declaration covering severe weather damage done in six South Dakota counties from Aug. 2-11, 2019.

South Dakota officials had requested a disaster declaration for Public Assistance to damage done by severe storms, tornadoes and floods in the counties of Brule, Custer, Gregory, Lyman, Spink and Tripp. That request included Custer County which experienced flash flooding during the Sturgis Rally Aug. 2 and the town of Burke, which was struck by an EF-1 tornado on Aug. 6.

FEMA declined the initial assistance request and South Dakota appealed. That appeal was denied last week [Department of Public Safety, press release, 2019.11.27].

Governor Kristi Noem disagrees with the feds’ assessment of those stricken counties’ wealth:

“We are disappointed both by the initial decision and now the denial of the appeal,” said Noem. “These counties were impacted by severe weather and damage was done to public infrastructure such as roads and bridges.”

In its denial, FEMA officials stated that none of the damage was “of the severity and magnitude” that it would prove too costly for the state and local governments to fund themselves.

“These counties, like the rest of the state, have been battered by storm after storm this year,” Noem said. “The impact these damages have on the budgets of the six counties has been tremendous. These counties, many of them small, do not have the financial resources to do this response on their own” [DPS, 2019.11.27].

Count those six counties among the voting districts who will be receptive to candidates campaigning for bigger government in 2020.


  1. mike from iowa

    What? Not everyone kisses this queen’s queenly shod cowgirl boots?

  2. Donald Pay

    From the Department of Public Safety press release: “These counties, like the rest of the state, have been battered by storm after storm this year,” Noem said. “The impact these damages have on the budgets of the six counties has been tremendous. These counties, many of them small, do not have the financial resources to do this response on their own.”

    That’s true all across the Midwest this year. It was true last year in Wisconsin, as well. Many places are being turned down for federal assistance after tornados and flooding. When Republicans are in charge in Washington the philosophy is: “You are on your own.”

    I agree with part of that philosophy. South Dakota government is more concerned about protecting millionaires and billionaires from out of state, than in protecting its own citizens from the vagaries of South Dakota weather. It could actually tax some of the wealthier people in the state and the fat cats and crooks from other states who park their money in fake trusts, rather than keep siphoning money out of the blue states to clean up the damage from an occasional twister.

  3. jerry

    Fix Everything My Arse is what FEMA stands for apparently in South Dakota. Our three dingalings and “Crystal” GNOem will probably heap praise on Chubby for not giving those communities the time of day. Time for the State to open the checkbooks and use the “rainy day” funds as it sure as hell was raining when the disasters hit.

  4. Loren

    Maybe we could get Mexico to pay for it. Perhaps the money from just a couple of golf outings to Florida would alleviate some pain. How about we transfer some wall money from the military to SD? Why not raise tariffs on China to gain extra resources? What is the nearest FEMA area? Just use a Sharpie to enlarge the area to include Burke. Come on, folks, get creative! (wink)

  5. Dave Walder

    Where are our Warriors for South Dakota Senators Thune and Rounds and the voice of Dusty??? Are they all “under the haystack, fast asleep”? Keep voting Republican, South Dakota: could be your town, your house, your family next.

  6. bearcreekbat

    Great post Loren!

  7. JW

    She hasn’t yet figured out that it’s not what Trump can do for the State but what Noem can do for Trump. If I was a betting person, I’d bet that she’s been on the phone to America’s Burst Appendix squalling like a newly hatched crow.

  8. If we spent less on salaries for her family, mileage back and forth to Hayti, and videos of herself and her husband saying dumb things, we’d have more mone to take care of storm clean-up.

  9. Mark

    “We are disappointed both by the initial decision and now the denial. “
    Gee Queen Kristi….Now you know what the State thinks of you.

  10. o

    JW, do you really think he would take her call?

  11. mike from iowa

    Marlboro Barbie is allegedly the numero two-0 thug in the Sinate. Why can’t he slip some disaster relief in a pork barrel project for his home state?

    Sinator Jack Himoff of Chokelahoma did just that to keep water in lake home reservoir above normal depth so rich neighbors can show off their large boats and ensure the nearest town upstream and Indian reservation flood regularly.

    I did not see a paywall for this.

  12. jerry

    Stretch and EB5 Rounds need to get closer to Chubby and convince him that there is a need for a wall around Burke. Chubby wants 300 million more of taxpayer dollars to repair the dinky fence that is now able to be penetrated with a hundred dollar saw. What an investment. Money for nothing and the chicks are free.

  13. Debbo

    No need for Grimy Grifter and the GOP to worry about SD. It’s a state in their pocket so they don’t care.

  14. Debbo

    The Conversation list 5 corrupt anti climate change arguments. It’s well done.

    1. Science
    2. Economic
    3. Humanitarian
    4. Political
    5. Crisis

    “The fossil fuel industry, political lobbyists, media moguls and individuals have spent the past 30 years sowing doubt about the reality of climate change – where none exists.

    “Their hold on the public seems to be waning. Two recent polls suggested over 75% of Americans think humans are causing climate change.

    “But this means lobbying has changed, now employing more subtle and more vicious approaches – what has been termed as ‘climate sadism’.”

    Details are here:

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