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Tuesday: DACA Before Supreme Court, Prayer Rally at Arc of Dreams

It is counterproductive for a nation with an aging workforce to deport willing and able young workers. But no one ever accused Donald Trump of being productive.

The United States Supreme Court Tuesday hears the Trump Administration’s appeals of three court rulings against his effort to kill Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the policy President Barack Obama enacted in 2012 to allow young people who are American in every way but on paper to remain in America:

…it makes no sense to expel talented young people, who, for all intents and purposes, are Americans — they’ve been raised as Americans; understand themselves to be part of this country — to expel these young people who want to staff our labs, or start new businesses, or defend our country simply because of the actions of their parents — or because of the inaction of politicians.

…these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions, and are already making contributions to our society.

I’ve got a young person who is serving in our military, protecting us and our freedom. The notion that in some ways we would treat them as expendable makes no sense. If there is a young person here who has grown up here and wants to contribute to this society, wants to maybe start a business that will create jobs for other folks who are looking for work, that’s the right thing to do. Giving certainty to our farmers and our ranchers; making sure that in addition to border security, we’re creating a comprehensive framework for legal immigration — these are all the right things to do.

We have always drawn strength from being a nation of immigrants, as well as a nation of laws, and that’s going to continue. And my hope is that Congress recognizes that and gets behind this effort [President Barack Obama, Remarks by the President on Immigration, Rose Garden, Washington, DC, 2012.06.15].

President Obama’s wise policy allows around 704,000 young people to live and study and work in the United States. Kicking them out of the country would eat up three to four months worth of Obama-recovery job creation. Trump is threatening these young Americans and the American economy not out of concern for the Constitution but as a political ploy to build his useless border wall.

Friends of the 200-some South Dakotan DACA beneficiaries (and 2,610 in Iowa, 5,690 in Minnesota…) will gather at the Arc of Dreams in Sioux Falls Tuesday noon to pray that the Supreme Court puts truth, law, and decency about one man’s destructive politics. The flyer I receive lists sponsors of the rally as Caminando Juntos and their sponsoring organization the Presentation Sisters of Aberdeen, the Sioux Falls Multi-Cultural Center, South Dakota Voices for Peace and its advocacy wing South Dakota Voices for Justice, Pheasantland Industries, Pueblo de Dios Lutheran Church, and the South Dakota chapter of Bread for the World. For prayer rally information, contact Sister Pegge Boehm, 605-274-3735,

Donald Trump will damage our economy and deport loyal Americans for a political ploy. Every candidate running against him supports granting DACA recipients citizenship and keeping their talent and tax dollars here in America.


  1. mike from iowa 2019-11-09 10:13

    If only they had white skins and Nordic monikers.

  2. Porter Lansing 2019-11-09 11:27


  3. Debbo 2019-11-09 15:50

    Immigration Idiot has never met a sound policy, law or plan he didn’t want to shred, based on his latest whim.

    What President Obama said about Dreamers in 2012 is just as true in 2019. They are a big plus for the USA, as are the overwhelming majority of immigrants and refugees. It is simply stupid to reject them out of hand due to racism and religious phobia.

  4. leslie 2019-11-10 05:05

    Obama created DACA by executive action after Congress failed to pass a bipartisan immigration policy overhaul that would have provided a path to citizenship to young immigrants brought by their parents into the country illegally as children. Beautiful dreamers.

    While America burns (Bob Mercer Cambridge Analytica saved Trumps campaign to “burn it down”-OUR Democratic Republic), i huddle in the studio in bed recording with Lead Belly, Wade Ward Jim Marshall Leo Fender Ceritone Groovetubes Two Rock Gibson Alembic Ibanez Zinkey Boogie EV chasing roots in IA VA & NC for so many weeks. Fun, exhausting. Adam Schiff perseveres nevertheless! The dude abides!

  5. mike from iowa 2019-11-10 08:07

    Wingnut activist SPOTUS, where ethics and morals go to die.

  6. clara hart 2019-11-10 15:14

    Refugee Congress is also sponsoring this event to be held on Tuesday, the 12th.

  7. Robin Friday 2019-11-11 21:20

    At the risk of offending any pray-ers, I have to say I hope the Court is stronger on delivering justice laced with mercy rather than religious doctrine to the Dreamers. Thank you to the pray-ers but justice will serve all of us where prayers don’t always do the job.

  8. Robin Friday 2019-11-11 21:24

    If I am not badly mistaken, and not to be full of wishful thinking, I have to think that Justice Roberts is weighing carefully his place in history about this point in the 21st century, and consequently leaning just a bit more toward center, meaning toward mercy. (You should excuse the run-on sentence.)

  9. Debbo 2019-11-11 22:07

    Robin, I hope you’re right. It makes sense and my sentences are sometimes known to run on and on and on. 😊 Yours are better.

  10. Robin Friday 2019-11-11 22:15

    Debbo, thanks. Chief Justice Roberts has been the swing vote a couple of times since Kennedy was coerced off the Court in a classic quid pro quo (“I’ll let the thing with your kid go if you ‘do us a little favor’ and resign from the Court”.) So I’m sending him all my telepathy signals to help him stay there. I’m hopeful. Maybe overly hopeful, we’ll see.

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-11-12 05:09

    Robin does raise the point that prayer is as effective on this policy matter as it is on ending gun violence and droughts. But does any form of public protest have any impact on the rulings of the Supreme Court?

    A sharp organizer should make sure everyone attending the rally today has registered to vote and is reminded to come vote on June 2 and on November 3 for a better President and a better Senator who will restore DACA and make it permanent.

  12. leslie 2019-11-12 11:18

    FWIW Bergantino and Aguilar are here too! :)

    Explanation later.

  13. leslie 2019-11-13 07:11

    Not yet following the case too precisely, Cory, it does appear Roberts is responsive to public opinion/protest.

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