Hey, South Dakota Democratic Party! Want to raise some money and visibility? Why not sell ads in a political directory, the way the SDGOP is doing?
Contact the SDGOP to reserve your spot in the 2020 Political Directory!
For the first time in over a decade, the South Dakota Republican Party will be issuing a political directory with helpful information to help candidates, the media, politicos and the general public interface with Republican candidates, campaigns, State Republican Party officials and Republican county organizations.
“Communication is important, and we’re always working to improve the visibility of the Republican Party,” Chairman Dan Lederman said.
The Directory will also feature advertising of particular interest for South Dakota’s political community. “Candidates are always asking who can help them with things they need for their campaign. We hope we can inform them of those resources,” Lederman said.
Copies will be available for purchase, as well as being distributed to GOP County officials and South Dakota GOP Officeholders.
To find out more about placing an advertisement, you can contact South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman via e-mail at dan@SouthDakotaGOP.com [South Dakota Republican Party, newsletter, October 2019].
There are any number of signmakers, designers, direct mailers, and other vendors who’d love to have information about their services and low-low prices placed in the hands of hundreds of candidates and local party officials around the state. Whip something up, Dems!
Of course, if Dems create a political directory and sell ads, they’ll want to broaden their appeal by showing the diversity that our party values and promotes. I scan the SDGOP newsletter for any sign of the diversity and inclusion that Congressman Dusty Johnson is supposedly working on in his demographically suffering party. Across twelve pages, I find maybe two non-white people depicted:

Call the printer, Dems, and start selling ads!
It is swell of you to point those two fellows out.
When the Democratic Party Political Directory is in the hands of Republicans running for office, they’ll note that “things they need for their campaign” will be more economical than the junk (excuse me… stuff) Pat Powers sells, at inflated prices. Even checking a website or two will save about 40% and yield higher quality … by my research.
Diversity? 🤣🤣
GOP = Getting Our Purity.
Porter, I don’t know what Powers charges for his services, but I’m sure they are overpriced. He offers no unique or clearly effective services; he’s just coattailing on an already easy-to-sell brand. When all you do is sell services to the traditional majority party, it’s easy to claim that your services somehow contribute to campaign victories. Advertisers working for SD Dems have to work twice as hard, because they need to fill their portfolios with high-quality work rather than being able to pad their resumes with the mere correlative statement that they’ve worked for lots of winning candidates.
Purity of a less than desirable kind, Debbo.
Heck, I don’t mind if a bunch of friends go two- and three-wheeling together and they happen to be mostly or all white. But if I’m designing a newsletter to market my organization, and if one of the messages my organization is trying to send is that we are diverse and inclusive, I make an effort to find at least a couple pictures of people who aren’t mostly or all white… unless I’m trying to send the the message that my organization doesn’t really care about diversity and inclusion.
Cory. Powers is like Trump. If you buy into Trump’s con game, he won’t belittle you publicly. If you buy plastic yard signs from Pat, he won’t belittle you publicly. Hell. He even shut up about Tapio, once Tapio bought an ad. And Neal Tapio is borderline psycho. That’s what the extra 40% markup buys.,
Doubtful that this will happen. The new state chair has effectively tide the hands of the SCC and given more power to the E-Board and “players” within the party. She wants to unilaterally control every aspect of the party without following our party constitution. There are basically 5 people making all the decisions and it’s bringing about grumblings of people wanting to leave the party. Hawks is not helping with party unity as she promised when she ran for chair. It’s so bad people are leaking this stuff from e-board meetings and the last SCC meeting to Pat Powers.
No matter what is happening within the party, I cannot understand why any Democrat with the best interests of the party in mind would leak information to the propaganda arm of the SDGOP, which is committed to the destruction of the SDDP. Leaks to the SDGOP will not lead to reforms within the SDDP. They will lead only to more division and defeat.
I would use a directory of, for example, bakeries which will definitely bake cakes for absolutely anyone on any occasion or businesses which value diversity in their workplace or pay over $13/hr to the lowest paid employee.
I would use such a directory every chance I got. It’s a great idea.
You know, Adam, that sort of directory would go beyond what the GOP is offering. Their directory appears focused on advertising campaign-related businesses. Signmakers, t-shirt printers, and similar vendors may be wholly non-partisan. Your vision of the directory would be a sort of Fair Trade/social justice directory, letting buyers in general, not just candidates, know where their dollars go not just for good products and services but good treatment of workers and customers. That would take more vetting: after all, you can’t just pay $100 and get your business in the directory; someone would have to check the advertisers’ practices to make sure they are up to standards.
Such a catalog has shades of the Dakota Rural Action Local Foods Directory.
If, ever, one is to take a GOP idea and run with it, then one is obligated to make it better and outdo them.
Competitive spirit drives innovation more than anything, and a lack there of leads to giant repeated failures.
“Do much of what they do, but do more and do it better” is the only way to compete.
SDDP might be able to outsource certifications for things like ‘Socially Responsible Businesses’ by sourcing out 3rd party data.
Oh well, that would take some innovative go-getter spirit, and some work ethic, but we don’t try new things much – out here.
Well said, Adam. SD students are rated nearly last in innovation skills and few seem to mind. Wonder why “we don’t try new things much – out here.”? Because what you ridicule, you get less of. What you reward, you get more of. It’s considered normal and worthy not to even try. It’s shaming to try and not succeed the first few times. Even if a kid comes up with an idea that makes a problem a little better, the collective negativity bias condemns them for not doing more.
Most successful innovators, if not all, can provide a much longer list of failures than successes. It really is true that the only real, true failure is not to try.