“Now, that they’ve officially got a deal between President Trump and Prime Minister Abe,” Scott VanderWal, President of South Dakota Farmer Bureau, said.” That’s great news for us it’s going to open up that market to us.”
Kevin Scott farms near Valley Springs, and hopes this agreement will pressure China into reaching a deal with the United States and ending the trade war.
“I think the more that we can get these bilateral agreements with other countries. The sooner China will come and play ball in their tariffs, also,” Scott said.
“It just shows the rest of the world that we can do a deal with other countries,” VanderWal, said. “We’re pushing real hard to get the USMCA [United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement] deal put through our Congress and ratified. But, a deal with Japan now would be an excellent step in the right direction” [“South Dakota Farmers React to Limited-Trade Deal with Japan,” KSFY, updated 2019.09.26].
But you know, farmers, you wouldn’t need to pine and cry for more bilateral trade deals if your guy Trump hadn’t torn up the multilateral trade deal that President Barack Obama worked out in the Trans-Pacific Partnership:
Good idea, especially after the damage Trump has done….
But while American pork producers say they’re happy about the deal, which is still being finalized, it only gives them the same level of access to the Japanese market as they would have gotten if Trump had never pulled out of the Obama-era Trans-Pacific Partnership in the first place.
“We’re getting what we had under the TPP and we’re not going to lag behind,” said Nick Giordano, vice president and counsel of global government affairs at the National Pork Producers Council.
Trump pulled out of the TPP as one of his first acts as President, saying he wanted to negotiate bilateral deals instead, but 11 other countries went ahead with putting it in place this past January. That left American pork producers facing higher tariffs than those in participating countries like Australia, Canada, Mexico and Chile. Meanwhile, the European Union also inked a trade deal with Japan, which lowered trade barriers for their pork exports.
American pork producers have relied on Japan as their biggest market by value. They had already seen exports slip this year, but the new deal should put them on equal footing again. US wheat growers, who were also left hurting after Trump pulled out of the multinational trade partnership, applauded the new deal with Japan [Katie Lobosco, “Farmers Applaud Trump’s Japan Deal, But It’s No Better Than Obama’s TPP,” CNN, 2019.08.27].
So you’re just applauding that Trump is putting back the deal you had under President Obama… and you still don’t have your Chinese markets.
Kevin Scott farms near Valley Springs, and hopes this agreement will pressure China into reaching a deal with the United States and ending the trade war.
China isn’t the main stumbling block here. It is the stumbling whiny two year old in the kremlin annex that screwed over American farmers and they mostly voted for the screwing.
Drumpf will go to great lengths to praise hisownself for getting the same deal Obama negotiated beforehand.
Dana P
Bait and switch.
Trump has always been a con man. I just don’t understand why people keep taking the bait
There are virtually NO independent pork producers left. The ones that are out here are working for a big vertically integrated multinational. Smithfield, owned by the Chinese, being the largest.
The folks in the hog business now days are working to pay off depreciating facility’s built to house the integrator’s hogs, a meager wage, and the hog manure. When I say that I have heard that the manure was one of the selling points for getting tied up in these arrangements. I know what I’m talking about. We were big in hogs till the $0.08 hogs caused by these integrator’s hit.
So, when the hog business gets a special trade deal, are farmers really benefiting????
The TPP has pretty well gone through anyway…..using just a different acronym.
Big money gets their way regardless. They have payed for the finest government that money can buy and they have got it.
Clyde nails it, this is a big deal for China! They do know how to play ball, just roll something in front of Chubby and he rewinds the clock…backwards.
We are finding out more and more on how good of a deal maker President Obama was though. Too bad Chubby farmers and ranchers are so ignorant and racist on how trade deals really work to understand what a good deal was for them. They are just getting what they would’ve had, but rebranded at a tremendous cost to them.
also, mike from iowa – if you would like to come on my program, I would be happy to skype you in and let you give your take on Trump.
Senator John Thune
@SenJohnThune twitter
·Sep 21
Last week, the Senate hit a major milestone: We have now confirmed over 150 of
’s judicial nominees (despite unprecedented Democrat-led delays and obstruction).
Thune is so adept at making sure Trump knows what color Thune’s brown nose is.
Politics at its lowest form: the credit grab. Governance is again thrown aside so that a “political” win can be made doing the exact same thing but under the Trump name. Fixing a crisis of one’s own making does NOT make one a great deal maker.
mike from iowa
Dems have virtually no ability to delay or block any of the unworthy, extreme right wing ideologues Marlboro Barbie is braying about. No filibuster, no blue slip holds and debate has been shortened to where it is non-existent.
Well maybe Dems attempts to block are unprecedented….. in a bad way.
mike from iowa
McCTurtle@#$%face has been able to push through multiple nominees at one time and Dems can only howl in anger.
Rest assured the pendulum will swing back in favor of Dems and revenge and court packing will be sweet.
mike from iowa
Johnny Fraud, your censors are strong enough to block what I think of the worthless orange, scummy, pathological lying, misogynist, anti-semite, racist, nacrcisstic bag of corruption and his entire crime family.
And I sure as hell ain’t going to give any program you have anything to do with any credibility.
mike from iowa
censors aren’t strong enough is what I meant to say.
Let me just add, those attributes to Drumpf are his good points. He has destroyed the honor and integrity of the office of President and made America a standing joke all around the globe with the exception of a handful of despicable dictators.
mike from iowa
Words of caution from a man South Dakota would kill to get as their Attorney General on Hemp.
Pay attention……
Remember Lee Stranahan? He was Dr. Bozworth’s campaign mouth when she ran for the senate a few years ago.
Anyway, Cory ended up banning him from Dakota Free Press for his shameless self-promotion of his own blog.
“Shameless” – because I have nothing to be ashamed about. Did you mean to incorrectly apply “shameful”?
I’m referring to specific content items on The Internet Radio Broadcast Tower (for which I created the software) that are relevant to the topic in the thread.
If Cory were to ban my own content that is externally linked, but relevant, why wouldn’t he ban snopes?
One word of advice .. by continuing to talk about it, you are the one promoting my “blog” (it is not a blog .. I wrote the software for a Podcast, Internet Radio Broadcast Tower and I do radio segments do in addition to hearing my words, you can hear my voice).
I reiterate that you and others here are welcome to come on my show, as is Cory. Reciprocation also makes my references to my IRBT shameless (as opposed to shameful).
Mike, you’re much too kind to Orange Anus.
Roger, I do remember Stranahan. Unfortunately.
The only good deals Economic Eunuch ever made were crooked ones that benefited the trump Family Crime Syndicate. They weren’t good for anyone else.
Good news for farmers, from Farm Journal’s Ag Web:
“The USDA announced today producers participating in federal crop insurance who have a payable prevented planting indemnity related to flooding, excess moisture or causes other than drought in 2019, will automatically receive an extra payment. Called a ‘top-up’ payment, producers will receive the funds from their Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) starting in mid-October.”
https://news.yahoo.com/melting-ice-slowing-down-atlantic-184800275.html The ocean current system in the Atlantic Ocean, called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), is responsible for western Europe’s warm temperatures. But according to a new report from the United Nations, rising water temperatures and changes to the salinity of the world’s oceans is causing the AMOC to weaken. Other recent research has found that the AMOC could slow significantly if enough fresh water from melting ice enters the ocean. Weaker current circulation could bring more extreme weather to the Northern Hemisphere.
Trump is pulling us out of the Paris climate accords.
“…the same level of access to the Japanese market [SSD farmers] would have gotten if Trump had never pulled out of the Obama-era Trans-Pacific Partnership in the first place.”
Trump pulled us out of the TTP.
Trump pulls us out of the Iran nuclear treaty. Immigration tumult.
People, Trump has created phenomenal negative consequences for ag markets, the environment, security and society. Coarsening dialogue and cheapening shared values daily, even hourly. More than 12,000 lies from a president in less than one term in office! Blaming the press for keeping track. Anyone can recognize this can not end successfully.
Leslie – there are two other nations on Earth that are bigger polluters than The USA. One of them is on an imperialist tear and attempting to commandeer nation states and take their resources.
Chinese operatives in The US have been stealing copper and other precious metals and laundering them through Arizona, Mexico.
The Earth’s temperatures of varied widely throughout the archeological record, and we would be wise to learn from the Chicken Little story while focusing on mitigating China as the #1 polluter and exporter of totalitarianism in the world.
More than ever, we need the dynamism of free markets to solve our problems. Nations like China should never be in control of Earth’s destiny since Communism is orthogonal to the innovation needed to solve our pollution problems without depopulation.
We have to stop 5G immediately. The quicker the better, since this is the vector by which China will be enabled to continue stealing and sucking the wind out of the innovative sails of as yet free market nation-states.
Mr. John,
Just because there are other polluters doesn’t make it right to pollute as well.
We have been selling scrap metal to China for a decade or more. Cleans out the shelter belt.
We are not worried about the archaeological record, we are worried about the next 50 years. The climate is changing and humans are the cause.
The free market has gotten us into this mess to begin with. The theory, if your company isn’t getting bigger it is not successful, has driven consolidation and bankruptcy across the board. To win at any cost drives corruption and shady business practices.
I don’t know anything about 5G, but i can line my hat with tinfoil…
We should all be worried about the next 50 years. It’s a question of what to do. Anyone wanting to shut down debate about what to do is part of the problem.
The free market didn’t exist 100,000 years ago .. then again, now that I think about it, maybe as pure a free market that has ever existed was present on Earth at that time.
It wasn’t until man started writing down laws that we started regulating everything from the means of production to how much eye liner we can test on animals. I’m not judging, just providing some context. I love animals. Especially white tail deer .. they are delicious.
Regarding 5G, you have more than brain cancer to worry about.
Regarding 5G, the hospitals are going to be VERY busy.
Meanwhile, China continues to control the stock market and the commodity markets as well. Just like in the Middle East, America had better get used to the change.
Confucius say “Dale who wear tin hat, not worry about 5G”
jerry – it is time to choose sides. I’m not interested in waving the flag for China personally. Rooting for China (or not) is your choice to make.
Good luck. :)
Porter Lansing
Way off topic … Yesterday at the barber I had to use data because he hasn’t any WiFi. I noticed where my phone used to say AT&T as the provider it now just says 5G. Boy was I pleased. The iPhone X I use also said 5G last month at the big hospital in downtown Denver. Again, pleased.
PS … Dale. It’s in poor taste to those of us who lost a spouse to cancer for you to be throwing around unfounded fears about a horrible disease. Be a big boy and stfu.
Dale: Oh, chicken little? 97% of relevant scientists? Peer reviewed study after study? Come on.
24 hours after Mueller testified, Trump called the Ukrainian president. Eli Stokols LA Times White House reporter @ 15:00 today NBC News. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL-L7HrpSGA. Then Trump equates whistleblower with a spy who was executed in the good old days.
Hallelujah; one down (Trump on his way out and then to jail). Next climate change action, and then economic inequality as the major issues of 2020. Republicans relegated to the trash heap of history, or we will have to do all this over again. Big day for the nation, the world.
Any idiot knows we are 1 degree warmer now. The next 1/2 degree is likely on a coal train heading from Wyoming due in anytime. Above two degrees, the massive damage to the planet will only serve to kill and cost while you and your ilk will be completely forgotten in the mess. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/23/climate/climate-summit-global-warming.html
The melted ice water effect on the ocean conveyor is a tipping point. Read, Dale. All it takes is a click. Just a click away. https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/
“In the years to come, the WTR’s cautionary findings would be replicated by numerous other scientists in the United States and around the world, leading the World Health Organization in 2011 to classify cell-phone radiation as a “possible” human carcinogen and the governments of Great Britain, France, and Israel to issue strong warnings on cell-phone use by children.”
“Whatever Carlo’s motives might have been, the documented fact is that he and Wheeler would eventually clash bitterly over the WTR’s findings, which Carlo presented to wireless-industry leaders on February 9, 1999. By that date, the WTR had commissioned more than 50 original studies and reviewed many more. Those studies raised “serious questions” about cell-phone safety, Carlo told a closed-door meeting of the CTIA’s board of directors, whose members included the CEOs or top officials of the industry’s 32 leading companies, including Apple, AT&T, and Motorola.”
“When Carlo arrived, he was met by two seriously muscled men in plain clothes; the larger of the two let drop that he had recently left the Secret Service. The security men steered Carlo into a holding room, where they insisted he remain until his presentation. When summoned, Carlo found roughly 70 of the industry’s top executives waiting for him in silence. Carlo had spoken a mere 10 minutes when Wheeler abruptly stood, extended a hand, and said, “Thank you, George.” The two muscle men then ushered the scientist to a curbside taxi and waited until it pulled away.”
“Funding friendly research has perhaps been the most important component of this strategy, because it conveys the impression that the scientific community truly is divided. Thus, when studies have linked wireless radiation to cancer or genetic damage—as Carlo’s WTR did in 1999; as the WHO’s Interphone study did in 2010; and as the US National Toxicology Program did in 2016—industry spokespeople can point out, accurately, that other studies disagree. “[T]he overall balance of the evidence” gives no cause for alarm, asserted Jack Rowley, research and sustainability director for the Groupe Special Mobile Association (GSMA), Europe’s wireless trade association, speaking to reporters about the WHO’s findings.”
You should really put down the 5G crack for awhile and read that study .. -pull it up on a computer that uses copper or fiber, though.
Go to city council and present the findings of this research study.
“But when Lai recategorized the studies according to their funding sources, a different picture emerged: 67 percent of the independently funded studies found a biological effect, while a mere 28 percent of the industry-funded studies did. Lai’s findings were replicated by a 2007 analysis in Environmental Health Perspectives that concluded industry-funded studies were two and a half times less likely than independent studies to find a health effect.”
Robert McTaggart
5G radiation is not ionizing. Which means there is not enough energy to strip electrons and/or dissociate molecules.
Nobody has found any link with 3G or 4G to cancers, but 5G hasn’t been studied as thoroughly yet (that is just because 3G and 4G have been studied for far longer).
“The difficulty is due, first and foremost, to the fact that the type of radiation involved in wireless communications is in the range of radio waves, and these waves carry much less energy than ionizing radiation, such as X-rays and cosmic rays, that can break chemical bonds in DNA and lead to cancer.
Furthermore, there are limits, set by the Federal Communications Commission, on the amount of RF that cell phones can emit. The only known biological effect of RF at the power levels used in wireless technology is heating, and the FCC limits restrict heating. There are no known health effects below the level at which heating occurs.”
They also discuss how results of a study on rats can be misinterpreted. The good news for John Dale is that there is probably a lot of money now in 5G research, regardless of the actual effects.
Robert McTaggart
The bad news for the rest of us is that money to be spent for 5G research could be spent better elsewhere.
The public is harmed when we avoid that other beneficial research.
Dale, I’ve picked a side, The Pelosi side. You can keep the stank old Chubby.
I think we should go back to when America was great again, crank telephones. Who needs progress when you have Chubby. 5G is like 4G and 3G, but 5G is oh gee for speed and the future. The rest of the world will be moving on while we still are trying to figure out how China was successful with their 5G and we still struggle with 3G. Check out your internets, it ain’t what it should be because Chubby’s FCC dude is as corrupt as him. Life is funny like that.
Dale, my boy. That was a trap to see if that’s the only source for your assertion. Obviously it is or you’d present a valid link. Numerous valid, scientific links refuting your nonsense have already been posted by numerous blog readers.
Let’s get back on topic and not again get hijacked by the wild ramblings of the blog idiot.
My point is that you’re a dupe. You’re so eager to think you know something no one else knows that you believe anything, as long as you agree with it. Nation isn’t a scientific journal. It’s not a scientific anything and neither are you. You use no scientific method to come to your invalid conclusions. Just emotion. An opinion that something needs more study is hardly evidence of 5G causing cancer.
Doesn’t 5G benefit corporations and make profits? Isn’t that the ONLY concern we have in policy: make the corporations more money?
Robert McTaggart – your study confirms that male rats in the study suffered the effects.
The study makes an appeal to Occam’s Razor – not very scientific, but I respect the attempt.
“Bucher led the NTP’s large, ten-year study of 2G and 3G RF on rodents”
Where did the money come from? Why was Carlo (from the article I posed) not included?
The article you cite says NOTHING of the funding sources, but I did do a little poking around.
NTP is in charge of the study, which started on the heels of the industry’s coordinated conspiracy to discredit Carlo’s research (from The Nation article I cited).
Now, imagine my shock.
The current director of NTP, who has been working with them since the 1970’s, worked at the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory in Utica, New York before joining the NTP.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
5G is not about faster Internet.
Fiber optics consume low energy, do not heat human tissue, and offer the fastest Internet available.
This is about mass surveillance and usurpation of human agency by the organization on Earth famous for invasion of privacy: The Masons.
Imagine my shock to see the neolibs everywhere in support of 5G, which pollutes the entire environment with radiation while strip mining to build the equipment.
neoliberal, neoconservative .. same same.
MASONS (mostly OTO Masons).
If they keep watching us this hard, there won’t be anybody to watch anymore.
“Birnbaum’s directorship of the NIEHS came in the wake of congressional investigations into alleged conflict-of-interest activity of the institute’s previous director, David A. Schwartz.
Birnbaum and her husband, retired mathematician David Birnbaum, have two daughters and are grandparents. She has served as a cantor at her synagogue.”
Wow, she got the job because the previous guy was investigated in congress.
Sound familiar?
John, this is why you vex me: why are you SO focused on 5G and its adverse health effects for people (to the point of derailing all other discussion topics to speak to the horrors of 5G), yet seem so indifferent to the myriad of other, far more direct, far more treacherous health risks perpetrated by American corporations: lead in water, air pollution, asbestos . . . ?
o – The conversation was not derailed inasmuch as it took a turn into a related area. You are not doing the same thing .. making a comparison to illustrate a point.
I think 5G is a present threat to human safety. The research supports my point-of-view. Even research posted to counter my position ended up supporting my point-of-view.
For some more perspective consider this:
Strip mining the raw materials for 5G equipment that these technocratic psychopaths want to put every 200 feet across the face of the Earth will put heavy metals in the soil, water, and air.
American corporations are not the problem. Multinational corporations operating in China for globalists will create water, air, and soil pollution!
China has misdirected a huge swath of otherwise good Americans to support their own undoing.
The Masons are complicit (again, mostly OTO, but the entire organization is a danger because it exists as a dashboard of control for “toxicology” and other experimentation).
Information systems should be at our side assisting us with moral, human tasks. The technocratic sociopaths and their unwitting lackeys are trying to replace humanity with these monstrosities and it creates conflict, pain, and strife regardless of which side you’re on.
I’m sorry, folks, but the next phase of this will be painful, but it is necessary to preserve humanity.
You’ll want to have some extra food on hand, and be ready to work hard.
O, this may be helpful to you. It was to me. The writer, who is no one of special note, has done a nice job of describing what it is like trying to have a fact-based discussion with Dale or similar people. This is the $ quote for me:
“Intellectually, we all sense that Trumpists are unbalanced and misinformed. When it’s laid out in plain English on social media, it makes your hair hurt.”
Robert McTaggart
No John Dale, one study does not make a case, and you also have to get into the studies. The question is how likely is the evidence of cancer due to the other items in the background and how they ran the experiment. If they find cancer in one 5G study of rats, you cannot apply that to everything.
Remember, the irradiation for the rats was whole body, not just at the brain. Humans and rats are mammals. So hooray team…but somehow a rat is not really a person.
mike from iowa
Johhnny Fraud pushes 5G because he gets 5 grand for every thread he can hijack.
Robert McTaggart – “one study does not make the case”
Please go read over that The Nation article.
It is a Meta-study. It did a study of the studies and followed the money and found that industry was punishing scientists who came-up with unfavorable results.
It is thorough and meticulous and concludes very strongly that non-industry studies have a scientific consensus that wireless radiation needs public safety scrutiny.
Mike, you and I have exchanged identities in Dale World. I think a lot of that kind of confusion goes on there. 🤣🤣🤣
Robert McTaggart
The article I quoted says the following about the rat study….regarding how the results could be misinterpreted.
“First, he put the highlighted findings in perspective by underscoring the large number of analyses, “None of these results are corrected for multiple comparisons, …, and I am sure that correcting for that would yield a totally negative study.”
Second, he addressed the biological mechanism involved in subjecting test animals to RF energy, “Another consideration is that the increase [in tumors] occurred at the highest exposure levels (6 watts/kg whole body absorption). ”
Foster concluded, “So there are three possibilities: (a) a statistical fluke; (b) a real effect due to thermophysiological changes; or (c) a direct effect of RF energy. Occam’s razor suggests that the first two are more likely.”
And with only one study, a statistical fluke is possible. Like one day you flip a quarter 10 times and 8 of them are heads. Are you saying you would bet people that you could get 8 heads every time? That is the risk you run by focusing on one study. But if you have money to burn….then go ahead.
Chubby’s bag man, Giuliani is off to Russia for a “meeting” with Putin and others. How nice. Gotta keep getting the game plan on stealing democracy from a country who allowed stole the election that put Chubby in power in the first place.
“According to The Washington Post, Giuliani is scheduled to be a “paid speaker at a Kremlin-backed conference” on Tuesday. But he won’t be there without a friendly face he can sit with, because Vladimir Putin will also be on hand with a cadre of top Russian officials.”
Thune, Rounds and Dirty are still loving their guy. Bless their hearts. They know where the gravy train is and there gonna stick with it. Thick as thieves is really appropriate .
Senate Democrats wrapped up an 18-month investigation on Friday into the National Rifle Association and its interactions with Maria Butina and other Russians, concluding that the organization’s top officials were aware that Russia was using its connections to the NRA to improve its access to American lawmakers. Friday’s report expanded on the NRA’s role in connecting the Russians to American politicians. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/09/nra-senate-report-maria-butina-moscow-trip.html
The report focused on a 2015 visit by some NRA leaders to Moscow. Butina, with the help of her then-boyfriend, the Republican operative Paul Erickson, arranged for former NRA President David Keene to attend the Moscow trip, where Keene had hoped to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to previous reports. The Senate report noted that Butina had hinted the same possibility of meeting Putin to Peter Brownell, the incoming president of the NRA.
“This report lays out in significant detail that the NRA lied about the 2015 delegation trip to Moscow,” Wyden said in a statement. “This was an official trip undertaken so NRA insiders could get rich—a clear violation of the principle that tax-exempt resources should not be used for personal benefit.
“The totality of evidence uncovered during my investigation, as well as the mounting evidence of rampant self-dealing, indicate the NRA may have violated tax laws,” he said.
Robert McTaggart – thanks for the civility and thoughtfulness.
In the The Nation article, the meta study looked at many studies dating back to the late 90’s.
There are two things that are the test for me on 5G and whether I would want my kids near to it .. first, is there an insurance policy The City of Spearfish can purchase to indemnify them if/when they roll it out. Second, is there a credible public safety study like they conduct on seat belts, children’s toys, and cookware?
To my knowledge, insurance companies won’t touch the stuff. There has also never been a credible, independent, public funded study on the safety of these devices.
To add to that, our graduating high school students have not been taught to audit them. I think this is a good barometer for both our education system and for any technology we want to roll out society wide.
Like the production of money, the rollout of technology should have significant hurdles and barriers.
5G is a Trojan Horse .. we do not need 5G to thrive and be happy.
Erickson just had his upcoming trial delayed.
Porter Lansing
Paranoids like Dale spend a lot of money at Lloyd’s of London. They’ll insure against any crackpot fear. I think Dale invented this 5G-phobia because he can’t afford to get his kids what they want.
Porter Lansing – I’m living in your head rent-free, bud.
I think I’ll put the couch over there, next to the big vacuous space where your common sense should be.
Robert McTaggart
I think you are certainly free not to use 5G technologies for whatever reason you choose not to use them. For instance, 5G devices may cost a lot of money. You may have a political reason not to buy from a given supplier, etc.
But given the available data I cannot say in good conscience that the radio waves in question will cause cancer. The radio waves are of much lower energy than gamma rays and X-rays. The power output is regulated so that other biological effects due to heating are not possible.
The energy of a photon is h * f, where h is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency. 5G frequencies exist between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. This means that the energies will vary between 1.24E-04 eV and 1.24E-03 eV. (1 eV = 1 electron-Volt, and 1 GHz = 1 billion Hertz).
Chemical energy levels are on the order of several electron-Volts, so 5G is not energetic enough to excite these levels. Some molecular rotational energies are in the ballpark but this depends on the molecule (Carbon monoxide has a couple, for instance, in the 5G range).
Wave mechanics are also at play. If the wavelength is much larger than the object, it will diffract and have little reflection. If it is smaller, then most of it will reflect and not much will diffract (diffraction means the wave bends around the object and keeps on going).
For instance, a bat sends out a sound wave smaller than the fruit fly it is interested in so that the sound wave bounces back to the bat.
With regard to 5G, the wavelengths vary between 1 centimeter and 1 millimeter (which impacts the size of the requisite antenna in your phone). Both of these are larger than a typical cell in the human body, so direct interactions with DNA are not an issue.
Porter Lansing
What’s ironic is that 5G will probably cure cancer.
5G permeates the air with unwanted radioactive waves/particles like cigarette smoke. You don’t get a choice of whether to get the negative effects of 5G as long as your neighbor smokes .. er .. uses 5G.
The waves of 5G modulation permeate your property without your consent, like someone standing outside blowing cigarette smoke in your window.
Even if just a little harmful, most people would opt out if they truly knew the risks.
5G – an embarrassing colossal waste of resources that feeds the hospital market.
Porter Lansing
At 4:00 AM, Dale? Get a life, boy. Obsession is a mental illness. Maybe a checkup would be a good idea?
28 Billion! Farmers have sucked the taxpayers of the United States out of enough to provide healthcare, raise education salaries and much more. Wait until the steel industry comes for their handout. Yes, we are really kicking the world’s arse with the Chubby/Rounds/Thune and Dirty Tariff show. How much more can we put out for nothing?
“The Donald Trump bailouts to U.S. farmers affected by his unnecessary trade war with China have now ballooned to $28 billion. If you want to know whether that’s a lot of money in the grand government scheme of things, it’s over double what the government ended up paying to save the U.S. automotive industry during the 2008 Great Recession. Those efforts, by both Bush and Obama, had Republicans absolutely spittle-flecked in their outrage. A chap named Mitt Romney wrote a now-famous op-ed condemning the plan; Trump and his mini-me vice president both have themselves been vocal in their opposition to that bailout.”
Hello 2008, we have beaten you and we ain’t even close yet to the bottom. Oh, the joy of watching the meltdown and the theft of our future, kinda makes you want to vote for more Rounds and the rest of the crooks and liars just to see the end.
Leslie – check the post again, 67% was the number I cited. And it’s non-industry funded studies.
Robert McTaggart
Radio waves do not behave as particles, and they are not carried along by the wind.
5G frequencies are probably found in nature too. So you are not going to eliminate these frequencies. The Sun produces ultraviolet light, which can also generate cancer in larger amounts. That permeates the atmosphere. You are not going to turn off the Sun.
Smoking has been proven to generate cancers. 5G has not…particularly at the power levels that devices that FCC would approve them at.
You can certainly avoid any perceived risk by not using 5G devices. Triple your distance from the source, you reduce the effects by a factor of 9.
Maybe if you are on your device all the time you really have other problems too…lack of sleep, no exercise, poor diet. Those factors may be more of an issue than the 5G technology itself.
It is ironic that the tiny risk which is unsubstantiated is enough to stop using 5G, but the risks of lung cancer and other diseases from smoking or ingesting marijuana are not enough to stop smoking or using marijuana (or tobacco for that reason).
Excellent points Jerry. The GOP has no morals, no standards, no convictions. Just Greed and Lust– GOP Operating Principles.
Robert McTaggart – “Smoking has been proven to generate cancers. 5G has not”
Before smoking was proven to cause cancer and birth defects, the Tobacco industry was behaving with the exact same MO as wireless is right now .. punishing dissent, and denying the dangers.
What I’m saying is that we know the script, now. We know the tactic. The meta-reserach indicates that big wireless is just like big tobacco.
Wireless radiation permeates our living environment .. it is not carried by the air, but it is IN the air, and we do not have the option to opt-out, like a stuck-in-the-job waitress or bartender prior to banning smoking in bars, or a child that has a careless and negligent parent who smokes in the car and the house.
I’m calling my shot .. WIRELESS IS A MORE DANGEROUS CARCINOGEN THAN SMOKING TOBACCO, and the exhaust from wireless is more pervasive!
It is a lie that wireless radiation doesn’t have links to cancer.
I recommend to everyone on this board to read the research. You may find like me that it is time to divest in the 5G rollout now. You might make some short term money, but you’re doing it by externalizing health costs to the public, making any push for public option healthcare seem like a extremely mentally ill profit-play (take this wireless, pay me, get sick, pay me).
Anyone who is both invested in pharma/hospitals AND wireless is a real Satan’s anus.
Robert McTaggart
We are immersed in all kinds of radiation, because that is part of nature. Biology is great at dealing with natural levels and many times natural levels.
I sympathize with your approach about not being able to opt out, but 5G is not doing any harm. You would have a better argument about who has access to the data over 5G networks and what the privacy rules are, not about 5G radiation effects that do not exist.
By the way, water can be a health hazard too. If you drink large volumes of purified water, you will have a health consequence. Oxygen can be a health hazard…there is this thing called fire that is a potential side effect. We are immersed in oxygen. But I doubt you are going to opt-out of either water or oxygen. If you use both of them safely there isn’t going to be an issue.
There isn’t a safe way to smoke. Even smokeless tobacco is unsafe.
For 5G the only possible way to even consider having a health issue is if heating does something, and you subject yourself to very high and unsafe power levels for days and months and years at a time….So don’t do that.
Good news….if there is a 5G there will be a 6G or something else later, so that this tech will be old news in 10 years.
We’ll see if your arguments regarding big companies are still there after there is a big marijuana. I don’t think that would be any better than big tobacco, as there is no admission of harm from marijuana.
Porter Lansing
You know, McTaggart. Your holier than thou act is getting really irritating. I’d like to have a visual and audio monitor on you for a month so we can see just how unhealthy, illegal, lonely, and unhappy your little Professor life really is. Experience tells me that people who spend inordinate time telling others what’s wrong with them are hiding dark secrets and using others to shield their guilt from themselves. Then we could see just why you feel a need to be that shining light of purity none of us could ever hope to equal.
Robert McTaggart
I believe it is appropriate to quote from Debbo at this time….
Robert McTaggart
Are you saying that what we really need is Big Marijuana, despite the reservations people have with large corporations on this blog?
With regard to the blog topic, I look forward to more normalized trade relations so South Dakota can get back to feeding the world and powering the plains.
Water – yes, you can die from water. If someone throws you in the water and you drown (5G), then there should be justice. If a person cliff dives and pass out and drown, that’s on the person.
It’s important to keep the analogies aligned.
“5G is not doing any harm” – It’s not fully rolled-out, yet. As you say it can be hacked (harm), weaponized and targeted (the full scope of use), and the ambient radiation is harmful, but it is a question of how harmful, which should be addressed by an actuarial table and an adequate public safety study.
As stated, people smoke because it is more illegal to process it into other forms. Smoking is not good. But smoking cannabis is one of the least enjoyable and useful means of ingestion, but it’s quick, more legal, and practical, so smoking is pervasive at this time BECAUSE of the legal status of cannabis (an unfortunate byproduct).
Our legal system was never intended to prosecute nature, so things that are dangerous existing in nature are not relevant for analogies to 5G, which is man made. Men are subject to laws and our culture is to have an expectation to adhere to the liberty codified in our laws.
You can’t sue the sun, volcanos, but you can vote ignorant politicians out of office for prohibiting cannabis.
Robert McTaggart
I would agree that there is other ground to battle on with regard to 5G, and in my opinion that terrain is better for opposing 5G than linking 5G to cancer.
The fear of any radiation usually far outweighs the actual effects of the radiation. In my opinion, biology does an excellent job at dealing with radiation doses from gamma rays that have energies of Millions of electron Volts. 5G microwaves have energies below 1/1000th of an electron Volt.
You can vote for any politician you want for any reason that you want. You are free to choose not to use 5G for any reason that you want, even if that reason is not founded in science.
But to be clear, you are more likely to endure harm from 5G when you drop your phone and hit your head on the table trying to pick it up than from any radiation effect.
I asked Cory and Pat to publish an article about 5G and wireless that I would write, but I haven’t heard back from them yet. In structure, it would go something like this rough draft:
First, radioactive exposure has a cumulative effect; Gamma rays, other peoples’ cell phones, 2G, 3G, 4G, maybe you work with radioactive particles for Southern Blotting. This all adds up. Since 5G would always be on, it would accumulate over time and add-up more than naturally occurring radiation. Fukashima? Being in a football game or other large gathering right now is like being in a microwave with overlapping radio frequency vectors! I predict an effect on lifespan .. so, someone loses a couple of years on the tail end of the whole “life experience” (instead of living to be 80, living to be, say, 71). We won’t know until the damage is long since leveled, and the evidence of genocide long since hidden/lost.
Next, even if as you claim non-ionizing radiation is “harmless”, the frequency of 5G requires higher power than longer bandwidths that do not attenuate through matter as quickly, it heats tissue quickly as you recognize. Because of its shorter bandwidth, 5G leaves more of its energy behind as it travels. For this reason, 5G requires higher power and more hot spots, more health risk, more unwanted/uninformed exposure.
The industry has to claim they don’t know the damage, or that the studies are “inconclusive” to avoid the bulk of the lawsuits later. That said, since 67% of the non-industry funded studies indicate harm, interaction, or flat-out carcinogen of wireless, all a person would have to do is send their municipality a cease and desist letter regarding 5G, citing the meta-study I linked above (The Nation), which contains pointers to all of the other relevant research.
Next, warn your local police, EMS, and fire. Police, remove your body cams as you roll into the shop so the transmitters are not next to the heart tissue that is known to be most affected by wireless. Get the good folks that turn wrenches on the vehicles to move the transmitters and antennas as far away from passengers and drivers as possible, and do your best to shield the wireless emitters wherever they are to prevent overflow exposure to base station transmissions, which are generally larger and longer than edge devices. Whenever you can, buy devices that uses ethernet or fiber and plug them in to do the transfer, which might actually be faster than wireless even with the time it takes to plug in. It would certainly be more secure.
Then, have a guy like me look at the general flow of information within an organization to cut-out unneeded traffic, all of which is causing more transmission and slowly giving people cancer of the brain and heart.
Lastly, even if the effect of 5G is lower than I claim, it is still present. First hand cigarette smoke is more dangerous than second hand smoke, but you can’t say that because waitresses aren’t smoking first hand in the bar, people should be allowed to violate liberty in the bar by smoking up the air.
All of our wireless systems; terrestrial radio, cell phones, wireless home phones, IoT devices, CB Radios .. all of them are violations of liberty as the public has not been informed of the dangers (the wireless industry pumps out the same talking points that you have in this forum, which are not substantiated while studies of the industry’s behavior indicate the industry is intentionally clouding the science to cast enough doubt to pacify low information investors).
The only reasonable use of pre-2G wireless technology at this time is for emergency service. With a small, watch sized or credit-card sized GPS device that only transmits/receives on demand with explicit authorization from the owner, with a push of a button, EMS could be deployed to help, or you could send a loved-one a quick text message with thousands fold reduction in the overall amount of wireless traffic we have today.
This is why robust forms of media like video and audio have no business on the air waves. As you state, there is already enough radiation naturally. We shouldn’t add more if we are in keeping with liberty.
This is why all of my Internet radio broadcasts are “totally wired”, meaning you can obtain them without the use of any wireless technology. This, in my view, is the future eventually, no matter what.
In short, philosophically:
EMS to your person, fiber to the curb.
Also as you recognize, 5G is a Chinese/Globalist Trojan Horse , so 5G is precursor to WAR but instead of boats to lead the ground invasion, we had dumb, hapless investors and EB5. But, the cultural cancer caused by 5G and social credit score systems is another topic for another thread.
When i first saw this piece I had great expectations of seeing Noem and wingnuts doing the heavy lifting for hogs everywhere by pushing CAFOs hard. What better tools could a pig desire?
Mike . . . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
mike from iowa
Moar bad news for all dairy farmers that have dairy cows.
mfi, I am thinking that is the fate of the Republican party as they are descended from just one idiot now. The Chubby trumpy party of losers.
Jerry, that’s funny!
mike from iowa
Good one, Jerry. Debbo, good on you for recognizing comedic talent. jerry’s got it.
Roger Cornelius
jerry does have a nice touch of funny.
Gov. Justice (R) of West Virginia just happens to be the wealthiest man in the state just capped the farmer bailout of corn and soybeans at $125,000.
He failed to spend the welfare granted him on his numerous farm operations but on other stuff. There will be no consequences for his waste and financial abuse.
mike from iowa
Never guess which billionaire governor of West Virginia qualified for and received the highest allowable tariff payout. Well he did. And is probably grousing it wasn’t billions more.
Kevin Scott farms near Valley Springs, and hopes this agreement will pressure China into reaching a deal with the United States and ending the trade war.
China isn’t the main stumbling block here. It is the stumbling whiny two year old in the kremlin annex that screwed over American farmers and they mostly voted for the screwing.
Drumpf will go to great lengths to praise hisownself for getting the same deal Obama negotiated beforehand.
Bait and switch.
Trump has always been a con man. I just don’t understand why people keep taking the bait
There are virtually NO independent pork producers left. The ones that are out here are working for a big vertically integrated multinational. Smithfield, owned by the Chinese, being the largest.
The folks in the hog business now days are working to pay off depreciating facility’s built to house the integrator’s hogs, a meager wage, and the hog manure. When I say that I have heard that the manure was one of the selling points for getting tied up in these arrangements. I know what I’m talking about. We were big in hogs till the $0.08 hogs caused by these integrator’s hit.
So, when the hog business gets a special trade deal, are farmers really benefiting????
The TPP has pretty well gone through anyway…..using just a different acronym.
Big money gets their way regardless. They have payed for the finest government that money can buy and they have got it.
Clyde nails it, this is a big deal for China! They do know how to play ball, just roll something in front of Chubby and he rewinds the clock…backwards.
We are finding out more and more on how good of a deal maker President Obama was though. Too bad Chubby farmers and ranchers are so ignorant and racist on how trade deals really work to understand what a good deal was for them. They are just getting what they would’ve had, but rebranded at a tremendous cost to them.
Another Homer Simpson moment… DOH! ;-)
Give the man some credit.
jerry – Obama is such a good deal maker that he is even doing it after he is out of office.
Unapologetic pundits! :D
Trump Train 2020! W00t! W00t!
Drumpf 20 to life. woot woot.
mike from iowa – I just finished a radio segment called “Trump Train 2020” at https://PlainsTribune.com
I’m citing this as a source regarding my support for Trump in 2020. I don’t have the energy to type a transcript.
This is some hot information and contains controversial material that could get me banned from The Internet, so please be careful if you listen.
also, mike from iowa – if you would like to come on my program, I would be happy to skype you in and let you give your take on Trump.
Senator John Thune
@SenJohnThune twitter
·Sep 21
Last week, the Senate hit a major milestone: We have now confirmed over 150 of
’s judicial nominees (despite unprecedented Democrat-led delays and obstruction).
Thune is so adept at making sure Trump knows what color Thune’s brown nose is.
Politics at its lowest form: the credit grab. Governance is again thrown aside so that a “political” win can be made doing the exact same thing but under the Trump name. Fixing a crisis of one’s own making does NOT make one a great deal maker.
Dems have virtually no ability to delay or block any of the unworthy, extreme right wing ideologues Marlboro Barbie is braying about. No filibuster, no blue slip holds and debate has been shortened to where it is non-existent.
Well maybe Dems attempts to block are unprecedented….. in a bad way.
McCTurtle@#$%face has been able to push through multiple nominees at one time and Dems can only howl in anger.
Rest assured the pendulum will swing back in favor of Dems and revenge and court packing will be sweet.
Johnny Fraud, your censors are strong enough to block what I think of the worthless orange, scummy, pathological lying, misogynist, anti-semite, racist, nacrcisstic bag of corruption and his entire crime family.
And I sure as hell ain’t going to give any program you have anything to do with any credibility.
censors aren’t strong enough is what I meant to say.
Let me just add, those attributes to Drumpf are his good points. He has destroyed the honor and integrity of the office of President and made America a standing joke all around the globe with the exception of a handful of despicable dictators.
Words of caution from a man South Dakota would kill to get as their Attorney General on Hemp.
Pay attention……
Remember Lee Stranahan? He was Dr. Bozworth’s campaign mouth when she ran for the senate a few years ago.
Anyway, Cory ended up banning him from Dakota Free Press for his shameless self-promotion of his own blog.
Hi Roger – I recommend you check it out.
“Shameless” – because I have nothing to be ashamed about. Did you mean to incorrectly apply “shameful”?
I’m referring to specific content items on The Internet Radio Broadcast Tower (for which I created the software) that are relevant to the topic in the thread.
If Cory were to ban my own content that is externally linked, but relevant, why wouldn’t he ban snopes?
One word of advice .. by continuing to talk about it, you are the one promoting my “blog” (it is not a blog .. I wrote the software for a Podcast, Internet Radio Broadcast Tower and I do radio segments do in addition to hearing my words, you can hear my voice).
I reiterate that you and others here are welcome to come on my show, as is Cory. Reciprocation also makes my references to my IRBT shameless (as opposed to shameful).
Mike, you’re much too kind to Orange Anus.
Roger, I do remember Stranahan. Unfortunately.
The only good deals Economic Eunuch ever made were crooked ones that benefited the trump Family Crime Syndicate. They weren’t good for anyone else.
Good news for farmers, from Farm Journal’s Ag Web:
“The USDA announced today producers participating in federal crop insurance who have a payable prevented planting indemnity related to flooding, excess moisture or causes other than drought in 2019, will automatically receive an extra payment. Called a ‘top-up’ payment, producers will receive the funds from their Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) starting in mid-October.”
https://news.yahoo.com/melting-ice-slowing-down-atlantic-184800275.html The ocean current system in the Atlantic Ocean, called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), is responsible for western Europe’s warm temperatures. But according to a new report from the United Nations, rising water temperatures and changes to the salinity of the world’s oceans is causing the AMOC to weaken. Other recent research has found that the AMOC could slow significantly if enough fresh water from melting ice enters the ocean. Weaker current circulation could bring more extreme weather to the Northern Hemisphere.
Trump is pulling us out of the Paris climate accords.
“…the same level of access to the Japanese market [SSD farmers] would have gotten if Trump had never pulled out of the Obama-era Trans-Pacific Partnership in the first place.”
Trump pulled us out of the TTP.
Trump pulls us out of the Iran nuclear treaty. Immigration tumult.
People, Trump has created phenomenal negative consequences for ag markets, the environment, security and society. Coarsening dialogue and cheapening shared values daily, even hourly. More than 12,000 lies from a president in less than one term in office! Blaming the press for keeping track. Anyone can recognize this can not end successfully.
Leslie – there are two other nations on Earth that are bigger polluters than The USA. One of them is on an imperialist tear and attempting to commandeer nation states and take their resources.
Chinese operatives in The US have been stealing copper and other precious metals and laundering them through Arizona, Mexico.
The Earth’s temperatures of varied widely throughout the archeological record, and we would be wise to learn from the Chicken Little story while focusing on mitigating China as the #1 polluter and exporter of totalitarianism in the world.
More than ever, we need the dynamism of free markets to solve our problems. Nations like China should never be in control of Earth’s destiny since Communism is orthogonal to the innovation needed to solve our pollution problems without depopulation.
We have to stop 5G immediately. The quicker the better, since this is the vector by which China will be enabled to continue stealing and sucking the wind out of the innovative sails of as yet free market nation-states.
Mr. John,
Just because there are other polluters doesn’t make it right to pollute as well.
We have been selling scrap metal to China for a decade or more. Cleans out the shelter belt.
We are not worried about the archaeological record, we are worried about the next 50 years. The climate is changing and humans are the cause.
The free market has gotten us into this mess to begin with. The theory, if your company isn’t getting bigger it is not successful, has driven consolidation and bankruptcy across the board. To win at any cost drives corruption and shady business practices.
I don’t know anything about 5G, but i can line my hat with tinfoil…
Mr. Dave;
We should all be worried about the next 50 years. It’s a question of what to do. Anyone wanting to shut down debate about what to do is part of the problem.
The free market didn’t exist 100,000 years ago .. then again, now that I think about it, maybe as pure a free market that has ever existed was present on Earth at that time.
It wasn’t until man started writing down laws that we started regulating everything from the means of production to how much eye liner we can test on animals. I’m not judging, just providing some context. I love animals. Especially white tail deer .. they are delicious.
Regarding 5G, you have more than brain cancer to worry about.
Way more.
Regarding 5G, the hospitals are going to be VERY busy.
Meanwhile, China continues to control the stock market and the commodity markets as well. Just like in the Middle East, America had better get used to the change.
Confucius say “Dale who wear tin hat, not worry about 5G”
jerry – it is time to choose sides. I’m not interested in waving the flag for China personally. Rooting for China (or not) is your choice to make.
Good luck. :)
Way off topic … Yesterday at the barber I had to use data because he hasn’t any WiFi. I noticed where my phone used to say AT&T as the provider it now just says 5G. Boy was I pleased. The iPhone X I use also said 5G last month at the big hospital in downtown Denver. Again, pleased.
PS … Dale. It’s in poor taste to those of us who lost a spouse to cancer for you to be throwing around unfounded fears about a horrible disease. Be a big boy and stfu.
Dale: Oh, chicken little? 97% of relevant scientists? Peer reviewed study after study? Come on.
24 hours after Mueller testified, Trump called the Ukrainian president. Eli Stokols LA Times White House reporter @ 15:00 today NBC News. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL-L7HrpSGA. Then Trump equates whistleblower with a spy who was executed in the good old days.
Hallelujah; one down (Trump on his way out and then to jail). Next climate change action, and then economic inequality as the major issues of 2020. Republicans relegated to the trash heap of history, or we will have to do all this over again. Big day for the nation, the world.
Any idiot knows we are 1 degree warmer now. The next 1/2 degree is likely on a coal train heading from Wyoming due in anytime. Above two degrees, the massive damage to the planet will only serve to kill and cost while you and your ilk will be completely forgotten in the mess. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/23/climate/climate-summit-global-warming.html
we, and our educated grandchildren will immortalize, however, the billionaires who hypnotized you over the last 40 years, seeking short term profit over sustainability. http://www.thedailybeast.com/united-nations-climate-action-summit-makes-real-progress-while-trump-lives-in-fantasy
The melted ice water effect on the ocean conveyor is a tipping point. Read, Dale. All it takes is a click. Just a click away. https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/
Porter Lansing – “for you to be throwing around unfounded fears about a horrible disease”
You are a Judas Goat. You are also not the only one to lose someone close do to tragic unforeseen and horrifying circumstances.
Sheep be warned.
“In the years to come, the WTR’s cautionary findings would be replicated by numerous other scientists in the United States and around the world, leading the World Health Organization in 2011 to classify cell-phone radiation as a “possible” human carcinogen and the governments of Great Britain, France, and Israel to issue strong warnings on cell-phone use by children.”
“Whatever Carlo’s motives might have been, the documented fact is that he and Wheeler would eventually clash bitterly over the WTR’s findings, which Carlo presented to wireless-industry leaders on February 9, 1999. By that date, the WTR had commissioned more than 50 original studies and reviewed many more. Those studies raised “serious questions” about cell-phone safety, Carlo told a closed-door meeting of the CTIA’s board of directors, whose members included the CEOs or top officials of the industry’s 32 leading companies, including Apple, AT&T, and Motorola.”
“When Carlo arrived, he was met by two seriously muscled men in plain clothes; the larger of the two let drop that he had recently left the Secret Service. The security men steered Carlo into a holding room, where they insisted he remain until his presentation. When summoned, Carlo found roughly 70 of the industry’s top executives waiting for him in silence. Carlo had spoken a mere 10 minutes when Wheeler abruptly stood, extended a hand, and said, “Thank you, George.” The two muscle men then ushered the scientist to a curbside taxi and waited until it pulled away.”
“Funding friendly research has perhaps been the most important component of this strategy, because it conveys the impression that the scientific community truly is divided. Thus, when studies have linked wireless radiation to cancer or genetic damage—as Carlo’s WTR did in 1999; as the WHO’s Interphone study did in 2010; and as the US National Toxicology Program did in 2016—industry spokespeople can point out, accurately, that other studies disagree. “[T]he overall balance of the evidence” gives no cause for alarm, asserted Jack Rowley, research and sustainability director for the Groupe Special Mobile Association (GSMA), Europe’s wireless trade association, speaking to reporters about the WHO’s findings.”
You should really put down the 5G crack for awhile and read that study .. -pull it up on a computer that uses copper or fiber, though.
Go to city council and present the findings of this research study.
“But when Lai recategorized the studies according to their funding sources, a different picture emerged: 67 percent of the independently funded studies found a biological effect, while a mere 28 percent of the industry-funded studies did. Lai’s findings were replicated by a 2007 analysis in Environmental Health Perspectives that concluded industry-funded studies were two and a half times less likely than independent studies to find a health effect.”
5G radiation is not ionizing. Which means there is not enough energy to strip electrons and/or dissociate molecules.
Nobody has found any link with 3G or 4G to cancers, but 5G hasn’t been studied as thoroughly yet (that is just because 3G and 4G have been studied for far longer).
Dale … That article is invalid. Got any more?
Porter Lansing – why is it invalid?
It demonstrates a pattern of behavior of the industry that degrades trust.
Find a single public safety study of 5G.
Find an insurance company that will indemnify a municipality against the dangers of 5G.
Then you win.
Then again, the direct physical hazards of 5G are only one reason why 5G is a horrible idea.
Invasions of privacy, the fact that it has to be brought in under cover of darkness (quite literally, replacing street lights).
The fact that the hardware for it was slated to come from China.
We know what it is. Just tell the truth. 5G is a usurpation of human freedom and agency.
Christians would call it the mark of the beast.
“The difficulty is due, first and foremost, to the fact that the type of radiation involved in wireless communications is in the range of radio waves, and these waves carry much less energy than ionizing radiation, such as X-rays and cosmic rays, that can break chemical bonds in DNA and lead to cancer.
Furthermore, there are limits, set by the Federal Communications Commission, on the amount of RF that cell phones can emit. The only known biological effect of RF at the power levels used in wireless technology is heating, and the FCC limits restrict heating. There are no known health effects below the level at which heating occurs.”
They also discuss how results of a study on rats can be misinterpreted. The good news for John Dale is that there is probably a lot of money now in 5G research, regardless of the actual effects.
The bad news for the rest of us is that money to be spent for 5G research could be spent better elsewhere.
The public is harmed when we avoid that other beneficial research.
Dale, I’ve picked a side, The Pelosi side. You can keep the stank old Chubby.
I think we should go back to when America was great again, crank telephones. Who needs progress when you have Chubby. 5G is like 4G and 3G, but 5G is oh gee for speed and the future. The rest of the world will be moving on while we still are trying to figure out how China was successful with their 5G and we still struggle with 3G. Check out your internets, it ain’t what it should be because Chubby’s FCC dude is as corrupt as him. Life is funny like that.
Dale’s theme song:
Dale, my boy. That was a trap to see if that’s the only source for your assertion. Obviously it is or you’d present a valid link. Numerous valid, scientific links refuting your nonsense have already been posted by numerous blog readers.
Let’s get back on topic and not again get hijacked by the wild ramblings of the blog idiot.
My point is that you’re a dupe. You’re so eager to think you know something no one else knows that you believe anything, as long as you agree with it. Nation isn’t a scientific journal. It’s not a scientific anything and neither are you. You use no scientific method to come to your invalid conclusions. Just emotion. An opinion that something needs more study is hardly evidence of 5G causing cancer.
Doesn’t 5G benefit corporations and make profits? Isn’t that the ONLY concern we have in policy: make the corporations more money?
Robert McTaggart – your study confirms that male rats in the study suffered the effects.
The study makes an appeal to Occam’s Razor – not very scientific, but I respect the attempt.
“Bucher led the NTP’s large, ten-year study of 2G and 3G RF on rodents”
Where did the money come from? Why was Carlo (from the article I posed) not included?
The article you cite says NOTHING of the funding sources, but I did do a little poking around.
NTP is in charge of the study, which started on the heels of the industry’s coordinated conspiracy to discredit Carlo’s research (from The Nation article I cited).
Now, imagine my shock.
The current director of NTP, who has been working with them since the 1970’s, worked at the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory in Utica, New York before joining the NTP.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
5G is not about faster Internet.
Fiber optics consume low energy, do not heat human tissue, and offer the fastest Internet available.
This is about mass surveillance and usurpation of human agency by the organization on Earth famous for invasion of privacy: The Masons.
o – I appreciate your sardonism.
Imagine my shock to see the neolibs everywhere in support of 5G, which pollutes the entire environment with radiation while strip mining to build the equipment.
neoliberal, neoconservative .. same same.
MASONS (mostly OTO Masons).
If they keep watching us this hard, there won’t be anybody to watch anymore.
Debbo – are you the head of your local OES chapter?
“Birnbaum’s directorship of the NIEHS came in the wake of congressional investigations into alleged conflict-of-interest activity of the institute’s previous director, David A. Schwartz.
Birnbaum and her husband, retired mathematician David Birnbaum, have two daughters and are grandparents. She has served as a cantor at her synagogue.”
Wow, she got the job because the previous guy was investigated in congress.
Sound familiar?
John, this is why you vex me: why are you SO focused on 5G and its adverse health effects for people (to the point of derailing all other discussion topics to speak to the horrors of 5G), yet seem so indifferent to the myriad of other, far more direct, far more treacherous health risks perpetrated by American corporations: lead in water, air pollution, asbestos . . . ?
o – The conversation was not derailed inasmuch as it took a turn into a related area. You are not doing the same thing .. making a comparison to illustrate a point.
I think 5G is a present threat to human safety. The research supports my point-of-view. Even research posted to counter my position ended up supporting my point-of-view.
For some more perspective consider this:
Strip mining the raw materials for 5G equipment that these technocratic psychopaths want to put every 200 feet across the face of the Earth will put heavy metals in the soil, water, and air.
American corporations are not the problem. Multinational corporations operating in China for globalists will create water, air, and soil pollution!
China has misdirected a huge swath of otherwise good Americans to support their own undoing.
The Masons are complicit (again, mostly OTO, but the entire organization is a danger because it exists as a dashboard of control for “toxicology” and other experimentation).
Information systems should be at our side assisting us with moral, human tasks. The technocratic sociopaths and their unwitting lackeys are trying to replace humanity with these monstrosities and it creates conflict, pain, and strife regardless of which side you’re on.
I’m sorry, folks, but the next phase of this will be painful, but it is necessary to preserve humanity.
You’ll want to have some extra food on hand, and be ready to work hard.
O, this may be helpful to you. It was to me. The writer, who is no one of special note, has done a nice job of describing what it is like trying to have a fact-based discussion with Dale or similar people. This is the $ quote for me:
“Intellectually, we all sense that Trumpists are unbalanced and misinformed. When it’s laid out in plain English on social media, it makes your hair hurt.”
No John Dale, one study does not make a case, and you also have to get into the studies. The question is how likely is the evidence of cancer due to the other items in the background and how they ran the experiment. If they find cancer in one 5G study of rats, you cannot apply that to everything.
Remember, the irradiation for the rats was whole body, not just at the brain. Humans and rats are mammals. So hooray team…but somehow a rat is not really a person.
Johhnny Fraud pushes 5G because he gets 5 grand for every thread he can hijack.
Debbo – “Johhnny Fraud pushes 5G because he gets 5 grand for every thread he can hijack.”
Is this the kind of fact-based inquiry to which you’re referring?
I got through the effort to follow up with RM’s link, an this is the way you respond?
Give it up moon-beam.
Robert McTaggart – “one study does not make the case”
Please go read over that The Nation article.
It is a Meta-study. It did a study of the studies and followed the money and found that industry was punishing scientists who came-up with unfavorable results.
It is thorough and meticulous and concludes very strongly that non-industry studies have a scientific consensus that wireless radiation needs public safety scrutiny.
Mike, you and I have exchanged identities in Dale World. I think a lot of that kind of confusion goes on there. 🤣🤣🤣
The article I quoted says the following about the rat study….regarding how the results could be misinterpreted.
“First, he put the highlighted findings in perspective by underscoring the large number of analyses, “None of these results are corrected for multiple comparisons, …, and I am sure that correcting for that would yield a totally negative study.”
Second, he addressed the biological mechanism involved in subjecting test animals to RF energy, “Another consideration is that the increase [in tumors] occurred at the highest exposure levels (6 watts/kg whole body absorption). ”
Foster concluded, “So there are three possibilities: (a) a statistical fluke; (b) a real effect due to thermophysiological changes; or (c) a direct effect of RF energy. Occam’s razor suggests that the first two are more likely.”
And with only one study, a statistical fluke is possible. Like one day you flip a quarter 10 times and 8 of them are heads. Are you saying you would bet people that you could get 8 heads every time? That is the risk you run by focusing on one study. But if you have money to burn….then go ahead.
Chubby’s bag man, Giuliani is off to Russia for a “meeting” with Putin and others. How nice. Gotta keep getting the game plan on stealing democracy from a country who allowed stole the election that put Chubby in power in the first place.
“According to The Washington Post, Giuliani is scheduled to be a “paid speaker at a Kremlin-backed conference” on Tuesday. But he won’t be there without a friendly face he can sit with, because Vladimir Putin will also be on hand with a cadre of top Russian officials.”
Thune, Rounds and Dirty are still loving their guy. Bless their hearts. They know where the gravy train is and there gonna stick with it. Thick as thieves is really appropriate .
Senate Democrats wrapped up an 18-month investigation on Friday into the National Rifle Association and its interactions with Maria Butina and other Russians, concluding that the organization’s top officials were aware that Russia was using its connections to the NRA to improve its access to American lawmakers. Friday’s report expanded on the NRA’s role in connecting the Russians to American politicians. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/09/nra-senate-report-maria-butina-moscow-trip.html
The report focused on a 2015 visit by some NRA leaders to Moscow. Butina, with the help of her then-boyfriend, the Republican operative Paul Erickson, arranged for former NRA President David Keene to attend the Moscow trip, where Keene had hoped to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to previous reports. The Senate report noted that Butina had hinted the same possibility of meeting Putin to Peter Brownell, the incoming president of the NRA.
“This report lays out in significant detail that the NRA lied about the 2015 delegation trip to Moscow,” Wyden said in a statement. “This was an official trip undertaken so NRA insiders could get rich—a clear violation of the principle that tax-exempt resources should not be used for personal benefit.
“The totality of evidence uncovered during my investigation, as well as the mounting evidence of rampant self-dealing, indicate the NRA may have violated tax laws,” he said.
Robert McTaggart – thanks for the civility and thoughtfulness.
In the The Nation article, the meta study looked at many studies dating back to the late 90’s.
There are two things that are the test for me on 5G and whether I would want my kids near to it .. first, is there an insurance policy The City of Spearfish can purchase to indemnify them if/when they roll it out. Second, is there a credible public safety study like they conduct on seat belts, children’s toys, and cookware?
To my knowledge, insurance companies won’t touch the stuff. There has also never been a credible, independent, public funded study on the safety of these devices.
To add to that, our graduating high school students have not been taught to audit them. I think this is a good barometer for both our education system and for any technology we want to roll out society wide.
Like the production of money, the rollout of technology should have significant hurdles and barriers.
5G is a Trojan Horse .. we do not need 5G to thrive and be happy.
Erickson just had his upcoming trial delayed.
Paranoids like Dale spend a lot of money at Lloyd’s of London. They’ll insure against any crackpot fear. I think Dale invented this 5G-phobia because he can’t afford to get his kids what they want.
Porter Lansing – I’m living in your head rent-free, bud.
I think I’ll put the couch over there, next to the big vacuous space where your common sense should be.
I think you are certainly free not to use 5G technologies for whatever reason you choose not to use them. For instance, 5G devices may cost a lot of money. You may have a political reason not to buy from a given supplier, etc.
But given the available data I cannot say in good conscience that the radio waves in question will cause cancer. The radio waves are of much lower energy than gamma rays and X-rays. The power output is regulated so that other biological effects due to heating are not possible.
The energy of a photon is h * f, where h is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency. 5G frequencies exist between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. This means that the energies will vary between 1.24E-04 eV and 1.24E-03 eV. (1 eV = 1 electron-Volt, and 1 GHz = 1 billion Hertz).
Chemical energy levels are on the order of several electron-Volts, so 5G is not energetic enough to excite these levels. Some molecular rotational energies are in the ballpark but this depends on the molecule (Carbon monoxide has a couple, for instance, in the 5G range).
Wave mechanics are also at play. If the wavelength is much larger than the object, it will diffract and have little reflection. If it is smaller, then most of it will reflect and not much will diffract (diffraction means the wave bends around the object and keeps on going).
For instance, a bat sends out a sound wave smaller than the fruit fly it is interested in so that the sound wave bounces back to the bat.
With regard to 5G, the wavelengths vary between 1 centimeter and 1 millimeter (which impacts the size of the requisite antenna in your phone). Both of these are larger than a typical cell in the human body, so direct interactions with DNA are not an issue.
What’s ironic is that 5G will probably cure cancer.
5G permeates the air with unwanted radioactive waves/particles like cigarette smoke. You don’t get a choice of whether to get the negative effects of 5G as long as your neighbor smokes .. er .. uses 5G.
The waves of 5G modulation permeate your property without your consent, like someone standing outside blowing cigarette smoke in your window.
Even if just a little harmful, most people would opt out if they truly knew the risks.
5G – an embarrassing colossal waste of resources that feeds the hospital market.
At 4:00 AM, Dale? Get a life, boy. Obsession is a mental illness. Maybe a checkup would be a good idea?
28 Billion! Farmers have sucked the taxpayers of the United States out of enough to provide healthcare, raise education salaries and much more. Wait until the steel industry comes for their handout. Yes, we are really kicking the world’s arse with the Chubby/Rounds/Thune and Dirty Tariff show. How much more can we put out for nothing?
“The Donald Trump bailouts to U.S. farmers affected by his unnecessary trade war with China have now ballooned to $28 billion. If you want to know whether that’s a lot of money in the grand government scheme of things, it’s over double what the government ended up paying to save the U.S. automotive industry during the 2008 Great Recession. Those efforts, by both Bush and Obama, had Republicans absolutely spittle-flecked in their outrage. A chap named Mitt Romney wrote a now-famous op-ed condemning the plan; Trump and his mini-me vice president both have themselves been vocal in their opposition to that bailout.”
Hello 2008, we have beaten you and we ain’t even close yet to the bottom. Oh, the joy of watching the meltdown and the theft of our future, kinda makes you want to vote for more Rounds and the rest of the crooks and liars just to see the end.
Leslie – check the post again, 67% was the number I cited. And it’s non-industry funded studies.
Radio waves do not behave as particles, and they are not carried along by the wind.
5G frequencies are probably found in nature too. So you are not going to eliminate these frequencies. The Sun produces ultraviolet light, which can also generate cancer in larger amounts. That permeates the atmosphere. You are not going to turn off the Sun.
Smoking has been proven to generate cancers. 5G has not…particularly at the power levels that devices that FCC would approve them at.
You can certainly avoid any perceived risk by not using 5G devices. Triple your distance from the source, you reduce the effects by a factor of 9.
Maybe if you are on your device all the time you really have other problems too…lack of sleep, no exercise, poor diet. Those factors may be more of an issue than the 5G technology itself.
It is ironic that the tiny risk which is unsubstantiated is enough to stop using 5G, but the risks of lung cancer and other diseases from smoking or ingesting marijuana are not enough to stop smoking or using marijuana (or tobacco for that reason).
Excellent points Jerry. The GOP has no morals, no standards, no convictions. Just Greed and Lust– GOP Operating Principles.
Robert McTaggart – “Smoking has been proven to generate cancers. 5G has not”
Before smoking was proven to cause cancer and birth defects, the Tobacco industry was behaving with the exact same MO as wireless is right now .. punishing dissent, and denying the dangers.
What I’m saying is that we know the script, now. We know the tactic. The meta-reserach indicates that big wireless is just like big tobacco.
Wireless radiation permeates our living environment .. it is not carried by the air, but it is IN the air, and we do not have the option to opt-out, like a stuck-in-the-job waitress or bartender prior to banning smoking in bars, or a child that has a careless and negligent parent who smokes in the car and the house.
I’m calling my shot .. WIRELESS IS A MORE DANGEROUS CARCINOGEN THAN SMOKING TOBACCO, and the exhaust from wireless is more pervasive!
It is a lie that wireless radiation doesn’t have links to cancer.
I recommend to everyone on this board to read the research. You may find like me that it is time to divest in the 5G rollout now. You might make some short term money, but you’re doing it by externalizing health costs to the public, making any push for public option healthcare seem like a extremely mentally ill profit-play (take this wireless, pay me, get sick, pay me).
Anyone who is both invested in pharma/hospitals AND wireless is a real Satan’s anus.
We are immersed in all kinds of radiation, because that is part of nature. Biology is great at dealing with natural levels and many times natural levels.
I sympathize with your approach about not being able to opt out, but 5G is not doing any harm. You would have a better argument about who has access to the data over 5G networks and what the privacy rules are, not about 5G radiation effects that do not exist.
By the way, water can be a health hazard too. If you drink large volumes of purified water, you will have a health consequence. Oxygen can be a health hazard…there is this thing called fire that is a potential side effect. We are immersed in oxygen. But I doubt you are going to opt-out of either water or oxygen. If you use both of them safely there isn’t going to be an issue.
There isn’t a safe way to smoke. Even smokeless tobacco is unsafe.
For 5G the only possible way to even consider having a health issue is if heating does something, and you subject yourself to very high and unsafe power levels for days and months and years at a time….So don’t do that.
Good news….if there is a 5G there will be a 6G or something else later, so that this tech will be old news in 10 years.
We’ll see if your arguments regarding big companies are still there after there is a big marijuana. I don’t think that would be any better than big tobacco, as there is no admission of harm from marijuana.
You know, McTaggart. Your holier than thou act is getting really irritating. I’d like to have a visual and audio monitor on you for a month so we can see just how unhealthy, illegal, lonely, and unhappy your little Professor life really is. Experience tells me that people who spend inordinate time telling others what’s wrong with them are hiding dark secrets and using others to shield their guilt from themselves. Then we could see just why you feel a need to be that shining light of purity none of us could ever hope to equal.
I believe it is appropriate to quote from Debbo at this time….
Are you saying that what we really need is Big Marijuana, despite the reservations people have with large corporations on this blog?
With regard to the blog topic, I look forward to more normalized trade relations so South Dakota can get back to feeding the world and powering the plains.
Robert McTaggart –
Water – yes, you can die from water. If someone throws you in the water and you drown (5G), then there should be justice. If a person cliff dives and pass out and drown, that’s on the person.
It’s important to keep the analogies aligned.
“5G is not doing any harm” – It’s not fully rolled-out, yet. As you say it can be hacked (harm), weaponized and targeted (the full scope of use), and the ambient radiation is harmful, but it is a question of how harmful, which should be addressed by an actuarial table and an adequate public safety study.
As stated, people smoke because it is more illegal to process it into other forms. Smoking is not good. But smoking cannabis is one of the least enjoyable and useful means of ingestion, but it’s quick, more legal, and practical, so smoking is pervasive at this time BECAUSE of the legal status of cannabis (an unfortunate byproduct).
Our legal system was never intended to prosecute nature, so things that are dangerous existing in nature are not relevant for analogies to 5G, which is man made. Men are subject to laws and our culture is to have an expectation to adhere to the liberty codified in our laws.
You can’t sue the sun, volcanos, but you can vote ignorant politicians out of office for prohibiting cannabis.
I would agree that there is other ground to battle on with regard to 5G, and in my opinion that terrain is better for opposing 5G than linking 5G to cancer.
The fear of any radiation usually far outweighs the actual effects of the radiation. In my opinion, biology does an excellent job at dealing with radiation doses from gamma rays that have energies of Millions of electron Volts. 5G microwaves have energies below 1/1000th of an electron Volt.
You can vote for any politician you want for any reason that you want. You are free to choose not to use 5G for any reason that you want, even if that reason is not founded in science.
But to be clear, you are more likely to endure harm from 5G when you drop your phone and hit your head on the table trying to pick it up than from any radiation effect.
Robert McTaggart;
I asked Cory and Pat to publish an article about 5G and wireless that I would write, but I haven’t heard back from them yet. In structure, it would go something like this rough draft:
First, radioactive exposure has a cumulative effect; Gamma rays, other peoples’ cell phones, 2G, 3G, 4G, maybe you work with radioactive particles for Southern Blotting. This all adds up. Since 5G would always be on, it would accumulate over time and add-up more than naturally occurring radiation. Fukashima? Being in a football game or other large gathering right now is like being in a microwave with overlapping radio frequency vectors! I predict an effect on lifespan .. so, someone loses a couple of years on the tail end of the whole “life experience” (instead of living to be 80, living to be, say, 71). We won’t know until the damage is long since leveled, and the evidence of genocide long since hidden/lost.
Next, even if as you claim non-ionizing radiation is “harmless”, the frequency of 5G requires higher power than longer bandwidths that do not attenuate through matter as quickly, it heats tissue quickly as you recognize. Because of its shorter bandwidth, 5G leaves more of its energy behind as it travels. For this reason, 5G requires higher power and more hot spots, more health risk, more unwanted/uninformed exposure.
The industry has to claim they don’t know the damage, or that the studies are “inconclusive” to avoid the bulk of the lawsuits later. That said, since 67% of the non-industry funded studies indicate harm, interaction, or flat-out carcinogen of wireless, all a person would have to do is send their municipality a cease and desist letter regarding 5G, citing the meta-study I linked above (The Nation), which contains pointers to all of the other relevant research.
Next, warn your local police, EMS, and fire. Police, remove your body cams as you roll into the shop so the transmitters are not next to the heart tissue that is known to be most affected by wireless. Get the good folks that turn wrenches on the vehicles to move the transmitters and antennas as far away from passengers and drivers as possible, and do your best to shield the wireless emitters wherever they are to prevent overflow exposure to base station transmissions, which are generally larger and longer than edge devices. Whenever you can, buy devices that uses ethernet or fiber and plug them in to do the transfer, which might actually be faster than wireless even with the time it takes to plug in. It would certainly be more secure.
Then, have a guy like me look at the general flow of information within an organization to cut-out unneeded traffic, all of which is causing more transmission and slowly giving people cancer of the brain and heart.
Lastly, even if the effect of 5G is lower than I claim, it is still present. First hand cigarette smoke is more dangerous than second hand smoke, but you can’t say that because waitresses aren’t smoking first hand in the bar, people should be allowed to violate liberty in the bar by smoking up the air.
All of our wireless systems; terrestrial radio, cell phones, wireless home phones, IoT devices, CB Radios .. all of them are violations of liberty as the public has not been informed of the dangers (the wireless industry pumps out the same talking points that you have in this forum, which are not substantiated while studies of the industry’s behavior indicate the industry is intentionally clouding the science to cast enough doubt to pacify low information investors).
The only reasonable use of pre-2G wireless technology at this time is for emergency service. With a small, watch sized or credit-card sized GPS device that only transmits/receives on demand with explicit authorization from the owner, with a push of a button, EMS could be deployed to help, or you could send a loved-one a quick text message with thousands fold reduction in the overall amount of wireless traffic we have today.
This is why robust forms of media like video and audio have no business on the air waves. As you state, there is already enough radiation naturally. We shouldn’t add more if we are in keeping with liberty.
This is why all of my Internet radio broadcasts are “totally wired”, meaning you can obtain them without the use of any wireless technology. This, in my view, is the future eventually, no matter what.
In short, philosophically:
EMS to your person, fiber to the curb.
Also as you recognize, 5G is a Chinese/Globalist Trojan Horse , so 5G is precursor to WAR but instead of boats to lead the ground invasion, we had dumb, hapless investors and EB5. But, the cultural cancer caused by 5G and social credit score systems is another topic for another thread.
Dale @ 9:03…bullsheit flag! Its 97 not 67 % as you mislead. https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/
leslie – 67% of non-industry funded studies show that wireless is a carcinogen, interacts with tissue negatively, dangerous to humans.
Sorry, I think I got my threads mixed-up ..
I’ve been looking into the 5G thing .. the whole Trump impeachment distraction seems to be the time they’re being installed.
Great expectations…… https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/10/11/20909685/pigs-use-tools-video-study-animal-intelligence
When i first saw this piece I had great expectations of seeing Noem and wingnuts doing the heavy lifting for hogs everywhere by pushing CAFOs hard. What better tools could a pig desire?
Mike . . . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Moar bad news for all dairy farmers that have dairy cows.
mfi, I am thinking that is the fate of the Republican party as they are descended from just one idiot now. The Chubby trumpy party of losers.
Jerry, that’s funny!
Good one, Jerry. Debbo, good on you for recognizing comedic talent. jerry’s got it.
jerry does have a nice touch of funny.
Gov. Justice (R) of West Virginia just happens to be the wealthiest man in the state just capped the farmer bailout of corn and soybeans at $125,000.
He failed to spend the welfare granted him on his numerous farm operations but on other stuff. There will be no consequences for his waste and financial abuse.
Never guess which billionaire governor of West Virginia qualified for and received the highest allowable tariff payout. Well he did. And is probably grousing it wasn’t billions more.