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Doddering Tyrant Forces Thune to Express Support for Unbiased Weather Reports

Will Senator John Thune get to play a role in Weathergate? He tells CNN that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s threat to fire National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials if NOAA didn’t repudiate the rebuttal to Donald Trump’s false hurricane alarm to Alabama would be a problem:

Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, said it would be problematic if Ross threatened NOAA employees.

“We want the weather service to operate with integrity and without bias,” he told CNN.

Thune, is the second-ranking GOP leader and just-past chairman of the Commerce Committee, which has oversight of the Commerce Department and NOAA. He said he could not independently confirm the threatened firing.

“I haven’t heard that yet but I am sure if they did, I will,” he said [Chandelis Duster, “New York Times: Commerce Secretary Threatened to Fire Top NOAA Employees If They Didn’t Disavow Alabama Tweet,” CNN, 2019.09.09].

Haven’t heard that yet? Come on, John! What good is being Number 2 man in the Senate if you don’t get news before everyone but #1?

But be careful, John, or you, too, could be called into the Oval Office to argue about two-week-old weather with a too-weak old man.


  1. jerry 2019-09-09 21:23

    Thune is just collecting the grift. Here is what Rounds sent me today, a whole lot of gibberish and then this at the very end.

    “South Dakota’s farmers and ranchers have been suffering due to ongoing trade disputes, low commodity prices and spring storms that negatively impacted planting season. I thank the Trump administration for recognizing the hardships facing our producers and working to provide relief.”
    Get that, he wants to thank Chubby hump for screwing the producers and then recognizing that fact of the Chubby humping.

  2. Loren 2019-09-09 21:41

    These two clowns, Thune and Rounds, are worthless. Poor Johnnie boy frets that a threat to fire a scientist for divulging facts might be “problematic.” That is about all you will get from him. No action, no rebuke, just a, “Well, holy gee, folks.”

    I got the same message from Marion as Jerry. He talks about the fires, storms, and planting season, but only a quick mention of tariffs and trade wars ruining markets. It’s called CLIMATE CHANGE and TRADE WARS, and you, Marion, have been on Trump’s side every time. Guess that’s OK with S. Dakotans. Just keep the free money coming.

  3. jerry 2019-09-09 21:42

    Chubby hump is reminding farmers about Jimmy Carter’s wheat embargo. Farmers for chubby indeed!! You all better get a handle on this or face the past. Willie Nelson is getting old man…still toking the good stuff (Willie knows the difference between rope and dope). Farm Aid, ain’t gonna cut it boys. Get your 26 Billion bribe with taxpayer dollars and then what? Ask yourself, do you really think that Chubby hump will give a tinker’s damn about you after the election? Sober up boys. Thune and Rounds will be all grifted up so after they break the country, there gonna be moving on. Thune already knows the way to Russia and likes it there, probably will get a nice flat with a view from Chubby’s tower.’

    “Donald Trump is dredging up memories of Jimmy Carter for some Illinois farmers.

    The 45th president’s trade war with China reminds David Droste of the grain embargo the 39th president slapped on the Soviet Union in 1980. Banned from buying U.S. wheat, Russia ramped up domestic production, transforming into an exporter. Nearly four decades later, Russian wheat undercuts prices for the U.S. crop on the world market.

    “The thing about the Russian wheat embargo, we are still paying for that today,” says Droste, who farms 2,500 acres about an hour southeast of St. Louis. “That’s how long-term this could be if it’s not resolved.”

  4. Debbo 2019-09-09 23:45

    “two-week-old weather with a too-weak old man.”
    Well done Cory, well done!

    As for Thin, no one ever accused him of having courage.

  5. Dana P 2019-09-10 08:54

    Thune is such a bobble head, isn’t he? Do they go to some sort of school or training that somehow teaches them to say the words, “concerning”, “disturbing” or “disturbed”, “problematic”? Over and over again? Sigh

    Thune and Company are front and center in this march of normalizing corruption. Politicians are willing to ignore or enable this erosion of government entities. Normalizing corruption, specifically Trump corruption.


  6. Donald Pay 2019-09-10 10:14

    Jerry points out that Rounds couched his statements of fact in some sort of mealymouthed praise for Dear Leader. One must, I suppose, genuflect to the tyrant. Rounds should write a book called “Profiles in Cowardice.” Thune, at least from the quotes provided, didn’t couch his criticism in fawning praise. Great to see some small step toward reality spoken without kissing Trump’s posterior.

  7. Debbo 2019-09-10 14:04

    “Thune, at least from the quotes provided, didn’t couch his criticism in fawning praise.”

    Isn’t it sad, how hard we have to look for even the faintest positives among the GOP? At least Thin didn’t grovel like Roundy did. Pitiful.

  8. Debbo 2019-09-10 20:47

    This is sort of weather related. From Numlock News by Walt Hickey:

    “Natural gas-fired power plants have come close to wiping coal off the grid by upending the historical economics of power generation, but a new report from the Rocky Mountain Institute indicates that their own economic obsolescence may not be all that far off. The researchers analyzed cost estimates for 68 gigawatts worth of gas power generation proposed across the U.S. and determined by 2035, it will be more expensive to run 90 percent of proposed natural gas power plants than it would be to build new wind and solar plants equipped with storage systems. That’s an issue, as the proposed plants are predicated on the idea that they’ll remain economically viable for the life of the generation facility, or at least until ownership pays them off. Today natural gas is responsible for 35 percent of electrical generation.”

    David R. Baker, Bloomberg

  9. paul harens 2019-09-10 21:34

    At least you guys were getting response from Rounds. I wrote a letter the last week of May. I talked to his people in July and was promised a response. Nothing….Nothing…. Just like he’s doing in Congress…nothing…nothing..

  10. Debbo 2019-09-10 22:52

    “Head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [Neil Jacobs] both defended President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday and thanked forecasters who contradicted the president’s claims about Hurricane Dorian threatening Alabama.”

  11. Debbo 2019-09-10 22:57

    While we’re talking about hurricanes, remember Maria and Puerto Rico? Yeah, and that dodgy little electric company that was supposed to restore power? (Not yet.) They turned out to be even more dodgy than expected.

    “Federal authorities said Tuesday they have arrested two former officials of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the former president of a major disaster relief contractor, accusing them of bribery and fraud in the efforts to restore electricity to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria.”

  12. jerry 2019-09-12 08:43

    President Obama’s plans sure looked good…even to Chubby hump.

    “Trump Flirts With $15 Billion Bailout for Iran, Sources Say

    President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-era nuclear deal.

    Trump has in recent weeks shown openness to entertaining President Emmanuel Macron’s plan, according to four sources with knowledge of Trump’s conversations with the French leader. […]

    The deal put forth by France would compensate Iran for oil sales disrupted by American sanctions. A large portion of Iran’s economy relies on cash from oil sales. Most of that money is frozen in bank accounts across the globe. The $15 billion credit line would be guaranteed by Iranian oil. In exchange for the cash, Iran would have to come back into compliance with the nuclear accord it signed with the world’s major powers in 2015. […]”

    Guess what else farmers? Looks like a kind of return to the TPP that Obama supported as well. The more you know about President Obama, the more farmers should miss his leadership. Put Democrats back in the saddle to avoid the current saddle sore.

  13. Debbo 2019-09-12 17:54

    But Mental Mayfly refuses to extend Temporary Protected Status to Bahamaians so they can come to the US for refuge and a roof over their heads. This is not permanent immigration. It’s a temporary, humane action. Of course Mental Mayfly and Stephen Goebbels Miller hate it.

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